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Republic of the Philippines


Higher Education Regional Office VI (HERO VI)
City Government of Bago
Rafael Salas Drive, Brgy. Balingasag, Bago City, Negros Occidental 6101
Tel: [034] 4611-363 | Fax: [034] 4610-546 | E-mail:

GEC 106

NAME: ___________________________________________________________COURSE, YEAR &SECTION: ____________

INSTRUCTOR: ______________________________________________________CONTACT NO: ________________________



At the end of the lesson, the students must have:
1. Identified the different architecture and architectural periods through filling in the missing letters.
2. Categorized examples of architecture to its specific type through filling in matrix
3. Described and analysed different architectures in terms of architectural period by completing the table and
essay writing.
4. Created an infographic presentation about public and private spaces that can be found in their
5. Listed other examples of architectural forms that can be found in the Philippines.


Architecture is everywhere. Each and every building: home, school, office, hospital and supermarket were
designed for their particular purpose. Architecture is define as the art and science of designing and constructing
buildings. In Philippine setting, the culture of the Philippines are reflected in its architectural heritage, in the
dwellings of its various peoples, in churches and mosques, and in the buildings that have risen in response to the
demands of progress and the aspirations of the people. Architecture in the Philippines today is the result of a
natural growth enriched with the absorption of varied influences. It developed from the pre-colonial influences of
our neighboring Malay brothers, continuing on to the Spanish colonial period, the American Commonwealth
period, and the modern contemporary times. As a result, the Philippines has become an architectural melting pot–
uniquely Filipino with a tinge of the occidental. (Noche, 2015)
This module will help you recognized different architectural periods in history. It will also tackle about
different Philippine architectural art forms.


Activity 1: Fill in the missing letters in order for you to unlocked architectures in a specific period. Below is a
preview for the history of architectural periods wherein certain architecture emerged in a specific time.

Architectural Name Architectural Period

1. CA V_ E

3. _PY R A_M I D 4. E _GY PT

5. P AR T H EN ON 6. G R EEK

7. C OLO SSEU M 8. R_ O M E

9. KHAL IF_A 10. M OD E_ R N

Activity 2: Categorize the following examples in the box as to which type of structure it belong. Write your answer
in column B.

Badjao Houseboats Tree houses Sementeryo Kapitolyo Pince Hypermart

Public Market Mosque Kalinga binayon Munisipyo Theme Parks

Maranao Torogan Sabungan 7/11 Bahay Kubo Lean-to

Column A Column B
Vernacular Architecture  Tree houses
 Badjao Houseboats
 Bahay kubo
Ethnic Dwellings  Kalinha binayon
 Lean-to
 Maranao Torogon
Religious Spaces  Mosque
 Sementeryo
Recreational Buildings  Theme Park
 Sabungan
Commercial Buildings  Prince hypermart
 7/11
Government Buildings  Munisipyo
 Kapitolyo
 Public Market

A. Complete the matrix below. Assessed if the following architectures are made during Pre-colonial,
Spanish or American Period. Describe how it is being formed or used in one sentence only. I will upload a
PowerPoint presentation as your reference.

Architecture Architectural Period Description

Cave or Kuweba Pre- Colonial Architecture Created by carving out of solid natural
rock and used as human habitat.

Pre Colonial Architecture Fabricated with the ever dependable
Bahay Kubo bamboo or kawayan and bond together
with tree strings with dry coconut leaves
or cogon grass
Roman Architecture It is built using materials for hanging
Tree Houses includes rope, wire , cables , tension
fasteners and springs
Spanish Architecture This house is not totally made of stones
Bahay na Bato some of the rooms are core wood
dominated while other are more modern
and incorporate concrete
American Architecture Made of wood and heavy very wide heavy
Tsalet roof the slopes down

American Architecture This house is constructed with bricks,

Spilt Level House wood and aluminum clodding as well as
traditional decorative elements
Pre Colonial Architecture Made of articulate curved stones.

Spanish Architecture Use of materials such as steels and

Simbahan concrete, has an effect upon the design of

B. ESSAY. In not less than 5 sentences, differentiate architectures from Pre-colonial, Spanish and American period.

The Architecture of the Philippines is a reflection of the history and heritage of the country. The
most prominent historic constructions in the archipelago are from the Spanish, and American
cultures. The pre-colonial architecture of the Philippines consisted of the Nipa hut made from
natural materials but there are some traces of large-scale construction before the Spanish
colonizers came but not well documented.

During Spanish colonialization, the Philippine architecture was dominated by the Spanish
influences. During this period, Intramuros, the walled city of Manila, was built with its walls,
houses, churches and fortress . The architecture of the Philippines was dominated by the American
style. In this period the plan for the modern city of Manila was designed, with a large number of
neoclassical architecture and art deco buildings by famous American and Filipino architects. During
the liberation of Manila by the Americans in 1945, large portions of Intramuros and Manila were
destroyed. In the period after the second world war many of the destroyed buildings were rebuilt.


The architecture in the Philippines can be categorized in different periods such as the precolonial period,
Spanish, American and the contemporary period. The Philippine’s architectural landscape is a contrast among
small traditional huts built of wood, bamboo, nipa, grass, and other native materials; the massive Spanish colonial
churches, convents and fortifications; the American mission style architecture as well as the buildings of commerce
with their modern 20th century styles; and today’s contemporary, albeit “modern mundane” concrete structures of
the cities.
The Philippine Architectural forms can be divided into two. The public and private spaces. Forms is how a
space is used or functions. The public spaces are large and commodious structures where it can take many people
at one given time. Occupants are transitory, staying in a building to transact their business. Private spaces are
residences where people dwell for an extended period of time.


Create a short PowerPoint or infographic presentation introducing public and private spaces that can be
found in your community. The presentation, if in video form, should not exceed 2 minutes. Submit your output in
our Facebook group.

Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
Organization of the Ideas
Total 15


List down specific examples of different types of architecture that can be found within the Philippines.

Religious Spaces Recreational Buildings Commercial Buildings Government Buildings

 Manila Cathedral  Manila Zoo  Hospitals  City Hall
 Bacolod  Bantayan Park  Sm Malls  Municipal Hall
Cathedral  Campuestohan  Ayala Malls  Provincial Capitol
 Santa Maria Highland Resort  Restaurants  City Health Office
Church  Panaad Park  Medical Center  Land
 Casa Manila  Rizal Park Transportation
Cruch Office
 Our Lady of Pillar
Parish Ma ao


Refer to your respective instructions for any questions or clarifications on your module.

EDUCATION Mr. Alvin Maquiling
AB ENGLISH Ms. Lovely Joy Travilla


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