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The article entitled Rubbing the skin when removing makeup cosmetics is a major factor that

worsens skin conditions in atopic dermatitis patients appeals to the reader’s reason, the authors’

authority and to the reader’s emotions. The authors’ thesis is clear and specific supported by

strong reasons and credible sources found under the materials and methods section of the

article.The authors are credible sources themselves involved in medical practice and research and

thus are able to lay the credibility lay the foundation for their research. The authors appeal to the

benefit of makeup as a way to increase the quality of life causing the readers to be immediately

drawn by relating to the findings these authors will share throughout the article.

The authors presented information and findings in a clear and specific matter by first providing

the reasons behind the study and providing a well-ordered step by step explanation of the study

methods and steps. For example under the materials and methods section of the article found in

page 1996, the authors provide the basis for the study when they presented information on the

type of test that was used for the study, a controlled usage test, performed under ethical

guidelines and reviewed and approved by the Review Board of the Japan Aesthetic Dermatology

Symposium. The fact that the information and findings presented in this article were reviewed

provides credibility and draws the reader to lean in knowing that what they are reading is

credible and research based.

The authors themselves are either medical researchers and one in medical practice. This also

provides strong qualifications on the behalf of the authors, the reader sees the connection

between the authors and the research they will share throughout the article.

The authors began their article by strongly appealing to readers, the use of makeup increases the

quality of life for patients with atopic dermatitis, readers are drawn in being that they know of
someone with atopic dermatitis or are themselves affected by it, this automatically draws them in

to what the authors are presenting.

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