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A is the defendant in a criminal trial, and the prosecution must prove that he committed the act of
theft beyond a reasonable doubt, as it is the main issue to be resolved in the case.

What specific fact that the prosecution needs to establish or prove in the trial to demonstrate Mr. A's
guilt in the theft case?

A) Factum probandum

B) Corpus delicti

C) Factum probans

D) Habeas corpus

Mr. A is the defendant in a criminal trial where his alibi is being questioned, and the evidence presented
by the prosecution shows that he was present at the crime scene at the time of the incident.

what specific evidence or proof presented by the prosecution to support their argument that Mr. A was
indeed at the crime scene during the time of the incident?

A) Factum probans

B) Corpus delicti

C) Res ipsa loquitur

D) Habeas corpus

In a criminal trial, Mr. A is accused of committing burglary. One of the key witnesses provides a firsthand
account of seeing Mr. A near the crime scene at the time of the incident.

What type of evidence is the firsthand account provided by the witness, offering direct information
about Mr. A's presence at the crime scene during the time of the burglary?

A) Testimonial evidence

B) Circumstantial evidence

C) Physical evidence

D) Hearsay evidence

Mr. A is a suspect in a homicide case. Forensic investigators discover fingerprints matching those of Mr. A
at the crime scene, linking him to the murder.

What type of evidence do the discovered fingerprints at the crime scene represent, providing tangible
proof of Mr. A's presence at the location where the homicide occurred?

A) Physical evidence

B) Testimonial evidence

C) Documentary evidence

D) Demonstrative evidence
During an investigation, a blood-stained knife is discovered in Mr. A's possession, and forensic analysis
confirms that the blood on the knife matches that of the victim from a recent homicide.

What type of evidence is the blood-stained knife ?

A) Object evidence

B) Testimonial evidence

C) Hearsay evidence

D) Documentary evidence

In a financial fraud case, investigators discover incriminating emails sent by Mr. A to his accomplice
discussing their plan to manipulate company accounts for personal gain.

What type of evidence do the incriminating emails represent?

A) Documentary evidence

B) Physical evidence

C) Hearsay evidence

D) Circumstantial evidence

In a criminal trial, a witness testifies that they overheard someone else claiming to have seen Mr. A
committing the crime of theft, but the witness did not directly witness the crime themselves.

What type of evidence is the witness's testimony based on what they heard from another person about
Mr. A's alleged involvement in the theft?

A) Hearsay evidence

B) Physical evidence

C) Testimonial evidence

D) Documentary evidence

During a trial concerning Mr. A's alleged robbery, the defense attempts to introduce evidence irrelevant
to the main issue, focusing on Mr. A's personal life rather than his involvement in the crime.

What evidence brought up by the defense that is unrelated to the main issue of whether or not Mr. A
committed the robbery?

A) Collateral matters

B) Hearsay evidence

C) Expert testimony

D) Leading questions
Witnesses testify that they saw Mr. A using a crowbar to enter a building and leaving with stolen items
during a burglary.

What type of evidence do the witness testimonies represent, providing clear firsthand observations of
Mr. A's actions during the crime?

A) Direct evidence

B) Circumstantial evidence

C) Hearsay evidence

D) Documentary evidence

In a complex financial fraud case, multiple witnesses provide testimonies, and various documents and
records are presented, all pointing to Mr. A's involvement in the illegal scheme.

What type of evidence do the multiple testimonies?

A) Cumulative evidence

B) positive evidence

C) Probative evidence

D) Exculpatory evidence

During a theft investigation, various witnesses provide statements that align with the security camera
footage showing Mr. A at the scene of the crime.

What evidence provided by the witnesses that supports and confirms the validity of the security camera
footage in the case against Mr. A?

A) Corroborative evidence

B) Documentary evidence

C) Hearsay evidence

D) Demonstrative evidence

During a burglary investigation, Mr. A provides evidence that he was attending a company meeting at the
time the burglary occurred, with several colleagues confirming his presence at the meeting.

What evidence provided by Mr. A and his colleagues?

A) Alibi

B) Documentary evidence

C) Hearsay evidence

D) Demonstrative evidence
During a hit-and-run investigation, Mr. A denies being the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident,
stating that he was at home at the time of the incident, despite eyewitnesses claiming otherwise.

What term is used to describe Mr. A's statement that contradicts the eyewitness accounts, asserting that
he was not the driver involved in the hit-and-run?

A) Denial

B) Documentary evidence

C) Hearsay evidence

D) Demonstrative evidence

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