Activity 15 - Nanotechnology

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Activity 15 - Nanotechnology

1. Give at least three benefits and disadvantages of nanotechnology.

- Nanotechnology has several potential benefits as well as disadvantages. Positively, it offers
developments in a number of areas, such as energy, environmental protection, and medicine.
Nanotechnology has the potential to revolutionize medicine through regenerative treatments,
enhanced diagnostics, and tailored medication delivery. It has the potential to transform the
manufacturing of gasoline, batteries, and solar cells in the energy industry. Additionally, it could
offer responses for resource conservation, pollution cleanup, and water purification in terms of
environmental sustainability. Nanotechnology does, however, carry certain disadvantages as well
to these benefits. Nanoparticles' toxicity and environmental effects are still being researched, and
it's possible that they might upset ecosystems or provide unanticipated health risks. The broad
application of nanotechnology may also give rise to moral and cultural concerns about control,
monitoring, and privacy.

2. Do research on nanotechnology products here in the Philippines. Identify 5 examples and choose only
one that surprised you the most.
- I was able to identify three items produced by the University of the Philippines Los Baños
(UPLB) based on my research: (1) Nanosilica-based fertilizer, (2) Fruitect® coating technology,
and (3) Nanoencapsulated plant growth regulators. Aside from UPLB products, the Department
of Science and Technology (DOST) developed (4) Nano-based sensors for water quality
monitoring and (5) Nanoparticle-based drug delivery systems. The nanoencapsulated plant
growth regulators are, in my opinion, the most surprising use of nanotechnology. The
technology's ability to increase the yields of significant crops in the Philippines surprises me. I
think that the lives of Filipino farmers might be significantly impacted by this technology.

3. State in your own words why nanotechnology development and application is important here in our
- I believe that nanotechnology could revolutionize multiple sectors and impact our quality of life.
However, one thing I could really think of that will help the country is turning to sustainable
energy solutions. Nanotechnology holds the potential to enhance the efficiency of solar cells and
enable the development of next-generation energy storage systems. This can definitely pave the
way for the Philippines to have a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. This will not only
minimize our dependence on fossil fuels, but this could also mitigate the effects of climate

4. Using the internet or other sources, research alternative definitions of nanotechnology and
environment. How could these differences in definitions change the conversation or perception about the
interaction of nanotechnology and the environment?
- Nanotechnology is the study of phenomena and materials at the nanometer scale. This definition
emphasizes the scientific side of nanotechnology, as well as its emphasis on understanding the
unique features of materials at the nanoscale. The environment is the physical conditions that
surround and influence the development of life. This definition emphasizes the environment's role
in supporting and maintaining life. These alternative definitions might lead to different
perspectives on the relationship between nanotechnology and the environment. A more scientific
definition of nanotechnology may lead to a more cautious approach, with an emphasis on
studying possible hazards of nanomaterials before they are extensively released into the
environment. On the other hand, a definition of the environment that highlights its role in
supporting life may lead to a more urgent focus on the potential for nanomaterials to affect human
or other species' health.

5. What can be done to reduce uncertainty in developing new nanotechnology products? Are there any
ethical implications that need to be reconsidered?
- It is essential to do extensive safety testing while producing nanotechnology products to decrease
uncertainty. Comprehensive safety testing is essential for identifying and mitigating possible
nanomaterial risks. Different exposure pathways, such as inhalation, ingestion, and skin contact,
should be tested. Long-term consequences and obligations should be considered in the
development and application of nanotechnology. This involves taking into account the possibility
of nanoparticles accumulating in the environment or having unexpected repercussions over time.

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