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PrePared by Krashna sir

Important points:

 Total Geographical Area of the country : 329 mha.

 Net sown area of the country: 139.4 mha.
 Grass sown area of the country: 200.2 mha.
 Net Irrigated area in India: 71.55 mha
 Grass irrigated area in India:102.67 mha.
 Cropping intensity of India is: 141.6%.
 The state with highest net irrigated area is: UP (14.33 mha).
 Total micro irrigation area in India 6.8 mha.
 State with highest micro irrigation area is: Karnataka (15.8 lakh ha) > Tamilnadu
(9.3 lakh/ha) > Gujrat (9 lakh/ha).
 State with highest area under Drip irrigation is: Karnataka > Andhra Pradesh >
 Highest area under sprinkler irrigation is: Karnataka.
 State with highest area under micro irrigation: When compared with total net
irrigation area is: Sikkim.
 Bt cotton area in India is: 12 mha (96% of cotton).
 Bt cotton area is highest in Maharastra followed by Gujrat.
 India ranks 5th in global cultivation of GM crops with only Bt cotton in cultivation.
 India is the largest producer of Bt cotton in the world.

Highest Production:

 Highest food grains: UP

 Highest sugarcane: UP
 Highest sugar: Maharashtra.
 Highest pulse: Madhya pradesh.
 The state that ranks first in oilseed production is: Gujrat.

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PrePared by Krashna sir
 Among the oilseed the crop with highest production and largest area under
cultivation is: Soybean > Groundnut.
 Total nutri cereals: Rajasthan.
 Leading Producers of different crops in terms of Area and production:
Crop Leading state in Leading state in Leading state in
area production yield (kg/ha)
Paddy West Bengal West Bengal Punjab
Wheat Uttar Pradesh Uttar pradesh Punjab
Oilseeds MP MP Tamil Nadu
Groundnut Gujrat Gujrat Tamil Nadu
Pulses MP MP Punjab
Rapeseed & Rajasthan Rajasthan Haryana
Soybean MP MP Telangana
Sunflower Karnataka Karnataka Telangana
Cotton Maharashtra Gujrat Karnataka
Jute & Mesta West bengal West Bengal -
Sugarcane UP UP -
Potato UP UP -
Silk, Coffee, Karnataka Karnataka -
Tobacco Gujarat Gujrat -
Rubber, Pepper, Kerala Kerala -

 India’s position in the Agriculture:

Ist rank: spices, Ginger, Banana, Mango, Pulses, Cotton seeds, Milks, millets,
Cashewnut, Pomegranate, Jute, Coconut, Livestock, Acid lime.
Ind ranks: Potato, Onion, Tea, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Sugarcane, Rice, Wheat,
Food grains, Groundnut, Cotton, Fruits, Vegetables.
IIIrd Rank: Tomato, fertilizer
 Highest gross sown area: UP > MP > MH
 Highest net sown area: MH and UP

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PrePared by Krashna sir
 Barren and uncultivated land highest in: Rajasthan
 Post harvest losses in cereals and pulses: 4 to 6%
 Percapita Availability of food grains 2021-22:
Food grain PCA (g/day)
Pulses 45
Rice 197
Wheat 183.4
Other cereals 82.4
Total cereals 462.8
Fruits 201.5
Vegetables 400
Milk 427
Egg 91 eggs/annum
Fish 10.54kg/annum
Meat 6.5 kg/annum
Total Food grains 5.7.8

Fertilizer Scenario:

 Worlds first Nano Urea liquid developed by: IFFCO on June 2021.
 Fertilizer subsidy scheme to be named as: PM Bhartiya Jan Urvarak Pariyojana (
8 June 2022)
 One nation one fertilizer scheme named as: PM Bhartiya Jan Urvarak Pariyojana.
 All Urea to be sold under brand name of BHARAT UREA’ and All DAP sold
under brand name of ‘BHARAT DAP’.
 Total consumption of fertilizer in India in 2021-21 is: 29.04 MMT.
N:18.80 MMT
P2O5 : 7.54 MMT
K2O : 2.70 MMT
 NPK use ratio in India in 2020-21 : 6.7 : 2.4 : 1
 Per ha consumption of fertilizer in India: 144.9 kg/ha.

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PrePared by Krashna sir
 Per ha consumption of fertilizer highest in: Bihar (245.24 kg/ha) > Puducherry
 Lowest: Kerala > J & K

Organic farming scenario:

 Total area under the organic certification in India was: 5.9 mha. (3.6 mha
cultivable area and another 2.3 mha. For wild harvest collection.
 Total certified organic production in India: 3.5 MMT.
 The state with largest area under organic certification is MP > RJ > MH.
 MP. Has 0.76 MHA of area under organic cultivation i.e., Over 27% of India’s
total under Organic cultivation.
 India’s first organic state – Sikkim, second- Uttarakhand.
 The country with largest area under organic farming – Australia (35.7 mha) >
Argentina (4.5 mha)
 The country with largest number of organic produce in the world : India (More
than 30% of worlds organic producers are in India.
 India’s rank in terms of organically cultivated area is 4th.
 World’s first wholly organic country is: Bhutan
 Largest produced organic commodities during the year 2020-21 was: Oilseeds >
Fibre > Sugar
 South India’s first Organic farming university may set up in: Shivamogga,
 National Organic farming Research Institute in Sikkim
 India’s first Organic farming University going to be set up in Vadodara, Gujarat.
 National Centre for organic farming: Ghaziabad, UP
 Indian Institute of farming system Research : Modi Puram, UP

For more Agriculture Notes kindly join telegram: Agriculture by Krashna sir

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