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Item analysis is valuable in improving test items and also to
eliminate misleading items in a test administration. It increases
instructors’ skills in test construction, and identifies specific areas of
course content which need emphasis or clarity as described by the
Office of Educational Assessment (2005).
The following report is based on test and item analysis of 20
multiple-choice test items which were administered to 25 students
(Appendix B).

2. Purpose of report
The purpose of this report is to disseminate information based on
the descriptive statistics on 20 multiple-choice test items
administered to 25 students.

3. Test analysis
Table 1: Descriptive statistics

Mean 65.79
Mode 65.00
Median 65.00
STDEV 21.90
Table 1 show that the mean, mode, and the median have the same
value of 65 which means that it is a normal distribution.

Frequency graphs

Table 2: Grouped frequency table

H 100
L 15
Range 85
Number of intervals 10
Size of interval 8.5

Table3: Cumulative frequency distribution

Lowe Cumulativ
r Upper Interva Middle Frequenc e
Limit Limit l Value y Frequency
15.00 24 15-24 19.5 1 1
25.00 34 25-34 29.5 2 3
35.00 44 35-44 39.5 0 3
45.00 54 45-54 49.5 4 7
55.00 64 55-64 59.5 3 10
65.00 74 65-74 69.5 6 16
75.00 84 75-84 79.5 1 17
85.00 94 85-94 89.5 6 23
95.00 104 95-104 99.5 2 25

Figure 2: Frequency Histogram

Frequency Histogram


15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85-94 95-104

This is the graphical representation of the distribution of data as

displayed in Figure 2, which shows a count of the data points falling
in various ranges.

Figure 3: Frequency Polygon

Frequency Polygon


19.5 29.5 39.5 49.5 59.5 69.5 79.5 89.5 99.5

Middle values of intervals

The points in the frequency polygon Figure 3 are connected by straight lines
to show that the data are uniformly distributed across the class interval as
represented on the histogram Figure 2 by a rectangular bar.

Figure 4:Cumulative Frequency Graph

Cumulative Frequency Graph






24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104
Upper values

Figure 4 shows the actual frequency distribution at each interval

with the upper values at the x-axis and the frequency at the y-axis.

Reliability coefficient of a test

The Kuder-Richardson formula 20 was used to calculate the

reliability coefficient based on the number of test items (k), the
proportion of the responses to an item that are correct (p) , the
proportion of the responses that are incorrect (q), and the variance(
squared standard deviation).

Table 4: Coefficients of reliability

k 20
k-1 19
Total pq 3.83
Stdev 21.90
(Stdev)2 479.57
KR20 1.04
The above table with a KR20 of 1.04 clearly shows that the test was
reliable as shown in Table 4.
4. Item analysis
Difficulty indices of a test item

The difficulty index is the proportion of students who answered the

item correctly. The P value is determined by dividing the student
selecting the correct answer; by the students attempting the item as
shown in Table5.

Table 5: Difficulty index

Difficulty index

#Question #Correc #Answere

s t d p
q1 21 25 0.84
q2 22 25 0.88
q3 17 25 0.68
q4 12 25 0.48
q5 21 25 0.84
q6 17 25 0.68
q7 11 25 0.44
q8 12 23 0.52
q9 13 25 0.52
q10 8 24 0.33
q11 23 25 0.92
q12 19 25 0.76

q13 15 25 0.6
q14 21 25 0.84
q15 20 25 0.8
q16 22 24 0.92
q17 15 24 0.63
q18 8 24 0.33
q19 13 25 0.52
q20 16 25 0.64

Discrimination indices of a test item

If the P value is less than 0.25 then the item was difficult and if the P
value is greater than 0.75 then the item was fair or acceptable.

Table 6: Interpretation of the difficulty level of


#Question Interpretati
s Proportion on Reason
q1 0.84 Unacceptable Too easy
q2 0.88 Unacceptable Too easy
q3 0.68 Acceptable Fine
q4 0.48 Acceptable Fine
q5 0.84 Unacceptable Too easy
q6 0.68 Acceptable Fine
q7 0.44 Acceptable Fine
q8 0.52 Acceptable Fine
q9 0.52 Acceptable Fine
q10 0.33 Acceptable Fine
q11 0.92 Unacceptable Too easy
q12 0.76 Unacceptable Too easy
q13 0.6 Acceptable Fine
q14 0.84 Unacceptable Too easy
q15 0.8 Acceptable Fine
q16 0.92 Unacceptable Too easy
q17 0.63 Acceptable Fine
q18 0.33 Acceptable Fine
q19 0.52 Acceptable Fine
q20 0.64 Acceptable Fine

The p-values are given in Table 5 above clearly shows that 35% of
the questions (1, 2, 5,11,12,14, and 16) are unacceptable which
mean that they were too easy and 65% (3, 4, 6, 7, 8,

9,10,13,15,17,18,19, and 20) are acceptable which shows that
they were fine.

Table 7: Number of students in upper and lower


Upper 15
Lower 10

Table 8: Discrimination index

Discrimination index

#U #L D
15 6 0.60
15 7 0.53
14 3 0.79
8 4 0.50
15 6 0.60
12 5 0.58
9 2 0.78
10 2 0.80
10 3 0.70
8 0 1.00
14 9 0.36
14 5 0.64
12 3 0.75
15 6 0.60
14 6 0.57
15 7 0.53
12 3 0.75
5 3 0.40
12 1 0.92
11 5 0.55

The discrimination index measures the extent to which the test item
differentiates between students who do well on the overall test and
those who do not do well on the overall test, referred to as the
upper and the lower group as in Table 7. If the D value is positive
then the items are acceptable as in Table 8.

5. Conclusion
The test has a KR20 of 1.04 which means that the test was reliable
and that students would obtain similar scores if they took another
form of the same test.

6. References

1. A Guide to Interpreting the Item Analysis Report. (2004).

Retrieved September 12, 2007, from

2. Introduction to Statistical Inference. (2005). Retrieved September

11, 2007, from

3. Kubiszyn, T., & Borich, G. (2007).Education testing and

Measurement. Classroom Application and Practice (8th Ed).John Wiley
&sons, Inc.United States of America.

4. Office of Educational Assessment (Understanding item analysis

reports). (2005). Retrieved September 12, 2007, from

5. Test Item Analysis. (2005). Retrieved September12, 2007, From

7. Appendix

Appendix A

Prop Prop
#Question #Corre #Incorrec Correct( Incorrect(
s ct t p) q) pq
q1 21 4 0.84 0.16 .13
q2 22 3 0.88 0.12 .11
q3 17 8 0.68 0.32 .22
q4 12 13 0.48 0.52 .25
q5 21 4 0.84 0.16 .13
q6 17 8 0.68 0.32 .22
q7 11 14 0.44 0.56 .25
q8 12 11 0.52 0.48 .25
q9 13 12 0.52 0.48 .25
q10 8 16 0.33 0.67 .22
q11 23 2 0.92 0.08 .07
q12 19 6 0.76 0.24 .18
q13 15 10 0.6 0.4 .24
q14 21 4 0.84 0.16 .13
q15 20 5 0.8 0.2 .16
q16 22 2 0.92 0.08 .08
q17 15 9 0.63 0.38 .23
q18 8 16 0.33 0.67 .22
q19 13 12 0.52 0.48 .25
q20 16 9 0.64 0.36 .23
Total .83

Appendix B

Key C B D D B C D A C B A C B D A A C D B C
No Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20
1 C B B A C D A D D A D A A A A C B D B
2 C B D D B D A A C B A C B D A A C D B C
3 C B D D B C D A C B A C B D A A C B D C
4 C B D B B C B A C B A C A D C A C B C C
5 C B D C B C B A C D A C B D A A A B B C
6 C A D D C C A D C D A C A D A A A B D C
7 B B A B B C B B D D A C B D C A A D D C
8 C B D B B C B D B C A C B D A A C A B A
9 C B D A B C D D B D A C B D A A C B D A
10 C B B A B C D C D C A B A D D A C D B C
11 C B D D B C D A C B A C B D A A C D B C
12 C B D D B C D D D A A C A D A A C B B D
13 C B D A B C D A C B A C B D A A A B B C
14 C B D A B C D A C B A C B D A A A B C
15 C B D D B B A A B D A C D A A C B B D D
16 C B D D B C D A C B A C B D A A C D B C
17 B B C C B A D D C A D B D A C A D
18 C B B D B A D D D D A C A D A A C B B C
19 D C A D B A B A D C C D A A D B B B A B
20 C B D D B C D A C A C D B D A A C D B C
21 C A D D C C A D C D A C A D A A A B D C
22 B B A B B C B B D D A C B D C A A D D C
23 C B D B B C B D B C A C B D A A C A B A
24 C B B A C D A D D A D A A A A C B D B
25 C B D D B D A A C B A C B D A A C D B C


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