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1. Match the headlines with the parts of the text.

a) Curling at the Olympics.

b) The team
c) From the history of curling
d) Rules of curling
2. Say if the following statements true or false.
1) Competitions on curling are held only in winters.
2) Curling is known since the 15th century.
3) Curling players need an ice pitch to play
4) Nowadays this game is popular not only in Europe
5) Curling tournaments have been held on each Olympic Games since
the beginning of the 20th century.
6) Women’s teams as well men’s take part in curling competitions.
7) Curling player throw a ball
8) The players should slide the rock to the house as close as they can.
9) There are more than three players in each team.
10) The skip makes the first throw.
3. Read the text and answer the questions
A man goes to his doctor and says? “I think my wife’s hearing isn’t good.
What should I do?” The doctor replies, “Try this test to find out for sure.
Stand ten steps behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn’t answer,
she really has a problem with hearing.” The man goes home and sees his
wife cooking. He stands ten steps behind her and says,”What’s for dinner
honey?” He gets no answer, so he moves closer and asks again and again.
Finally he stands directly behind her and says, “What’s for dinner?” She
replies, “For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!”
1) Why did the man go to the doctor?
2) What did the doctor tell the man to do?
3) Why did the man have to repeat his question several times?

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