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Ethical and legal issues in using information resources and copyrights

Learning Objectives Define the intellectual property Recognize the Legal protection of intellectual property Determine methods adopted when we use information resources Know how to write a reference Recognize ethical guidelines to avoid academic misconduct Identify penalties of violation of intellectual property

Definition of intellectual property: It is rights resulting from intellectual creativity Intellectual property is divided to: 1 - Literary and artistic property. 2 - Industrial property. What are the rights of literary and artistic properties ? The rights of literary and artistic property are the authors copyright and related rights. Author: is the person who created the work. According to this concept it gives the author's moral rights (protection of the personal copyright) and financial right to exploit his work. What is copyright? It is principal provided by the law to protect the authors creation (work ) from being used without permission . Related rights: these are the rights of the person or company who is responsible for distribution of the work and making it available for public. Legal protection of intellectual property :Law No. 82 of year 2002 protects the rights of authors particularly: 1. Written works as books, articles, , brochures ,pamphlets, scientific research, lectures and speeches. 2. Computer programs. The law states that anyone who purchases a copy of software has the right to load that copy onto a single computer and to make another copy "for archival purposes only". It is illegal to use that software on more than one computer except if there is a deal with the company. 3. Lectures and speeches processed for its audio or visual presentation. 4. Databases. 5. Works of art.

Why do we use information resources (e.g. references internet) in research and assignment? They facilitate the sharing of information within and between academic communities. There are three main methods adopted when we use information resources: I-Quotations are the exact words of an author, copied directly from a source, word for word. There must be quotation marks or at least phrase that introduces the quotation. Quotations must be cited! (A citation is a line of text that uniquely identifies a source) Example Ethics is a discipline that examines moral aspects of human nature.[references] Example: Roberts et al describes ethics as a discipline that examines moral aspects of human nature. .[references] II-Paraphrasing means rephrasing the words of an author, putting his/her thoughts in your own words. When you paraphrase you do not need quotation marks. Paraphrased material must be followed with in-text documentation and cited on your Works-Cited page. Example: Ethics is a science that is concerned with studying moral values of people. [references] III- Summarizing involves putting the main idea(s) of one or several writers into your own words, including only the main point(s). Summaries are significantly shorter than the original and take a broad overview of the source material. Again, it is necessary to attribute summarized ideas to their original sources (references). Why should I include cite / references in my work? 1. It shows the range of reading that you have done 2. It supports your scientific discussion. 3. It is a basic academic requirement to show details of the sources of your information, ideas and arguments. 4. Doing so means that you cannot be accused of plagiarism, i.e. stealing from another persons work. When should I include references in my work? 1. Whenever you quote someone elses work. This does not just include words but also tables, charts, pictures, music, etc. 2. When you rewrite or summarize someone elses work in your own words. How to write references? We have usually what we call Referencing System e.g. Vancouver Method.

References are listed, in this method, in numerical order; it is indicated by putting a number at the end of paragraph according to its sequence of occurrence. You may include text, tables, charts, photographs, diagrams, films or presentations from different sources as books, websites, journal articles .etc. So you write the reference in a proper way as follows: A) For books (or reports) Author(s) last name and Lim HH. initials Title of chapter Risk assessment and management of asbestos in Editor(s) In: Sadhra SS, Rampal KG. Title of Book Occupational health, risk assessment and management Edition number Second ed. Place / city London Publisher Blackwell Science Year 1999; Page of specific reference 421-27 The reference for a book is written as follows: Lim HH.Risk assessment and management of asbestos in Malaysian industry. In: Sadhra SS, Rampal KG. Occupational health, risk assessment and management. Second ed. London. Blackwell Science, 1999; 421-27. B) Websites (Electronic Journal Articles / Electronic Booksetc) Author(s) last name and Barger, J. initials Title A biography of Leopold Paula Bloom Date (2000) Main site Date on which you [Accessed 11/07/2006]. accessed the page. The reference for a website is written as follows: Barger, J. A biography of Leopold Paula Bloom . (2000) ttp:// [accessed 11/07/2006]. C)Journal articles List all authors when three or fewer; when four or more list only three and add et al. Use the following sequence: last name and initials of author(s), title and subtitle, name of journal, year, and volume number, first and last page. The reference is written as follows :Azhar MZ, Varma SL. Cognitive Psychotherapy with Schizophrenia. Malaysian J Psychiatry, 1995; 3: 17-31. However , the ease of copying and transporting information (specifically digital sources) leads to what we call academic misconduct.

Academic misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise e.g. plagiarism Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statements of another person without due acknowledgment. How can academic misconduct be avoided? By following the ethical guidelines: 1-Do not copy word for word anyone elses work unless that person is given credit for their work. 2-When citing a source, regardless if you directly quote or paraphrase, use quotation marks and give the author credit. 3-Use your own words and ideas 4- Learn how to correctly cite . 5- An ethical writer ALWAYS acknowledges the contributions of others and the source of his/her ideas. 6- We must always acknowledge every source that we use in our writing; whether we paraphrase it, summarize it, or enclose it quotations. Law No. 82 of year 2002 allows using the authors work for educational purpose fair use 1- Performance of the work in an educational institute without financial profit directly or indirectly. 2 - The work of a single copy of the workbook for purely personal use. 3 - Using short sections of the workbook for educational purposes for clarification or explanation. 4 - Copying an article or short work or an extract from a workbook, if necessary, for the purposes of teaching in the educational facility and shall not exceed the purpose of copying with the name of the author and title of the work on all versions. Technical protection: The author (or the institution in charge) should express his unwillingness to copy his work or to resort to encryption (technical protection), and so he will have the legal right to prosecute after that. Penalties of violation intellectual property: He shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than a month and a fine of not less than five thousand pounds and not exceeding ten thousand pounds or both for anyone who committed one of the following acts: The sale or rental of a workbook or audio recording protected by the law without prior written permission of the author or owner of the related rights. Publishing a workbook or audio recording or performance protected by law through the hardware or networks, telecommunication networks or other

means without prior written permission of the author or owner of the related rights. The removal of any protection technology used by the author or owner of the related rights. I- You search in the internet to prepare your assignment .you found many articles but you found that one of them fulfilled your needs and you want to copy it, but you cant because it has a technical protection. A friend of yours helped you to circumvent the technical protection. Then he put that article on net for free. Which one of you violates the intellectual property? Comment: Both of you , because over passing the technical protection violate copyright prevention and it is against the law. He doesnt take permission from the owner to copyright that article II-Is it ethical? A student was taking a chapter of a book, then the student sell that chapter to other students. The original source belonged to one of his professors. The student did not take the professor consent. It is not ethical References 1. Egyptian Law No. 82 of 2002 on the Code of Intellectual Property Rights. 2. The development of intellectual property laws Dr. Mahboobi. 3. article about plagiarism - Magazine ambassadors .(26Jan 2009) 4. Questions about the education crisis in Egypt. By: Dr Nesma Elipatreek Professor of Journalism, Cairo University. 5. Ethical Guidelines for Research Online .Amy Brickman, Assistant Professor, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology 6. Plagiarism. Joyce A. Brannan, Technical Services Librarian, Julia Tutwiler Library, University of West Alabama, Livingston, Alabama. 7. (23Jan.2009) 8. How to Write References .Library and Learning Resources.Library and Learning Resources, Birmingham City University, .2010

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