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ENGL 1301 Rhetorical Analysis Notes Assignment

Instructions: Following the example of Dr. Nelson in the Rhetorical Analysis Demo videos,
analyze the rhetorical situation and rhetorical strategies and appeals of your peer reviewed
journal article. Complete each chart with information and evidence gathered from your peer
reviewed journal article in order to document your analysis of that text.

I. Reference
Reference Pattern for Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:

Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, year, pp. ##-##. Database
Name, doi number or stable url.

Reference for Your Article:

II. Rhetorical Situation

Rhetorical Situation Quoted Evidence Explanation

Situation, or Context


Date of Publication

Location of Publication


Audience "Finally, guided by the People who are instrested in fidning out hiw they can
aforementioned theory, we help stop this problem.
discuss what can be done to stop
or at
least reduce deforestation,
reflecting on who can save the
Purpose "...we discuss what can be done to They are writting this article to talk about the
stop or at deforistation going on and what we can do about it.
least reduce deforestation,
reflecting on who can save the
Argument "Therefore, deforestation This deforestation does not only affect the land but
actions can be considered crimes also hurts our wildlife wich will leave a permanent
against nature, threatening biodi mark on earth.
versity, and affecting the health
and welfare of animals (White,
Even worse, deforestation leads to
species extinction, affecting the
planet's ecosystem. According to
Whitmore and Sayer (1992), any
disturbance of forests changes the
frequency of species of fauna and
flora, and several disruptions are
likely to cause extinctions."

III. Rhetorical Appeals & Strategies

Rhetorical Appeal Quoted Evidence Rhetorical Strategy Explanation
Logos "Deforestation in Brazilian These changes happening to the rainforest also
Amazon has several negative greatly affect us so we should be more involved in
con sequences, both in ways to stop it.
environmental aspects such as
local soil erosion
and river runoff, loss of endemic
species, loss of environmental
services and carbon emissions,
as in social issues linked to land
conflicts, poverty, and poor
health outcomes (Perz et al.,
Among them, the loss of
biodiversity stands out. Amazon
defor estation damages native
vegetation and destroys the
natural habitat
of several species. It hinders
their survival, leading them to
to other inadequate spaces or
exterminating them in the
modified forest (Nascimento et
al., 2019)."
Ethos "In Brazil, the National Institute They are saying they got their information from a
for Space credible source that is trusted and well known.
Research (INPE), linked to the
Ministry of Science, Technology,
In novation and
Communications, monitors
deforestation in the Ama zon
forest by satellite, offering data
so that combat actions can be
organized and executed by
public, private, and third sector
Together with this movement,
researchers seek to understand
causes and motivations for the
deforestation of this forest in
highlighting the role of the
population in promoting
changes in land
Pathos "In human actions to destroy These changes we are causing to the rainforest
the natural habitat in the are not only affecting us but also the poor
Amazon, vulnurable animals we are destroying their home
Brazil must still combat the and killing them off.
illegal trade in fauna and flora
poaching; crimes against wildlife
that contribute to one of the
black markets today (Lima,
2007; Moreto, 2018). The most
animals treated in this trade
include birds, reptiles, insects,
fish, and
large animals, which are rare,
which are in danger of
(Wilson‐Wilde, 2010). Among
the endangered species that live
in the
Amazon biome, we can mention
Gavião‐Real, Ararajuba, and
boi (Figure 2)"

IV. Evaluation of Rhetorical Strategies and Appeals


Do the appeals to logos in your text

• fit the genre expectations? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

• fit the audience? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes it does fit the audiance because they are people who are intresrted in learning more about the
causes and effects of this problem.
• fit the purpose? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes it does because the purpose is to get people to help in protecting the forest and by telling
them how it will affect them they are making them think about the consequences logically.
• fit the context? Explain.
Yes / No / Sort of... Why?
Yes it does because they are telling us why we should be aware and involved with logicall
• support the argument effectively? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes it does because they are being logicall and tellling us that it is not only affecting the
rainforest but also us.


Do the appeals to ethos in your text

• fit the genre expectations? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

• fit the audience? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes because the audiance is going to want to be told true information they can trust.
• fit the purpose? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes because the purpose of the article is to get people to protect the forest and know about the
causes it will have. If the readers see that the information they are using is trusted they will be
more likely to belive it.
• fit the context? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

• support the argument effectively? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes because to be able to argue something you need to have facts and by having a trusted source
you will be able to back up what you are saying.


Do the appeals to pathos in your text

• fit the genre expectations? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

• fit the audience? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes because the people who are worried about the forest being hurt are most likely going to be
affected emotionally by the fact that these problems affect animals gratelly.
• fit the purpose? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

Yes because making people think about the poor animals that are getting their homes taken away
will make thme want to help even more.
• fit the context? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?

• support the argument effectively? Explain.

Yes / No / Sort of... Why?


V. Formulation of Thesis Statement

Use one of the following formulas to craft your assertion about your peer reviewed journal
article and the reason that supports it:

Formula 1
[Author’s Last Name]’s article is in/effective in supporting its argument because it
[summarize what it does rhetorically in support of your assertion].

Formula 2
The argument of [Author’s Last Name]’s article is un/persuasive because it [summarize
what it does rhetorically in support of your assertion].

Your Thesis Statement:

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