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Heat Transfer Mechanism

Dr. Aklilu Tesfamichael

Department of Mechanical Engineering
Room: 64-02-207
Lesson outcome

At the end of this class student should be able to:

• Understand the basic mechanisms of heat transfer, which
are conduction, convection, and radiation.
• Understand and apply Fourier's law of heat conduction,
Newton's law of cooling, and the Stefan–Boltzmann law of

Heat transfer mechanism
• Heat can be transferred in three different modes:
Conduction, Convection and Radiation.

Heat transfer mechanism
• Heat can be transferred in three different modes:
Conduction, Convection and Radiation.
• Heat transfer through solids or stationary fluids is
purely by conduction.
• In solids, heat transfer by conduction is due to
vibrations of molecules and flow of free electrons.

Heat transfer mechanism
• In gases and liquids, conduction is due to collisions and
diffusion of molecules during their random motions.

Cools at Convection
the surface current

Hot water
Heat transfer by conduction can
be classified as:
• Steady implies no change with
time at any point within the
• Transient implies variation with
time or time dependence


Q will depend on?
Rate of heat conduction:
(Fourier’s law of heat conduction)
T2  T1 T T1  T2
Qcond   kA   kA  kA (W)
x x x

Negative sign indicate heat is always transferred in the direction of

decreasing temperature (high temperature to low temperature)

k  Thermal conductivity of material (W/m  K or W/m  C)

A  Surface area of heat transfer
T1 , T2  Temperature in and out (K or C)
x  Material thickness (m)
Fourier’s law of heat conduction:
Qcond   kA (W)

Thermal conductivity, k: A measure of the ability of a

material to conduct heat.
Temperature gradient dT/dx: The slope of the
temperature curve on a T-x diagram.

The temperature gradient becomes

negative when temperature
decreases with increasing x.
A represents the area
normal to the direction
of heat transfer.
Eg., a 5 m long, 3 m Q  k
high and 25 cm thick

wall (A= and L= )

Thermal conductivity:
Material k, W/mC
Diamond 2300
Silver 429
Copper 401 Heat
Gold 317
Aluminum 237
Iron 80.2
or Glass 0.78
Water 0.607
Wood (Oak) 0.17 insulator
Soft rubber 0.13
Air 0.026
During the hot season in Asaita, Afar a window made of glass is
exposed to the hot sunrise. A constant temperature of 45C is recorded
at the outer surface of the window while the inner surface temperature is
maintained at 20C by air conditioning system. The windows is 2-m  2-
m with thickness of 0.8 cm. Thermal conductivity of glass is 0.78 w/m.K.
a) Determine the rate of heat transfer from outer surface to the inner
surface of the windows
b) If the air conditioning system has COP of 2.5 and cost of electricity
RM0.12/kWh, estimate the cost of heat transfer through the windows
per hour

A 2-m  2-m glass windows with thickness of 0.8 cm is exposed to the hot
sunrise. Outer surface temperature 45C and inner surface temperature 20C.
Thermal conductivity of glass is 0.78.
a) Determine the rate of heat transfer from outer surface to the inner surface
of the windows
b) If the air conditioning system has COP of 2.5 and cost of electricity RM
0.12/kWh, estimate the cost of heat transfer through the windows

 20C - 45C  9750 W

Q cond   kA 2 1  0.78 W/m  C 4 m 2
T T
x 8 10-3 m
Q 9750 W
Welectric  cond   3900 W  3.9 kW

COP 2.5
for 1 hour
Eelectric  3.9 kWh
The corresponding cost will be RM 0.468/hour
Convection: Heat transfer
between a solid surface and
the adjacent liquid or gas
that is in motion
It involves the combined
effects of conduction and
fluid motion.
The faster the fluid motion,
the greater the convection
heat transfer.
When no fluid motion, heat
transfer between a solid
surface and the adjacent Heat transfer from a hot surface to air
fluid is by pure conduction. by convection.

Forced convection: If the
fluid is forced to flow over
the surface by external
means such as a fan,
pump, or the wind.
Natural (or free)
convection: If the fluid
motion is caused by
buoyancy forces that are
induced by density
differences due to the
variation of temperature in The cooling of a boiled egg by forced
the fluid. and natural convection.

Q conv  hAs Ts  T  (W) (Newton’s law of cooling)
h  Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m 2  K )
As  Surface area through which heat transfer takes place
Ts  Surface temperature (K)
T  Temperature of fluid far from the surface (K)

h is not a property of the fluid.

It is determined experimentally
and it depends on:
- the surface geometry
- the nature of fluid motion
- the properties of the fluid
- the bulk fluid velocity
• The energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic
waves (or photons).
• It does not require an intervening medium.
• Radiation is fastest (at the speed of light) in a vacuum. This is
how the energy of the sun reaches the earth.
• we are interested in thermal radiation, which is radiation
emitted by bodies because of their temperature.
• All bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal

(Stefan-Boltzman Law)
Q emit,max  AsTs4 (W) Black body
Q  A T 4 (W) Real body
emit s s

 is Stefan-Boltzman constant (5.67010-8


Q absorbed  Q incident (W)

Q rad  As Ts4  Tsurr

 (W)
Radiation heat transfer between a
surface and the surfaces surrounding it.
Emissivity  : A measure of how closely
a surface approximates a blackbody for
which  = 1 of the surface. 0   1.

Simultaneous heat transfer
• Heat transfer is only by conduction in
opaque solids, but by conduction and
radiation in semitransparent solids.
• In a still fluid (no motion), heat transfer is
by conduction and possibly by radiation
• Heat transfer in a flowing fluid by
convection and radiation.
• Heat transfer through a vacuum is by

Although there are three mechanisms of heat transfer,

a medium may involve only two of them
Simultaneous heat transfer
When radiation and convection occur simultaneously between a surface and
a gas:

Q total  hcombined As Ts  T  (W)

Combined heat transfer coefficient hcombined includes the effects of both

convection and radiation.

Q total  Q conv  Q rad  hconv As Ts  Tsurr   As Ts4  Tsurr

 (W)
Q total  hcombined As Ts  Tsurr  (W)
hcombined  hconv  hrad  hconv  As Ts  Tsurr Ts2  Tsurr

Simultaneous heat transfer
Example: Problem 1-137
A soldering iron has a cylindrical tip of 2.5 mm in diameter and 20
mm in length. With age and usage, the tip has oxidized and has
an emissivity of 0.80. Assuming that the average convection heat
transfer coefficient over the soldering iron tip is 25 W/m2.K, and
the surrounding air temperature is 20ºC, determine the power
required to maintain the tip at 400ºC.

A soldering iron has a cylindrical tip of 2.5 mm in diameter and 20 mm in length. With
age and usage, the tip has oxidized and has an emissivity of 0.80. Assuming that the
average convection heat transfer coefficient over the soldering iron tip is 25 W/m2.K,
and the surrounding air temperature is 20ºC, determine the power required to maintain
the tip at 400ºC.
• The total heat transfer area of the soldering iron tip is
As  0.25D 2  DL
 0.25 2.5 10 3 m    2.5 10 3 m 2.0 10  2 m 

 1.62 10  4 m 2
• The rate of heat transfer by convection is
Q conv  hAs Ttip  T 
 25 W/m 2  K 1.62 10  4 m 2 673 K  293 K 
 1.54 W
• The rate of heat transfer by radiation is
Q rad  As Ttip4  Tsurr 
 

 0.80 5.67  10 8 W/m 2  K 4 1.62 10  4 m 2  673 K   293 K 

4 4

 1.45 W
• Thus, the power required is equal to the total rate of heat transfer from the tip by both
convection and radiation: Welectric  Q total  Q conv  Q rad  1.54 W  1.45 W  2.98 W
Simultaneous heat transfer
Example: Problem 1-139
Consider a flat-plate solar collector placed at the roof of a house.
The temperatures at the inner and outer surfaces of glass cover
are measured to be 33°C and 31°C, respectively. The glass cover
has a surface area of 2.5 m2, a thickness of 0.6 cm, and a thermal
conductivity of 0.7 W/m·°C.
Heat is lost from the outer surface of
the cover by convection and radiation
with a convection heat transfer
coefficient of 10 W/m2·°C and an
ambient temperature of 15°C.
Determine the fraction of heat lost
from the glass cover by radiation.
• Conduction rate of heat transfer through the glass is
 0.7 W/m  K 2.5 m 2 
306 K  304 K   583 W
Q cond  kA
L 6 103 m 
• Convection rate of heat transfer is

Q conv  hAs Ttip  T   10 W/m 2  K 2.5 m 2 304 K  288 K 

 400 W
• The heat transferred through the cover by
conduction should be transferred from the outer
surface by convection and radiation. That is,

Q rad  Q cond  Q conv  583 W  400 W  183 W

• Then, the fraction of heat transferred by radiation is

Q rad 183 W
f     0.314 or 31.4 %
Qcond 583 W
• Conduction heat transfer: Steady and transient
• Fourier’s law of heat conduction.
T T T T T
Q cond   kA 2 1  kA  kA 1 2 (W)
x x x
• Newton’s law of cooling
Q conv  hAs Ts  T  (W)

• Stefan-Boltzman Law
Q emit,max  AsTs4 (W)

Q rad  As Ts4  Tsurr

 (W)

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