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Report Writing Skills

Climate Change & its Threats to Environment
in Pakistan

Submitted Javeria Javed

By: Maimoona Aziz
Momina Cheema
Khansa Maryam
Syed Zubair Abbas

Registration FA20-BEE-079
No: FA20-BEE-094

Class: BCE-3A
Submitted Sir. Mehmood Anwar

1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................3

2. INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................4

2.1. Background information…............................................................................................5

2.2. Statement of the problem................................................................................................5

2.3. Significance of the study…............................................................................................5

2.4. Limitations of the study….............................................................................................6

3. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE…....................................................................7

4. METHODS OF STUDY.....................................................................................................9

4.1. Scope.............................................................................................................................5

4.2. Criteria............................................................................................................................5

5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................................10

6. CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................12

7. RECOMMENDATION.....................................................................................................12

8. REFRENCES..................................................................................................................14


This report is meant to discuss the adverse effects of pollution and climate change on our

environment. Pakistan is a country that’s at the top of the list when it comes to pollution-stricken

communities, but, as the report states, our nation is doing absolutely nothing to counteract this


This report aimed to define the certainty of the problems pollution and climate change are causing

for our state. The report used modern research along with various credible news sources as

references for the findings. The report proved that pollution and changes in climate are harming

every portion of our environment and rendering it to the point of habitability.

It was concluded that we do indeed need to change certain aspects of our everyday lives to reduce

the amount of pollution our environment is facing. Society may not be able to change things on an

industrial scale, however, the public can change their day-to-day routines to be more considerate

about the country that we’re living in. Pakistan contributes little to global greenhouse gas (GHG)

emissions at about less than 1% yet it is truly powerless against the impacts of environmental


Pakistan's lower technical and financial capacity to adapt to the unfavorable effects of

environmental change exacerbates its weakness. A decrease in pollutant emissions that

produce ozone would improve public health as well as give the atmosphere benefits.

Integrating climate change and air quality policies would be the best methodology.


Environment and climate change are inextricably linked to sustainable development. Pakistan

requires greater progress in environmental protection. Water scarcity is increasing, land productivity

is decreasing, and climate change is worsening these treats. The risk of natural disasters, also

exacerbated by climate change as well as economic shocks, adds to existing vulnerabilities.

Pakistan was recently found to be one of the top ten countries most vulnerable to climate change.

With this, displacement will continue to rise. According to a report published by ActionAid, Bread

for the world, and the CANS, it is expected that even with aggressive emissions reductions, the

number of climate migrants linked to slow-onset impacts of sea-level rise, water stress, crop yield

reductions, ecosystem loss, and drought in Pakistan will displace upwards of 60,000 people by

2030. Without aggressive action, that number is expected to be closer to 1,200,000. Climate Change

is a huge development challenge as well as a huge environmental challenge. Apart from the global

impact, it is hitting the poorest and the most vulnerable first and hardest. It is a growing problem of

the here and now.

2.1 Background information

Pollution is a severe issue from the start but gradually it is increasing. Pakistan is a top victim of

pollution. Conventionally this land was not that much polluted before. But due to the increase in the

industrial revolution, our environment became polluted. The major cities of Pakistan are on the

alarming stage. In earlier times, our environment was not that polluted. But with the period as the

traffic increases our environment is polluted by noise, as the industries increase our water become

polluted our air become polluted due to the smoke released from the industries. Pakistan is facing a

serious challenge of degradation and pollution of land, water, and air.

2.2 Statement of the Problem/Purpose

The main purpose of the report is to inform and create awareness among the population regarding

the problem of pollution and how to cope up with this problem by playing their roles in daily life.

Furthermore, this report briefs about the fact and figures of pollution among different cities of


2.3 Significance of the Study

This study can improve the present condition of Pakistan. People can bring a great revolution in the

present condition with the help of this study. Our environment can be far better than the present

condition. Every type of pollution can be reduced with the help of this study. This will help

because it guides every single person to its role for the betterment of our environment.

2.4 Scope of the Study

This report is restricted to our country it is not for a global purpose. This report can be helpful for

the encouragement of a better environment from the climate and pollution perspective within our

society. This report can encourage one to avoid becoming the cause of pollution. This report

includes the prevention of every type of pollution in our country. It includes the daily practice for

everyone to prevent our motherland from this critical issue.

2.5 Limitations of the Study

In this report, there are many things mentioned which we cannot control at our levels, those are the

problems to control at a governmental level and industrial level in which we cannot play an

effective role. This report limits one ton its practice to stop pollution but there are many problems

on the huge level which cannot be controlled on an individual level and this report is not capable to

provide any scenario for their betterment. But hard work always pays off, so we need to work

together on a bigger scale to do what seems to be impossible. Together we can give birth to a new

and a better Pakistan.


 Dawn Newspaper: The Government has closed overwinters in 12 districts including

Lahore and also fined farmers to burn crop stubble. It is also planting trees in urban areas

and considering higher emissions standards for road vehicles.

 Almost 7 million deaths are caused by air pollution around the World. 91% of them are in

low and middle-income countries. It is also linked to asthma, lung, cancer, and heart

diseases. It is time for the Government to declare a public health emergency. The air is full

of dust and pollutants that are causing health issues such as asthma, lung damage,

bronchial infections, and heart problems.

 World Bank: The World Bank estimates that Pakistan's annual burden of disease due to

outdoor air pollution accounts for 22 000 premature adult deaths and 163,432 DALYS

lost, while that for indoor pollution accounts for 40 million cases of acute respiratory

infections and 28 000 deaths/year.

 Pakistan today: Population rise in major cities, particularly, Karachi, Hyderabad,

Peshawar, Quetta, Faisalabad, and Lahore, is causing environment pollution due to ill

planning and allocation of meager funds by relevant authorities, according to a PPI survey.

Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar are the most air-polluted cities in the country where air

quality is harmful to public health.

 Unfit transport system and industrial emissions cause air pollution that is affecting

people, mostly those living in congested areas.

 Major factors responsible for high population growth in Pakistan are high fertility, low

contraceptive prevalence rate, high unmet need of family planning, declining mortality, the

custom of early marriages, son preference, poverty, illiteracy especially of women, and

lack of women empowerment and religious constraints.

 A strong and reliable transport and communication sector are extremely important for

the advancement of the economic system.

 The substandard water is also being provided to the people as the population has risen to an

alarming level. Garbage and overflowing gutter water are also seen in many places in these

cities. The worst situation is in Karachi where garbage is scattered in every place.

 The city government blames the sindh government for not providing sufficient funds for

cleanliness while the Sindh government refutes this blame. However, it has been

observed that both governments are not doing a good job in this regard due to political


 The funds allocated for the cities are insufficient to cater to the need for cleanliness, clean

water, and well-spaced housing projects, while the major share of these funds is also

embezzled. The reason behind it is political hurdles, embezzlement, and commission


This report utilizes the following criteria for the selection of sources.

4.1 Sources:
Data from local and international reputable organizations and institutions are used as the primary

source for the information and findings in the report. Data from verifiable sources such as articles

were also taken into consideration for the report. Data for the whole world and Pakistan was

analyzed and included in the report

4.2 Criteria:
Only information from known, verifiable, and reputable sources was considered for this report. Any

sources or data that did not meet the criteria or were found to be faulty were dropped. Data were

verified across multiple sources before being included. Since climate change is a global issue, data

for the entire world was analyzed alongside the data for Pakistan.


Pollution is an alarming threat in today's world. Pakistan is facing a serious challenge of

degradation and pollution of land, water, and air. Industrial pollution is not too high but can get

worse if the economic activity is not done to resolve this problem. Environmental Education and

management of water Pollution in Pakistan have great importance. Human activities including

industrialization and agricultural practices contributed immensely in no small measure to the

degradation and pollution of the environment which adversely affects the water bodies (rivers and

ocean) that are a necessity for life. Private Tube well irrigation helped in agriculture but also caused

serious problems like water logging and salinity. 11% of the 22 hectares’ land is declared as disaster

land. Contaminated water by toxins, chemicals, and other municipal and industrial waste cause

alarming land pollution. Only 8% of 2 million tons of human waste is treated every year while the

rest is discharged untreated into water.

The major five capitals of our country show an alarming concentration of air pollution which is 2-

3.5 times more than the safe limit. The main cause is the increase in numbers of automobiles,

industrial waste, and burning of fuel. While deforestation also plays a role in the rapid increase in


Pollution has a direct impact on the climate and the ozone layer. Emission of CO2 and SO4 are also

major pollutants.

The ozone layer is deteriorating due to the release of pollution contain chemicals and toxins which

will result in the release of ultraviolet B rays to the surface of the Earth which may cause skin

cancer. According to a World Bank report in 2013 air pollution is the major problem of Pakistan.

Figure 1water pollution ratio in Pakistan’s major cities

Figure 2 Air pollution victim cities of Pakistan


This report concludes that our country is at the stage of danger where not any living creature in our

country is safe. We should have to provide them and ourselves a clean, healthy, and unpolluted

environment. This pollution is a cause of global warming and it is affecting the ozone layer very

badly which can be very dangerous for us in upcoming times. Our natural resources are being

polluted because of our own mistakes. Our mistakes are leading us to a very bad environment which

will be very dangerous.


People of our country can fix this issue if they perform their duty against pollutions. There are many

cities in Pakistan in which wastes and garbage are being thrown in streets where their children

wander all day.

 We can make the environment less polluted by consuming lesser fuels and using

such vehicles as little as possible.

 We can avoid pollution by avoiding the use of plastic bags. Many countries are doing very

great work in creating an environment without plastic bags so we should have to do the

same for stopping this.

 The government should establish agencies to monitor the environment and make sure that

it is kept clean and free from any kind of garbage and waste.

 Industries should start focusing on the recycling of wastes instead of throwing them away

as trash.

 We should have to stop throwing garbage on the streets and rather use dust bins and

special places made for the garbage and wastes.

 We should have to avoid throwing wastes and garbage in water to minimize water

pollution and create a clean environment for the water creatures.

 We should have to avoid pressure horns to avoid noise pollution and we have to use such

materials for the construction of our houses which is soundproof for creating a decent

and noise proof environment.

 Keep car, boat, and other engines properly tuned, and be sure your tires are properly

inflated to avoid air pollution.

 Use environmentally safe paints and cleaning products to avoid air pollution.

 Environmental education should be introduced in schools and made compulsory.


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