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Women's work

Define work, decent work, women's work, and measurements of women's work.

WORK: work is defined as an activity involving mental it physical effort done to achieve a
purpose or result. It is a task to be done or undertaken in which engaged one exerts strength
and facilities to do or prefer something. An activity in which a person engages regularly to earn
a livelihood and to function or operate accordingly to plan or design and to produce a desired
and effective result is called "Work".

DECENT WORK: The productive work for women and men in conditions of freedom, class,
equity, equality, security, and human dignity is called "Decent Work".In general, work is
considered decent work when it pays a fair income, guarantees a secure form of employment,
and provides a safe working conditions.
Decent work is first deduced and originally coined by the ILO (International Labor
Organization) in a report published in June 1999, when it described the goal of decent work as
"not just the creation of jobs but also the creation of jobs that are of acceptable quality".
Decent is also referred to as central to efforts to reduce poverty and is a path to achieving
equitable, inclusive, and sustainable development. It ultimately underpins peace and security in
communities and societies and therefore ILO has a principle that guides saying "Decent Work
For All".
The pillar on which decent work stands are ;
•) Employment creation and enterprises development •) standards and rights at work •)
social protection and conference

WOMEN'S WORK: Women's work is often assumed to be solely the domain of women, and it
is associated with specific stereotypical jobs. It's the most commonly used for the unpaid labor
that a mother or wife performs in the house and family.
Women's work is the work that is traditionally and historically undertaken by women,
especially tasks of a domestic nature such as cooking, needlework, child rearing, plowing fields,
and many more.
Women's work is also sometimes referred to as the 5 C's; cleaning, catering,
cashiering(retail) clerical work, and caring.
The 3 main roles of women are; Reproductive, Productive, and community managing role.
Women help build an inspiring work culture by bringing I'm healthy competition, bringing up
teamwork, and bonding and thereby helping the company grow to its full potential. We cannot
even imagine how bland our lives would be without women adding the much-needed flavor and
fine not only in workplaces but also in our daily lives.
Women play an important role in our society's development. A woman is responsible to
maintain her home and contributing her love and energy to the peaceful life of the home. The
woman has to perform many chores from dawn to dusk. She has to tend to her children, mend
the clothes, clean the floor, go shopping, cook food, and many more. But being fed up with her
mechanical routine, she yearns for the blessings of nature to give her comfort and strength to
live. Every single domestic woman has a dream. She deserves to live a life in the way she
wants, the same as men.

Following are the main measures of women's working problems.

1) Lack Of Provision Of Education:
Society demands women get an education, but unfortunately in Pakistan, women face a lack
of knowledge. According to our beloved Prophet Mohammad (S. A. W. W), the lap of the
mother is the first school of the child. So they must be educated and this would help them go
finding jobs such as bankers, teachers, doctors, artists, designers writers, and many more. In
short, mature, educated, and responsible women should be given opportunities to come out and
share the burden of their families.
As said by Napoleon; " Give me good mothers and I shall give a good nation "
They should be given a qualified education for the betterment of society.
2)Job EmEmployment Problems:
Pakistan is a developing country and women folks suffer from various problems with
employment. Our traditions do not allow women to work in offices with men. Society allows girls
to study the same courses as boys but at the same moment, it restricts them to pursue their
careers and job opportunities. They face rejection from the practical professional enrollment
We should allow women to show their talents and serve not only their families but also their
country. Women should not be deprived of their rights in getting jobs to earn their living.
3) Not Having Equal Rights:
Women usually suffer from having equal rights as that men. First of all, they are not being
given well-qualified education. Secondly, they face job employment problems. And Last but not
least, they confront many societal problems as they are not given equal rights. They are bound
to work as machines. They are brought up as if they don't have any deserving lives or dreams to
be accomplished.
4)The Measurement Of Unpaid Working Activities:
When women get jobs, they usually face problems of not having enough salaries as they are
considered weak souls, and they cannot fight that much for their rights because they lack
5)Burden Of Work: Women play the important role in the growth of yh3 society. They only face
the unprivileged burdens of society. They are not only given unequal rights but also are
overburdened in the way that they lose their identities.

6) Age And Marital Status:

Women face the age and marital status that turned out to be the major factors determining
their employment status of educated women.
7) Gender Bias And Physical And Mental Harassment:
Women also face gender bias problems in the way they are abused and harassed in
employment areas or doing jobs.
8) Security:
Women are not only properly secured and have security issues by society.
9) Lack Of Proper Family Support:
Women are not given film family support for doing jobs as they are considered the weakest
souls and they are not given the much respect and importance they deserve.
10) Schedule Inflexibility:
Women who are workers face the problems of schedule flexibility. They have to look after
their homes and then go to offices for doing work. This causes burdens on them, they don't
have sufficient time for themselves and hence they lose their identities.
We can value women's work by :
1) establishing high-level cooperative leadership for gender equality.
2) treating them fairly at work with respect and supporting human rights and nondiscrimination.
3) ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of women workers.
4) Giving full family support, affection, lo, and kindness
5) Boost self-confidence in them and entrust them to be self-reliant.
6) Enabling them to speak for their rights
7) They should be given full protection in life
8) They should not be overburdened.

Women play the main and important role in building society. They help build an inspiring
work culture by bringing in healthy competition, fostering teamwork, and bonding, thereby
helping the company to grow at its full potential.
We cannot even imagine how bland our lives would be without adding the much-needed
flavor and fiber of women to only in workplaces but also in our daily lives. Equal rights should be
given to them as it is essential for income prosperity and a safe and healthier environment.
Women are the ep strength, love, sacrifice, and courage. The role of women in today's
world has changed significantly for the betterment of society. Women are self-sufficient,
well-aware, and financially independent.
So, they should be treated the way they deserve as they attain immense success in every
field of life.

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