(Revised) Unseen Wounds-Test Questions-Aug16

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Unseen Wounds: The Contribution of Psychological Maltreatment to Child

and Adolescent Mental Health and Risk Outcomes

1. Which of the following does NOT, in itself, constitute of form of psychological maltreatment?

a. Parental/caregiver chronic denial of child emotional nurturance

b. Parental/caregiver chronic mental illness
c. Parental/caregiver chronic rejection or belittlement of a child
d. Parental/caregiver chronic exploitation of a child
e. None of the above; all of the above consistent forms of psychological maltreatment.

2. Which of the following statements about psychological maltreatment is consistent with the
extant research on psychological maltreatment?

a. Psychological maltreatment includes neglect but not abuse.

b. Psychological maltreatment has been found to be relatively rare type of childhood
c. Psychological maltreatment has been found to commonly occur with other types of
childhood maltreatment.
d. Psychological maltreatment has been found to occur primarily among boys.
e. None of the above; all of these statements are consistent with the extant research on
psychological maltreatment.

3. Which of the following statements is consistent with findings from the study?

a. Psychological maltreatment was identified to be the most prevalent type of child

maltreatment in the National Child Traumatic Stress Networks' Core Data Set (NCTSN-CDS).
b. Psychological maltreatment was found to be far more common among girls than boys.
c. Psychological maltreatment rarely occurred after age 5 or 6.
d. All of the above are consistent with findings from the study
e. None of the above; all of these statements are consistent with findings from the study.

4. PTSD diagnosis was identified as present in the majority (>50%) of physically, sexually and
psychologically abuse/maltreated children in this sample.

a. True
b. False

5. The psychologically maltreated group exhibited significantly higher odds than the sexually
abused group on which of the following diagnostic or risk indicators?

a. Academic problems
b. Attachment problems
c. Behavior problem at home
d. Criminal Activity
e. All of the above
6. The psychologically maltreated group exhibited significantly higher odds than the physically
abused group on which of the following diagnostic or risk indicators?

a. Depression
b. Conduct Disorder
c. Running Away
d. Oppositional Defiant Disorder
e. All of the above

7. History of psychological maltreatment was found to be associated with higher prevalence than
combined physical and sexual abuse on which of the following diagnostic or risk indicators?

b. Sexualized behaviors
c. Traumatic Grief
d. Substance Abuse Disorder
e. Oppositional Defiant Disorder

8. Which of the following conclusions are supported by study findings?

a. Psychological maltreatment is a potent type of maltreatment that merits greater attention

by child trauma practitioners.
b. Psychological maltreatment appears to occur as an important component of "risk caravans"
for a sizable portion of maltreated children.
c. Psychological maltreatment appears to potentiate the effects of other forms of
d. All of the above
e. None of the above; all of these conclusions are inconsistent with study findings.

9. Trauma-specific factors (e.g., age of onset, duration, relationship to perpetrator) may mediate
or moderate child risk and diagnostic outcomes associated with psychological maltreatment and
require further study.

a. True
b. False

10. Study findings have implications for which of the following social service spheres?

a. Provider education and training

b. Public awareness and parent training
c. Treatment development
d. Child welfare policy and practices
e. All of the above

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