A Concurrent Engineering Approach For Product Design Optimization

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A Concurrent Engineering Approach for Product Design Optimization

M. A. Seif
Mechanical Engineering Department, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088, USA

Received 2 June 1997; accepted in revised form 20 January 1998

Abstract: Concurrent engineering is a parallel approach that is intended to maximize quality, reduce lead time, and lower costs. In this
work, the concurrent engineering methodology has been adopted to ensure design optimization of mechanical systems. Design optimization
problems have been synthesized based on the nature of the relation between the parameters and the restrictions imposed by virtue of op-
erational conditions and the complexity of weighting the competitiveness of design objectives Solution methodologies have been developed
for explicit and implicit relationships. Moreover, the concept of modeling has been used to develop a set of attnbutes that provides the best
possible solution These approaches are devised to warrant optimum performance of mechanical components, subsystems, and systems.
Examples pertaining to these solution methodologies are presented. These examples cover a wide range of applications in mechanical sys-
tems and would help clarify the overall framework of problem-solution schemes frequently encountered in the design of mechanical sys-

Key Words: concurrent engineering, design optimization, product design, competing objectives, constraints, weighting factors, modeling,
multiphase optimization

1. Introduction mization process. The optimization process extends beyond

the mathematical analysis of a certain problem. In a sense
Concurrent engineering is a very important concept in that maximizing or minimizing governing mathematical
terms of the state of global economy in existence at present. functions does not conclude the optimization procedure, it
It is a philosophy that is bound to sharpen the competitive also does not ensure maximum performance. On the other
edge of an already successful company and to boost the com- hand, an overall evaluation of the importance of the contrib-
petitiveness of a sluggish company as well [ 1 ]. The adoption uting parameters, both in isolation and collectively, does in-
of concurrent engineering has a strong influence on a compa- spire, to a great extent, a successful procedure.
ny’s operating costs, product quality, product development In order to establish an efficient optimization procedure, it
time, and profitability [2-4]. CE is a paralleled approach that is essential to analyze the various factors affecting the proce-
replaces the time-consuming linear process of serial engi- dure and deal with optimization problems in view of the pro-
neering and expensive prove-outs. Figure 1 (a) shows a se- cess parameters and the extent of the complexity of their in-

quential one-way flow (conventional product design and terrelation. One should also thoroughly consider the
manufacturing flow), which does not allow mutual two-way influence of each parameter from a totalitarian perspective
communication between divisions. In concurrent engineer- bounded by the constraints imposed upon the problem by the
ing, Figure l(b), simultaneous or concurrent decision mak- final competitive factors [ 14]. In general, the goal is to obtain
ing of factors concerning product design and manufacturing an efficient balance between parameters and restrictions to
is cooperatively performed helping to acquire design propos- optimize performance, robustness, and product reliability.
als and/or design alternatives. This is intended to elicit the In this work, concurrent engineering has been utilized
product developers, from the outset, to consider the &dquo;total to develop an optimization methodology that facilitates
job&dquo; (including company’s support functions) [4]. flow of information between components, subsystems,
Optimization is the ultimate goal of any design that aims to and systems. The ultimate goal is to achieve an optimum
obtain a maximum gain out of a system at minimum expense system in record time and cost. A primary advantage of
within a framework of physical laws that restrict absolute such an approach is that it formalizes and exposes errors
multi-aspect gains. The classical approach in tackling opti- and inefficiencies that may be overlooked with the com-
mization problems calls for the separate consideration of the plexity of the product realization process. Moreover, it
factors interfering within a design-operation process and the provides the degree of objectivity that is essential for
isolation of individual effects if possible [5-13]. Such an ap- manufacturing precision, system assembly, customer sat-
proach lacks the deep understanding of the nature of the opti- isfaction, or company profitability.

Volume 6 Number 2 June 1998 101

1063-293X/98/02 0101-10 $10 00/0
©1998 Technomic Publishing Co , Inc
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Figure 1. Flow of information m (a) sequential and (b) concurrent engineering.

2. Concurrent Design Optimization tion methodologies are proposed: direct (explicit), interact-
ing (implicit), and comparative (modeling). The implementa-
The purpose here is to attempt to bridge the gap between tion of the optimization methodology on parts, components,
optimization theory and its practical application. A new de- subsystems, and system is shown in Figure 3. The direct opti-
sign optimization philosophy to ensure optimum perform- mization method is suitable for parts, components, and simple
ance of mechanical systems is developed. The approach is subsystems. Interacting optimization plays a major role in op-
dynamic and the optimization process starts from a paramet- timizing components, subsystems, and systems. Comparative
ric part to a complex system that is composed of several hun- optimization allows the designer to choose the best design for
dred assemblies of parts. Figure 2 shows the information the task and helps in establishing corrective steps analytically
flow and the optimization methodology in a concurrent envi- to ensure optimum performance while the design is still con-
ronment. Based on the nature of the system, three optimiza- ceptual.

Figure 2. The concurrent design optimization methodology.

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Figure 3. The implementation of the optimization methodology on parts, components,

subsystems, and systems.

3. Direct (Explicit) Optimization where

The various contributing parameters or design variables in

direct (explicit) optimization problems do exhibit a direct re-
lation and can be expressed in explicit mathematical form. In
most cases, such problems are either unconstrained or
bounded by constraints that do not obstruct a classical mathe-
matical approach (Figure 4). To ensure robustness, analytical
and mathematical models of the design in terms of its vari- An example, to demonstrate such problems, is the design op-
ables (problem parameters) are formulated. These models, timization of power screws.
such as a set of equations, a computer program, or a proce-
dure that relates an output response to a set of control or input 3.1 Optimization of Power Screws
variables, are examples of an explicit model of a design.
The general mathematical formulation of this class may be Power screws, sometimes called linear actuators or trans-
expressed as: lation screws, are used to convert rotary motion to relatively
slow linear motion of the mating member along the axis.
Minimize: (D(X) Objective Function ( l a) Power screws, as load-carrying members, have various de-
sign configurations and are applied to a wide range of ma-
chine components to obtain a great mechanical advantage.
The goal in this analysis is to reduce the overall power con-
sumption by maximizing the load-carrying efficiency.
The efficiency of the ACME screw threads can be de-
scribed by [15]:

Figure 4. Direct (classical) optimization problems

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Figure 5. Design optimization of acme power screw threads

rect mathematical approach regardless of the constraint (rep-

resented by the self-locking condition). The plots of 77 versus
Z, at different values off (Figure 5) suggest that the efficiency
is maximized with decreasing values off Optimum values of
A, iopi, at different values off can be obtained either analyti-
cally or numerically.
The optimum values are summarized in Table 1 for self-
locking and overhauling conditions. From the table, it is ap-
where, 1] is the efficiency, f is the coefficient of friction, A is parent that the overhauling condition possesses a higher effi-
the helix angle, and a&dquo; is the thread angle. ciency over the self-locking one. The drawback is the de-
A self-locking screw is one that requires a positive torque signer has to provide a special locking device to prevent
to lower the load; an overhauling screw is one that has low screws from overhauling. In both cases, optimum values are

enough friction to enable the load to lower itself; that is, a presented and the designer choice has to be based on the na-
negative external lowering torque must be maintained to ture of the application. In the case of square threads, the
keep the load from lowering. Equation (3) shows that a screw thread angle a&dquo; 0 and the optimum values are higher by less

is self-locking if than 1 % when compared with the above values.

4. Interacting (implicit) Optimization

The is to maximize the efficiency of the This approach is suitable for optimizing components,
design objective
power screw, t7, while the design variables are the helix an- subsystems, and systems that are characterized by a com-
gale, ..1., and the coefficient of friction, f. The relation between plex interaction between the contributing factors and the
the parameters here is of explicit nature, which benefits a di- diverse necessities of the multiple competing objectives.

Table 1. Optimum helix angle and the corresponding efficiency for acme screw threads.

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In this class of optimization problems, the governing mum independent parameters. The value of a given
equations, relating the variables, are presented in implicit exponent is a designer choice and depends on the ap-
expressions. This is attributed to the physical constraints plication.
imposed by the multitude of parameters or to the multi- Step 7: Apply a suitable optimization routine to obtain the
inter influential nature of the constituents. In such prob- optimum design parameters.
lems, an educated compromise is inescapable and a This novel approach has been utilized to optimize the fi-
mathematical reformulation is essential.
nite journal-bearing performance under steady loading con-
The solution methodology relies heavily on the value
ditions. The importance of this approach is that the current
characteristics matrices (VCM) management (Figure 2). In
selection of the main bearing parameters relies heavily on
CE, VCM management provides a measure of estimating
fielded (system level) performances through examining the empirical guidelines. This is primarily due to the complexity
of the interaction between the different parameters governing
interactions among the design for x-ability (DFX) matrices
the behavior of such bearings.
such as reliability, maintainability, and supportability value
characteristics [14]. What is needed is a synthesis environ-
4.1 Hydrodynamic Journal-Bearing Optimization
ment to facilitate flow of information between applications,
languages, and computer platforms. With the advent of Considerable attention has been given in the literature to
feature-based parametric CAD systems (e.g., Pro-Engineer,
the design and performance of hydrodynamically lubricated
Ideas, EDS/Unigraphics, etc.) and parametric or variational
FEA (ANSYS, Nastran, Ideas, etc.), optimum design process journal bearings. Little has been devoted, so far, to the deter-
mination of the bearing design parameters based on optimum
isbecoming much easier to implement. When these systems
are linked with a classical optimization theory, they provide a
performance [16-18]. Although there are many aspects of
bearings performance under steady and dynamic loading
soft-prototyping capability. which have been experimentally, numerically, and theoreti-
The plan of the solution of this class of problems can be
summarized as follows (Figure 6): cally investigated, an actual design procedure based on opti-
mal conditions has not yet been concluded. In addition, some
Step 1: Define the independent parameters (design vari- of these investigations are still somewhat in disagreement
ables). with experimental findings either because of the difficulty in
Step 2: Identify the reference parameters (parameters that introducing exact boundary conditions or in the assumptions
are given or can be precisely controlled). made to solve the governing differential equations.
Step 3: Normalize the independent parameters using the ref- The present work represents a novel approach to optimiz-
erence ones. ing finite journal-bearing performance under steady loads
Step 4: Formulate closed form expressions representing the and puts forward a computational technique to aid designers
behavior of the system as explicit functions of the in assigning bearing geometry and design parameters. The
new normalized parameters. solution makes use of the previously computed numerical
Step 5: Define different competing objectives to suit various values of the bearing performance characteristics [19-20]
design applications. and develops an explicit formulas to help in finding optimum
Step 6: Adopt the method of multiplying objectives and conditions. The optimization treats competing objectives to
raising to different exponents and solve for the opti- suit various design applications. Moreover, the need for

Figure 6. The solution methodology for interacting optimization problems.

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complex tradeoffs for more than two competing objectives 2. The eccentricity ratio can take the form:
may be avoided.
Following the above-mentioned procedure, the solution
steps can be represented as follows:
Step 1: The main independent parameters for this problem

and A, is the function of L only.

3. The minimum film thickness equation is:

where L is bearing length, C is radial clearance, and

I is oil viscosity.
Step 2: In formulating the problem, it will be assumed that which in nondimensional form becomes:
the given parameters are

where H is the normalized minimum film thick-

4. The normalized frictional power loss is:

where D is bearing diameter, N is rotational speed,

and W is load.
Step 3: In a nondimensional form and employing the diame-
ter D for length, rotational speed N for time, and the
load W for mass normalization, we get whereof) is thepolynomial function of E.
5. Oil flow side leakage can be represented as:

whereAL) depends only on L

where X is the normalized design vector, L is length to 6. The normalized oil temperature rise takes the fol-
diameter ratio (L/ D), C is radial clearance ratio lowing form:
(2C/D), and À is a viscosity representation (ÀNIJ2/W).
Step 4: The equations governing the behavior of the bearing
in this study are developed by curve fittings. These
equations are used for the calculation of minimum
oil film thickness, frictional loss, oil flow, tempera-
Step 5: Determine the different design objectives. Some of
ture rise, etc. Taking into consideration the new non-
the possible design objectives are:
dimensional groups of bearing parameters, new
Maximize the minimum oil film thickness (H)
characteristic variables related to the bearing per-
Minimize the bearing power loss (F)
formance can be found.
Minimize the oil flow rate required for adequate
1. The load criterion (A) is usually given by the re-
lubrication (Q)
lation [20]:
Minimize the oil temperature rise in the bearing (T)
Minimize the size of the bearing (L)
Step 6: The general objective function is formulated by mul-
tiplying some of the aforementioned design objec-
tives for minimization and dividing by those for
In terms of the new nondimensional design vari- maximization [21]. Also, raising to different expo-
ables, it then takes the form: nents is a useful tool for relative emphasis. The gen-
eral objective function and the importance of each
factor can be considered such that:

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Figure 7. Optimum results compared with Raimondi and Boyd (minimum power loss and
maximum load are considered).

gives direct results from the first view, and presents an addi-
tional study to the total design space. This is particularly use-
ful, especially when this space cannot be predicted in ad-
vance. A constraint on the value of E not to exceed 0.95 has
where a, b, r, and s are weighting factors which de-
been imposed to prevent the possibility of solid contact.
pend on the applications and the importance of each It should be noted that, by considering only one objective
term in the objective function.
at a time, Raimondi and Boyd [ 19] obtained the maximum-
Step 7: Apply a suitable optimization routine to obtain the op-
minimum film thickness (maximum load) curve and the
timum design parameters. In formulating a problem
minimum friction traction curve. It was suggested that the
for automated design, careful attention must be given
to the search method adopted (numerical techniques).
optimum solution should lie in between these two curves,
It should suit the designer domain and the criterion un-
Figure 7. The optimum values attained in the present study
der consideration. These search techniques are usually
by considering both objectives come within this design area.
The present analysis, therefore, is more advantageous since it
modified whenever necessary to produce the best pos-
sible results with minimum effort.
gives definite values of the optimum design parameters. Fur-
thermore, other objective functions are considered and com-
In this study, the grid method is used. It is very simple, parative results can be found in Table 2.

Table 2. Comparative results of different objective functions.

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Based on this approach the following conclusions can be final goal. For instance, optimizing each component in a de-
outlined: vice does not necessarily mean optimum performance. The
approach to such problems is non-classical and depends to a
By giving weight to the objective of minimum power loss, great extent on the ability of reducing the whole problem to
more improvements on the side leakage and temperature solving a realistic physical model representing the condi-
rise are noticed. tional behavior of the system in the desired optimized mode.
~ Minimum power loss may come at the expense of the Through modeling, the objective can be achieved by com-
maximum-minimum film thickness. Hence, more accurate parison between all the possible operating systems based on
machining is required. the characteristic of the preset requirements. The modeling
~ If minimal power loss is required, the attained results concept is demonstrated by the following example.
showed that very low viscosity fluids should be used to-
gether with high accuracy and minimum radial clearance. 5.1 Loading Mechanisms
In this context, it is recommended that gas bearing may be
beneficial. In the present work, two designs for the application of nor-
Optimization with respect to only one of the performance mal load for pin-on-disc tribosystems are investigated. One
characteristics would eventually render non-practical re- of those is the &dquo;dead weight&dquo; technique; the other is essen-
sults (e.g., minimum power loss and/or minimum tem- tially the &dquo;governor mechanism.&dquo; With the dead weight de-
perature rise are attained theoretically at eccentricity ratio sign the normal load is applied to a rotating disc through a
equals one, while maximum lubricant film thickness pivoted lever. With the governor, instead of controlling
and/or minimum side leakage are achieved at zero eccen- speed by means of displacement, the normal force applied to
tricity ratio). the rotating disc is established by controlling the speed of an
~ The different proposed objective functions may be com- independently driven motor. With both systems the rotating
peting design objectives. By way of example, to optimize disc contacts a stationary pin.
the bearing with the objective of minimum power loss, this The objective here is defined in terms of the &dquo;dynamic
may come at the expense of the maximum-minimum film stiffness&dquo; [23]. That is, the tribotester apparatus should be
thickness and vice versa. Nevertheless, minimizing the designed so that when contact between pin and disc is lost
power loss will help in minimizing the other most practical there is an immediate tendency for the triboelements to &dquo;re-
objectives. engage.&dquo; This is obvious since invariant contact conditions
should be maintained to the maximum extent possible.
5. Comparative (Modeling) Optimization In order to analyze the dynamic interaction between pin
and disc it is necessary to model the pin and its supports, as
Modeling is very important in evaluating the integrity of well as the disc and the mechanisms, which are used to pro-
completed designs. Modeling may require concentrating on vide the normal load. These models are represented in terms
the performance trade-off and overall coordination of the of lumped parameters (i.e., equivalent mass meq, equivalent
product functionality. This type of analysis is particularly damping Ceq, equivalent stiffness ke9, and equivalent force
suited to the emerging CE environment [14]. When more Fe). Also, for purposes of analysis and of comparison be-
work is done in parallel, the coordination and control of com- tween the two alternative designs, the initial conditions con-
puter support system becomes increasingly important. An sisted of a normal separation between pin and disc, and a zero
expert relies on accurate product and process modeling to ac- approach velocity. In tribotesting, such an event might occur
curately predict any product or process queries [22]. with the removal of a relatively large piece of wear debris.
Knowledge-based optimization involves three things [14]: Subsequent motion consists of alternating separations and
1. A knowledge-based feature model impacts, and the solution methodology is given in Reference
2. Formulation of design problem as an optimization prob-
The dynamic response of both governor and lever mecha-
nisms is summarized in Table 3. These results are tabulated
3. An optimization algorithm to guide the design to reach a
for conditions of high and low load (nominal contact stress)
feasible solution
and for light and heavy damping. In addition, two initial step
Modeling and simulation facilitate the process of making (A) sizes are investigated and the objective is to determine
complex changes to product design and development. The the time required for each system to achieve &dquo;re-contact&dquo; fol-
approach is dynamic, and the model can be iterated through lowing such initial step disturbances. In this analysis, it is im-
the various responsible work groups until a set of attributes portant to recognize that the purpose is to compare two dif-
that provides the best possible (feasible) solution. ferent mechanical systems in terms of &dquo;dynamic stiffness.&dquo;
In this approach, the presence of a dominating final objec- From the table, it is apparent that the governor mechanism
tive dictates the attitude towards the solution to the extent possesses a superior dynamic stiffness in all cases. That is,
that the optimum performance of a mechanical system is the time required for contact to be re-established is faster for
viewed as independent of the intermediate path towards the the governor than for the lever. Thus, the governor system is

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Table 3. Dynamic response of the two mechanisms.

significantly more responsive to wear-induced perturbations Moreover, the whole bearing design domain was examined
than is the lever mechanism. and, hence, an absolute optimum could be achieved.
A new concept in handling optimization problems on the
6. Decision basis of system modeling was also introduced. This concept
offers a powerful key in selecting an optimum system among
The optimization process extends beyond the mathemati- available ones. Through modeling, the objective can be
cal analysis. Maximizing or minimizing governing mathe- achieved by comparison between all the possible operating
matical functions does not conclude the optimization proce- systems based on a characteristic preset requirement.
dure, nor does it ensure maximum performance. The purpose The given examples represent a wide range of applications
here is to close the gap between optimization theory and its in mechanical systems and vary from a simple design prob-
practical application to ensure optimum performance. This lem solved by differentiating an objective function, power
requires analyzing the various factors affecting the procedure screws, to a more complex problem of optimizing a hydrody-
and &dquo;reorganizing&dquo; optimization problems in view of the namic journal bearing. Finally, the modeling approach to
process parameters and the extent of complexity of their in- solve a comparative optimization problem in loading appli-
terrelation. cation is detailed.
The proposed classification of optimization problems and The clear advantage of such approach is that changes or
the suggested methodology of solution of each class provide improvements to the total product and process design can be
a practical and powerful tool to assure optimum performance made earlier, when costs of such changes are less. Among the
of any mechanical system. Three classes of optimization other contributions are the following:
problems are proposed: direct (explicit), interacting (im-
plicit), and comparative (modeling). ~
Capture the knowledge of the design intent.
Direct problems represent cases in which the mathemati- ~ Define the problem in a set of parameters, constraints, and
cal formulas relating the constituents of the problem are of objective functions.
explicit nature that does not obstruct a traditional mathemati- ~
Identify conflicts between different design parameters.
cal approach, even in the presence of constraints. This class ~
Analyze the design for structural considerations under a
can be handled from a solid mathematical perspective, rather range of field conditions such as stress, heat, impact, vi-
than an interaction between mathematics and experience. bration, and other real world situations.
Interactive problems represent a class or more complex ~
Provide feedback based on incremental analysis of design
problems, in which objectives, factors, and constraints are as it evolves.
inter-influential. Isolating the independent parameters, iden- ~ Generate comments on the design.
tifying the reference parameters, normalizing the governing ~
Create a library of critics to provide immediate feedback
equations, and careful screening of the objectives are key on the design decisions as they are being made.

steps toward the mathematical formulation of the problems. ~

Help designers make their product better, more reliable,
Weighting the extent of the influence of each objective and and durable.
how it affects the ultimate design goal also should be consid-
ered. It has been observed that optimization with respect to 7. Conclusions
only one of the performance characteristics would eventually
render nonpractical results. Therefore, combination of com- A new design philosophy to ensure optimum performance
peting objectives through multiplication and raising to dif- of mechanical systems using concurrent engineering ap-
ferent exponents have been utilized. This procedure renders proach has been developed. Based on the nature of the sys-
practical and reasonable optimum parameters as demon- tem, the relation between the design parameters, and the con-
strated by the hydrodynamic journal bearing example. straints, three optimization approaches are introduced: direct

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