The State of Amhara Constitution (Amharic and English)

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hE tere S9/1004 4.9" uses 9. STIR Aen Act HOA ome armas 20%) Ne Date QREAe AIhELeR RMA Te epee ahate Ye AMM HOHE anew” roe fie 15 b) W8T Gar OemEonas fonds NNT Bean qweiih AED ONT Mee NAR AT ere Inver OETA ICME “hema finer than emma nna eAAMry SAA nat tapes sO Fs amd Beiter Oe HECT er ee OO norte peri ike NAA PE WR Mee Ae AAO thane accooyaee NebR 100 BA He coc uy pmUhN@Ts aug ae eTIAU Phe une NAA Lamy eTose NUE dowrsta: PROCLAMATION NO, 59/2001 A. PROCLAMATION ISSUED TO PROVIDE F "APPROVAL. OF THE 200]-REVISED CONSTITUTION ‘OFTHE AMARA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE WHERE! CConsttion of the Amara Nations! Regional ite (as amend 1b has been appropriate 12 prcisim The beforehand) which had, fllowing the foundation of te Feral Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, heen widely deliber and adoped by the peoples deputies of the Regional State for the very first ime on the 22% day of June 1995 and has, 10 his pon day, been in effet, alter having thoroughly examined its specifi frovisions in such a way as to make it explicit and comprehensive enough 0 depict especially the allan of power inherent in the regional sate organs with ill transparency, accountability and expeditious sevice éetivery coventation a natural consequence thereof, Now, therefore, The Council of the Amara, National Regional Stale, in accordance withthe powers vested iit, under ‘Art. 109 ofthe Regional Constitution in force hereby issues The 2001-Revised constitution of the Asm National Regional State approval proclamation as follows “1 are. con fy NE “AsiiND PRI Ane MAA Ae cmrek Desks NE dere SI I" Hate ant 2540: 2. e1hiaw ener. Anes hha —_actewr-reie nena Gan ere 211988 er et RRoM PNT atc MAO aLemVTe INDE TIA £49 hae Abeer Ande etna AM M1994 4.7" Pit roma PATS Aes NAR Ioorrnee MLD Ae asta, 3 Ae genes 1 vad we an omen ereteLse AE kee 111988 doen 210 NHER 2 ME ORES ASCE oP vrmniye NPE MM 49 ATG oma ener finet NAA anemia 96 Mee Me Oh ngen by Kame ene eases ue Ac he 26 9 1994 4 rae eo PRN Aine NAA TASH comm, WY W-Hbyssinialaw.con ‘This proclamation may be cited as "The Revised Amara National ‘Regional Constitution approval proclamation. No ss72001" 2 Approval of the Revised Ambary National Resional ‘Constitution ‘The 2001-Reviseé Constitution of the Ambara National Repional State is hereby approved. by this proclamation following an extensive examination ofthe provisions, both in content and form, ofthe preceeding constitution of the Ambira National Regional State (as amended) tier i anginal ‘xuablishment pursuant to proclamation No. 21995 5. Effective Date \Nowwithstanding the provisions of Ar. 202) ofthe Regional Zikre Hig Gaza establishment proclamation No. 1995. This approval proclamation shall come into ere a ofthe dt a its approval by the regional council along with the 200|-Revsed onaition ofthe Amhara National Resinal State Done at Babir Dar This S* Day of November, 2001 Yorer Ret President ofthe Amara National Regioaal State use 9.9° Tine tow EAT Ald ce NADA DE Neds Ata MAR AVE msde pIneek tem aay CH MARE Renan OA FEN, WELT MEM AMPLE once AoE AUG AL CHD AGT eee andar KETD Ae PRCAY Nae TOT nemnons: ner t AM PITT ACCA AE a0 bear Nahas Ane DT MIT ETAT Tenree ovis Pee AN OH mE ED PR ch mvc” DORAN TIE mh RIED AUC ALICANTE WUE anions ane niece tasers Paar AA 4CS NAS ct Ticha REET APRS CANOES PEND NEA Me foamy amie nan aTIMAD aC Ce srcannks minh ORS AMPHCALL MALE emt Panneaes MhmsAR Pa7 COOL MAMA hFooNE aneneet cenan emus Ad RENTED when? sno mvbensh eer: DF ane fice ha PRI NIE Aebeny Aneense RET ame AAMT ANN ALR. Peni OPER! oFcnt ATHCASE CEAAN Suman ewe ekeT MhAMED ree ee ac eeu Fleet MAR TiO 11-REVISEI IN OF THEA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE smb ‘We, the peoples ofthe Armbara National Regional State Having been desirous to do away with the negative impact hindering oar overall development which the aye old oppressive system had for long imposed upon ws by cruelly suppressing our ‘human and democratic gts and thereby exposing us allt the scourge of poverty and backwardness a5 & rest unjust eonomnie and soit policies in place; ‘Being dully convinced ofthe fat that we had for long been victims of an unbearable arm caused 1 us dretly or indireetiy to an areious national oppression which had to be committed in the pas on and agnnst the majority of our county’s nation. rationales and peoples, and henceforth needs to be cores and rete hereaer, onan lt walt Nal accion of ou al development, 90 hat our con carci bes flea deme epbin, where human tnd domestic hs of indviials a well as nto ‘nals an peoples chiding he igh eldeternation posession ae fl espcted and ingen the al of fv frevalence the omery opposite and baka stn Bs Ben oroted duct the ete spl ucergoe fr te age he pat fal our cous natntaonalie pools Haviag firmly believed that, we, the peoples, seting in he ‘Amara National Regional State, would be ale o asin rapid conomic growth, durable peace and fillNedged democracy, ‘only when we do mange to pastess our own constitution founded fon the sprit of the constitution of the Federal Democratic 3 PEMIGAID OTLeMI ME oUNE ABtIack ch Ine AB APA PeLehAy canRy ILO NARI dewey eT fis nowene Meme ae Mune re Aaah nanny evcavd aanson ehar rhe Ot cone 1M TONER EY NMI NAM Kel) wk Prnneny haat wneowrIay th IS PY 1987 7 horKonae Uk emhcd FaLdO” emirnd rshcrOny Die he AL LAO LOIN) IN MIRNA! Ad AOACD MLIEAT Aowemver nih att Pye AP AMM ITN ALARM MLE AI TAR ee RECKONS ITO ich MLmekO my NII Tt orm PMO emir awe deme Au nde TIN 26-49 1994 9. ONINE AC WD huschom PhAg HE MA KOE mL NAIL Seer nner AMA heb MCI ETA ave omy AB OOneNE UNDERE AL TNCUC HmPEHY DD Mh: LID ROLPA a Ey Vem PAT Mee hae om Aahatee AOIHCY LLIIION MY omer CER mae owe PRM Adee NAME VIL” OLA he Ban www, abyssin Republic of Ehiopia, taking, Mio -aecoust tie. conte cineumstances of our regional site apd thereby enabling ws 10 taerise our consitiona rights dully respected thereto fly sd unestctedly, ‘Recalling tha, dependent on the above noted background, sve had deliberated upon and adopted the regional consitaion ‘which has, otis day, been inetec forthe very fist ime on the 22" day of June 1995 trough the agency of our represenatives lected fom amongst us ina direct participation and democratic ‘manner and sent 10 the founding congress of the regional Council, and thereby the same regional constiniuen in fore /as ‘mended beforchand! deserves 1 be, after a deep and throug tramination, revised and promulgated in such @ way us 10 incorporate and exhibit an efficient governmenal organization accountable lo the electorate and strcily following transparent ‘working procedures tothe extent of the requirements demanded by the late of afar which we aren atthe moment, ‘Now, there, have hereby approved the whole ext ih an undivided vote, to day, onthe 5" day of November 2001 inthe third regular secession ofthe regional counei eld herein Bait Dar, after having thorovehly elite upon the revised constitution and deeply examined its specific wticles, whose ini draft had tobe prepared ad submited te us by the body aap AMA WT EASE fn) torte Nie STRCA ah DEP REL PMMTAS ema Na uy AIR TON AER I Seah or, aI sce lh enor omic eM? foe oem PTA FP dowane? oe I enone ney mE howe abe gators PR Pera Anda MER eh AMA Forms COTTE ons haar anto.38 peepee Pomona emg Limiter hemee mbar MCT ance Adetns PP ART MILT Aran Er Tae heath OR MET Ag Reomwcr ARIE ERC POLAT Om AO: lol abr F MN qemzniFon shane Nery ania ME NiBaRC femnh IW nator roma nirare xch? aro KeRe goon wom NI 18 Jem| 5, The state shall scored special protection to orphans and shall, encourage the establishment of institutions which ensure snd promote thir adoption and advance their welfire, and ‘cation thereof, Actike37 isbt of Access to Justice 1. Everyone has the right to bring a justiciable mate to, an 0 ‘obtain a deision 0 judgement by a cour of law or ay other ‘competent body wit judicial power. 2, The decision o judgement refered to under subart. 1 ofthis Amiel hereof may also be Sought by (a) Any association representing the collective or individual intrest of its members, cr (©) Any group or person who is «rember of, represents 8 ‘roup with similar iterests. Articles “The Bight eo Vote and tobe Elected 1. very Ethiopian has, without any discrimination, bas colo, rice, naton-ationality, sex, language, religion political or other opinion or sins, te following sights - (@) To take part in conduet of public afr, dirctly and through freely choren representatives, (byTo vote on the atisinment of 18 years of age and 10 be lected on the attainment of 21 years of age, throughout 2 Shek iv ome remmeng eum 21 our IPA Ie Pamaween wee nur: Powe vad ART OA AYE Ae Proc meine AN LIK OME £9 Nie ca MR eRIANIS RAN PMR mr) ant Wrath SCRE were ave NNEeES tome ome neones SCE PLEO bans AR EMO mech eeLena FOr A Kee MA ory conte Penne omy NAN: 4 MAIER ION AIR 2 AboabER SCRE whe aonark FPF gore Poe E NG PnAALe OY OOF LesKTAS: SPY MR IO AIR BAT 4 LITLE gan ATG A va FIs ADR en aa ROBE AE AIOE gorse: anta.39 PA Ande NAB da one PN ee MAA AM MERE Rene APMEASE ETAAN ALVIN FOF AEA Me Feron? Nit eTIMA SCA AO owe AITO oath EAE Ph HE MNLDIY ome PKR nat. atte ee ee eae Ach) terns eMALT NIAVT ARO tomer! 07 emaKTT UA fomdt PURI PINES mA A | petialy conducted elections to any public offic at any {bvel of state administration, inaecourdce wit law. 2. ‘leon sl te cri oo he bai of nr al ful suffage and have fo be held under secec ballot | Glimatelypunanecng the fie expression ofthe wile he 3. The right of everyone to be # member of his own will in a polis! ogsizaton bow nin, snes ezaniation, fremployes or professional asrciaton salle respected if he mevs the special and general requtemesis-stipulated by | atch organization. 4, Elections to positions of responsibilty within any of the ongunizatons refered to under sub-ar.2of tis Article hereof | shall be conducted na fee and democratic manner 5. ‘Theprovisions of sub-ars. 3 and 4 ofthis Article herof shall | apply to civie exganizations which may significantly affect the public intrest Aicte-39 ue Rights ofthe Peoples ofthe Amara National Revional State The unconditional right of the peoples of the Amica National Regional Sle to self-detemination including secession a hasbeen ensivined inthe constitution ofthe Federal Democratic Republic of Fhiopa i, in any way, guranteed and polecied witout any for of resrchon Accordingly, the people afte National Regional St | 1. asthe right to preserve its own National identity and strive towards its du respect, maintain, eich and cae for its legaey and history a5 well as utilize and enhance its own Tanguage ser its ove culture, develop and rome same B cde MoAIMnereee DAA arb PeaNd ML Mate penance civ Méde RUEARCT LOT denen mie Onn MAT MEAP AAA Fie SRI AY ROMAT NIL rm MT OE een eae Nn Fhe AU NAD aL GND CTIERRE oma ea anal oman PEG ced PELE PB RCE OM Imyonane tater Peres Rete oY IH jivense artes 205% OAs PTT TR MOA Foshan’ Ina aoe mae IV 1 xn Joa DIR 3 etm OBI Aico ay He Prat Ae NS MI Me ASAE Taran UL MARAE ARO RPHCAIE CHAN ULONVIO NHR DW CRITI ome eorima en FMA fed NEA Met NAN Mee PECIB: A caoes a MY AYR WOH [PAPO Pen) NEA Meh Coma unc wien 4 om ah aoraa ome Wee AB. OLOAD * ly erin 79 MMLACALAD ET" Aa Phe Lh oat YON RR Loe MATE mere ecru? IN Pei Ie NCAA we eae FRE ML PMT Om, ALLO Det Gem Uk mtn Ameer Al Adacih O saHl RaMar, ALTE | We also fas, within the geographical limit of teitory, the EA tthe Bal determination of oe ali, excise ar pevemment as well enjoy an effective parpain it aorta of the. federal government in 2 fot so ennaory, appropriate, far and equitable means of represetaion, the Ambara National Regional nt halle Hose rights 1 eisai “The sight ofthe peoples of State to exercise self govemsme tablish governmental insitations ot umposes within the geogrptical aca of "Soin an equitable representation it ofthe federal goverment well as “Miminstative arranger inion thatthe sights mentioned under ie, hee i i ofthe vi wee yo thie Arle ero! fave beth sgh arabia and ence could nae He 2G Seamsancs, whe unt, al exes under cmminaion up 10 sxe i sera a oe aaa of Ace 39 ofthe Costa of Be renal moet Repbli of Eon. The right of Nation-Nationslities and peoples 19 sll eenution upto secession as coninined under sub-a, 4 Stans Anite herenf, may only come into ef: ay Were ite ceria ta he demand Br ein ‘under consideration has been accepted by a aes ee sae cone ane rw may of te te te nonaatoaiy © (AE (e) When the federal goverment organizes eer eine oat take place within thee years fom the die it paral the decision for secession ofthe count ofthe Taton-ationality er people concer, Py la eoorima, se ast Tem MAA oO Fynd ema emcee Ane Adc wee aH PC A emary nuehabal 96 wt na MERON omwers RL NERA ase ‘a 6 thy AYE MOA AIR 1 AON JOA NHR S Prmei uine ONE OhAM ne ALTE Fires ABE PAE AUER Buren 2M aon Oot CHCA ae ant 1A bre CIAO Race LEAR, FMC ah: EA Ie MAL PLEIN MMA men tonne, “ane parort AMe MURAI poe tt paeOr pag wer FHOMs, AOFM ARO POLI Peale NIE PAFO-S WIMFO” Mee ema. ys LE antoso exact enn: LMA wis haa ame PETC ey tane DAtkeR PIA FACE AL aoyre shncashA: 20 0% CRU THI Heme MAA Wa WT Aohactany eh IAA eemeus NIAC Poway SEP teh WEY ome MMbaeres en Tae pemirt een mE AA amas Pras MEY ghitsha: 2 AW AIR AAT “PTA FAe%” TAI Ahan nr haw ore conTC TO AIRE OEP A NOSE wT PIM NIC MES OE a (When te demand for secession i spond e ‘majority vote in the said referndum, 1 Woon te Federal Gover wil have wars (8 eee ete coe of he onstrate Sng ata (@) When the division of assts is effected in a manner prescribed by law. ‘The National sights stipulated wnder_sbst 1-5 of tis Anicle hereof shall apply with respect t the poopes of ‘ima, Awi and Oromia as wel . of his ‘rain Nalin? or Tp he pres Donon op of ple wt ve ies age Sine of a sine cleo snr aos, ia esha of mpgs, tet in» common el (astdest cammen pele make ap a8 ho tanta, roman os ‘Article ‘Tye Right wm Property ol sate ‘Any boing inde o oni he exo ste A te opto the ern of pone Uns etre perdi on sou of a rs, SR eg cu nade he mah to acquit tame compat wih the of er ey 0 “pose of ch property by sl or bequest ort sihervise. is Atle, shall mean -nivte propery for he pepo ofthis, Ale sal ea any tangible of inangible product which fas value and mr, cea, enterprise or capital of produced by the labour, creativity, Ls here Tate wer KIM UAE WHO aN OHA Nd PNY MAMAE NIUE PRE RAFO sien MAMBO Meee. Freee wey OWE MO Pes real PUG Peau MM AEem #2 Soar orm. yar: 2. PMc wh tken aaae Pree VANE dane Smal rms eH AF YO ood PPB Pieter Phas dene toe ie 0 AeCE meh an pea PROTA omar eM $b 00a: 4 thaw Ace hen nado Shine PTF ACNEARCE aati vt ANCT Prmtennt ora A FerTET paumbes hao FOOMESHA MALE Haar! eID or gong: 6 teat MARA ead ore NIKO 0 Pham oye ATA AQUA aa MeLeN NE Newak Pomme em Fony entencnePA, Ticwe aw genase: That wn” MEI Tham OD PONE orFOR Adare MAN mer ATM Nome Ae fume tn net mee AeeRcIm son en emt em rnwr:t gue aon Fowiint Fenont pacnt omit cbmseelrh Aker Bae Inky PIAA MAMA PMG |Le er Dee Pome cone RD chit ras UCwe a0 ona: any Bhioin ind ming Sie or ene te an Ste native egestas wich eel penny sere mw om apne Steunsnces, by commis specifically empowered by iovioown ery nconmen of night oewsehp of rand urban nd as well Than sources, ssechstly vee nthe ste ard ie flops sz whole Land isa cman proper ofthe pons ride ela sie nd Hence al oY sujet oso tober eas rch Tight to obtain The peasants of the regional state have the ight to obian tan without payment andthe proton agus evi fiom thir possessions thereof. Is implementation shall etermined by lav. ‘The catle-aisers or pastoralists residing inthe regional state hhve the right o obai, fee of charge land for grazing and cultivation aswell as the rght 10 use ad nt tobe dspacod ‘fom thei own land-oldings. 1s implementation sll be determined by la hp of Witt prejudice to the peoples ight othe ownership Inne repionl sate shall enere the ight of private ropes othe ue of land on the basis of payment meron established by lav, Parular hl be eter mined by lav. Bilan cesiting inside or ouside the regina site ‘Aa hve fe fit th immovable propery e bul ‘2a tote permanent improvements rings abot on he tant by hi labour o ela." Tia sight shal inch the ‘gh lo alienate, to Doieth, a whee the gh of we remove hs propery, tafe is ie, or Scape all be determined by law ‘compensation for it. Particulars 26 8 fa Te ANIA eo NIECE UE hate me at ne Nea Ue eT temas et OLE NOK IA MCD neworns: Ae ated PANEL eoMeRS PUA oor 1. that Hea £09 MEM Anam Oe AoC PLLA onion kre Ohad ne ATO FAME OANA eomaaKe eMC Fomcaey pg. temas Ome Kaori LoTTOP cine ye aotseeyanys PO") pour can ome haar: hate HCE wk Moenaee aN Henn NET NAMEE AMAL poombge mah ao. CMB VIM CmFT CAIMUCRS Ane ene MATEY anal eran APL Naor, Pus on gomsney eo SMB om eNMAS toa MENTE ROEM Fawn wEM LANARL Phe NITED Atte Aorca pham ANE Ade daar Ao OMIM C28: CBD mL aac NOE ENE se Aeinc SLE AAP ROMA NII TMLSHLRO Fovdn NC ONT Poe KA Rom nE fog TOMMY paar TERMEEY pha: T than evap hak REE men pee PIT ARNT Nae IRE AMIEL NEAL PEP ED game: Without prejudice to the righ to prive Prope. the Tesora Samay expr Pivae propery fr pubic cnposes subject 1 payinet in adeance of competion ommer-sumt othe value of th proper in quesion couomi, Soil snd Cura Riss Any Ethiopian who resides or desires to reside in the fegiona slate bas the right to rely engage tn any economic tetivity and t0 pursue 8 Kvelihood of his choice anywhere ‘within the regional teritory to choose sion thereof [Bvery resident ofthe regional sat has th his mesne of Kvelhood, occupation and pr ‘ees of he ein ste hve he 10 ‘recast nes us th ply founded wn een eaves herein ste har the oblpuion 10 alee eestor pote Pu he etn Siebel saver ‘he ea se sal, tine rae cacy a te regal economy lloete esoures to rovideeaiiion Sovasnumce whe pytaly ad onal dsb. Be Ialandisclien to arte wos exo guar “The regional state shall pursue polices which aim at eeating Joh opportunities fr the unerployed apd the poor and shall fecondingly. undertake programmes and public werk! pes J tepioal ste shall uke all menus sees 10 ‘ea oppor ote eo fhe repo fd inf aploment ie. a ths aniamnan ati AL MAP HS DCREALE MELO NEHA ponEE HC AMIE PENTA IT AMER UA HEC Frch MeO 9c Keema rary Ame en ksto I eam 82 CPE om re - than mri envrons mune A 700, PF ORATNT Uk MY HAY owOMLA KAN Pham cova MUAT Cebch HOR coma Amman Maze Onde ANON PURE pers nar: antes teed emg PACK PATTI ERE ONC wer RE MIE AOE func wrehEE Inbony Faner® RH OF ens tec phon perareaton Pm wat OE: by rms CADTe, wae acPIA eMC Penge ie ome Naar: ey omar gorcen cunetIe AAR Nay perRE RAT DNNeRS MIT NOL MAF NCEE DEPMELEE OEE PIA’ A Iu One OY TOM ADER MHC PHA Focn WOE oe MY ee Pome oon naibans: al N6 Ate Oy OM ITER NERA be en DS A cma ONG ATE ome nome PF n perv rah mchE NV7 LOATH Bares anf pense chiens tae Oe Ae edt pear for ter prof, that Wold 1 aa cat n tr conan of if and to cable them 0 moe cabarets wear omer since onsbuton in the realization of the ouput thereo: ve wile Te regional at sal egies obit a tt ono od osil devpmet plc ola ne regional ste bas te reporsily © 9 Te leu ego, an cont teamed ofthe as an Lo Right of Labour 1 workers, farmer, frm: labourers, oer mployees. whose work iin level 1, Festory and servic ual workers and goverment ci Compaibiity allows frit and who are Below a et ‘of responsiblity= a) Have he gh 6 fom actos 0 nore the # ‘conditions of employment and economic yeleeag eset inert iis frm to Ti Some eran colecely wih employes romain fe ir ress sd 9 under this (6) The categories of worker, refenc ie eclin var tere, hve the ih 0 vances, ntig the ight tik. © Goverment employes who may be able 1 jy te © Gee provid for ander te septation of al ©) SP uvarle eso, Shall be emi byw 2” 1 OF Nee AemINE Ae bomnae Mee PT mam Pee vs 2 wat OnON PONY Foe AeET NERY Pema ULE PL Whee 9c FeTAm PRET AT Rema Pounce ran M97 NIRV MGT he PIPER tone DML SOPYTE eos Naar: MMU NEF mee ABCD MM AE Nu 29% OA AIR Tome NowdE PEED mae RAY Chaba 4EHF Ped eM Aas tac LOC mMRhEO moa ws nti Fart con 1 had IHF roe oO perTIAG ponete DET FIT mdm Prhane yor 2 thee eee ee AM tome ene Ma AEM MNO ALA AE ES TERME AL UMFOD RIAA foemey cosh Mo: | SI ARM OF 907 Phan HPePE LIS weHt GORE MINAY sure antes Fann gud oon PL than sree t owe mer avy Anan reore oni 2a | | Vora Waanwabyssiniakaw:eom woe 2, Woes te te hw en eid ing apr ne h ou ich tr public hldays as nll aly ad es ere sxbanicle 5. Without prj to the rights recogni under su-ale * ofthis rc, avs nat for he implemen of ch ‘ahs eblih rere fr te formation of tale “inions and the regulation ofthe collective bargin thereof iclet3 ‘The Right o Development “The resident ofthe eins state hae ee move {heir condtions of ie and enoy sssinable de oer io me yp ei > mt fe ta fa coated with rpc opie #8 = amen ivities sal be to ebance 5, The basic sim of development at aan capacity of the inant of Te Slopes sn to eat he ase nets. ticles ‘Enyiconmental Rights 1 The residents of the regional state have she mht toa clean nd healthy envionment aly * 2 thaw yan Nene At remem; grag a PRG ane wEO pao ame on. ferrn 0 ACAH wR AA Aran, eonporr APC hams Cry PTH WEE AA Nee OTE LT mee NA Far F LOCaPES OMAP Prete yam 209 20K thaw The A MRL ve Nero. oe PANS ACHTED Alrdce acy FNGFOY 07 ROMY ABE 2 had awtn Ponte PTE eNeT RCI aune Fenton rnc We eta: 3 MU dR 400 AIR 2 AC EIT AIRMNE WE Ahad WT LTE AME ANC MNCAIEE AME NAT NAR v4 Frye BISA Howe fy pana 4 My RIK 200 APR TAC MAMAM PADRES RcMeT FeRIO AIRbMMe we MAN mae PIT Wee Aer Fony persia) teat PIE Aeon BAA: CHE Ai? bane 2 A poor mye fen ie of wie ive at neal et fe mops endcaies bf gin ste have th fo obain commensurate moniay or other alematve mea of conpeatn, ning Teton i aoe se assistance CHarrer FOUR ORGANIZATION OF THE REGIONAL, ‘STATE AND FTS ALLOCATION OF POWERS Arfclets Administrative Hierarchies ‘ofthe Regional State ~ soca aay J Rega Suis irc sard Pe comp’ the Tegal Were. sol Kenic mise ei The Region! Copel my, bowers Sina er Si oe anniv eas a bot er ie by wi epnive powe andi, ya necessary wi and. Oromia inhabiting the 2. The peoples of Hira, ‘esol ses have iio coucils 3. Wie rie the poisons hid dove ne sa. 2 of ts Article treatin fate acy ata lel selling in te el el is taken ear of wih special coneraions. Patel: tl be eurined by law soryrivnssariens horas eee ae termined by I “ aged6 enna err ronan) Nhat 1 that erm v9 doen, Aha PHAM Phe NT Pe MAE In WE Rae dha we stmcte aumhaw> andl yor: 2 that NEE FAT ADL AHA Pham omnEReE PERI AUD mare ANAM MHC MI a J PHAM PATHE AMD Phat GOH MA AF ss patna? Chater mans a0 LOPES Kone APhenee eran at HM ORT MOA LALO AEsen MPI DEY Aho emIVT Ahad Ahad tebe PAM FM Oe en OM pmaTye AMC Pham Orr mAmG FING BwrTAS 2 OU AR 900 ADR 1 He pwecor Amsae PIL eta IF haat owyaive 21 hand raneens ernee arr rane NROARS NE FOMAT SERIA 22 ThAOY aLemIME AATE AE gama naseena 21 Pakom om aeLeome a7 sone MOI Prdne vaIY eihAReA! | www. aby ssi ‘Organs of Power ofthe Regional State ‘The Regional Council, being the legislative organ of the al ete supreme orgn of sat powers and le othe people it represents hero Zest th pon goverment and lb ecouble to the regional counl ‘The judicial power of the roponal state ries solely and exclusively inthe regional judiciary Article? Pomers and Duties of The Regional State exlity vers and duties ouside those duly and exp pee ed the federal state or otherwise to the federal and reson at ni stitution of the tepals in commen win fe cnsalion Federal Demexsate Republic of Ethiopia all henceforth be the powes an dts ofthe ional state sow pre to the gency of the foening owl splacd undo sar: to hs Atle hea ‘he regional state: - 2.1. Sets out the economic and socal development policy, ferategy and plan of fhe regional sate and_ works ‘owards their implementation hereof 22 Baacts and excoues the constitution and other laws of the regional sae; 23° Administer land and natura resourees, in aesordance wth Laws enacted bythe feral state; a 24 207 Meh ObRRCY AAO peer hAAe MIA seRoAT Fay enaesh thee APhoAse mca gaya: echene KAE AMHCA IT EEAAH KLIN PIE FUP anomrnet gevashas ehahant 25 MOA oOnPREC WEEE AOEKRCE bong WPT Abeoatt m7 gamat gence fun nensnaxone uo eineky Pepuee Fame FAME momo tag y wap mime eecasA: 26 MAO) FAR Dea FReHAt pongas PNA wie one Bava DT ERIKS Kee ATHCLLE CEAAN at vie NIK 28 WOO NR LNG PHU ave mri NOK EDEL NIE oe ONT med Pak wEr gC eReoN: 28 Ane Mono em wom anee Ae POE grnat eanMMAr ees AED somos nara 29 MAA omDbARES NIA REAR rpmepy AE Fone IC erMAY onda? 20 Fic a omer nee poncar Panna MI ANGT we 1 IME eerhaT eananas Conan onal gore evans mm 4 objective of self administration, establishes and builds Syste ner ba vale ian ts esti of Fa Denon Repible of Eon as wal cout 25 Enc tus rutting working conn of ci ‘xv oftie reiorlpovernel andes wads ‘he npn thera rove tomee ati sll take into account the standard extra of county in relation to education, taining and working ‘experience, while executing sch law, 26 Oran ad dicts he ial poe fe ad thereby protects peace and security of the regina state: itt jie oth pov of a2 sb. 27 ine erat of he Fden! Democrat epic OF Bion and At 38 ot tis conten Bs tua pin ner wo ic moles tes and ihe tesco ay sur 2° Rive oe ets o on ics roa popes oe wes Bon lp Implements threot, tax on and fom the 29° Levies and calles ince ta ot al. fom the employees of the regional goverment and pr eateries 2.10 Determines and collects rural and usertes 2.11 Levies and collects agricultural income ax 2 — anette mn 212 Le sl a ft mone sel tn te me i sat ef ae Faal pyaioer kay toes mt ote Fors sakr obs corasip of bo wh eat, poverune 22 MNAR ier 0 MALAY moe HOUT RAKE Atm Tete neues mn ae aac arnt Anna AAA centage AMAL ne WOES MOT NET AS New enna business profit, persons income St ad Gay eae nt Spm SStapeas opentel unde le ownciy of ‘esol goverment 2 MRM mies ON me heTE ee Te SCERE 4b rae doer pane ame FREES PANNE HATS wnat wane BI Net open M0 2G WOERAIEO ram eceey LTO? eae oR ane! gang amet PHens ENDO LA HOTS ace mine Bhaaas my ail income, sales and excise taxes generated Fen doom cp aly se ie () Shates, in accordance with law, sales and other taxes derived from business profits of companies and dividends due to share-boldrs; WW RECEAE moe aces -tmaAnieg aa a ae fe enh ogi : accordance with iw, income tax dev (© fom ges wig en pela pt * Suzanna retentes ton mene peters acs ease eno geri? Me Baan ets, es ener om ong 28 dlr otros dred y te pt ‘tereioal govt sn forest 2.16 Fixes and collects royalty tobe derived to fend ay dase vita alenty 6 27 dngeing pie hs, daze snd plement 3 TIS MAR mVEARE DAI tO Esha MALE erence MELOY Garth sone.» 216 bed eeried eta hee pentar ean a One KOT ere xR MEF aU MI hE He rest TOP FPNC Mk NMA ComemOm AO how A UL a emanc HC MY NNAYE LOIRA: anees9 shag ne Ma ees tc Lad PC A OLY aRemIaINA ome PHAR ae) home ha, dome: LOAehY Rone RMNEAPE EARN ar amy LYDL NI UT HG LE MALE hae pone BAER aL MMe era MAM a ar: 1. MY 9% ION AIR IMG 2 RIL R ec PwkLO AmIPAg MAM KIRMIME UT PHC leae Feuer cue MANNS SNR ee 11 AR ROTI COE —PeRObD ae TTT AME AVE? PIECE AR AR aa rome 42 faa ET PART OEET TUNE ADELE MAA I one Hem Ahad oT MUTE FAMPARG NCHTF? OBE Foh Ne vERLCe MULE TED ERI 13 ekok OI nam NbN UT mene ater nage omInAT 26 PRC PED pore: 54 P20 MANAG NAA HLM pomcma: APKC Mh me PUSNLATAY ROUT ULPE weLke® gana: jnialawseom ip of the council upon Toss of Any meme WAREWN femoved from his members Confidence by the eletorate rtcted9 Powers and Du 1 Regional Count sccordance with this ‘The Regional Council is, i re Tuten the legisatve organ ofthe eo sition of the dice othe provision ofthe oo public of Eiopia, the soul ejoys al fairs of the Nato without pe Federal Democratic Re fperemepoltial power in all inten Regional State fe to the generality of the jurisition of sub-arts, 1 and 2 of this te following specific wi, ei ae tee pve iat come shall a esp 41 esis os ncaa wih i costo JaSherioues or st cs atonal admisiseatv ies, eo sical has ‘within the limit of the Regional mining secant the density of the hain ae al ext af hcg 3 well 2 eer cconorni atv of ts inabitams riya juste junto te ee a 33 Won cs conceal. wih ie NO eign ste sing bere, Speater of the 4A. lets its own Speaker and Deputy Speaker of te cowl and) designates permanent "esential ocondet its busines; committees . BS heKC Ack NON omnia Cad man eey ce eagera! acon PHAR oviviREC phe vue 16 Acid ent AOL PHAR mae BOY TOUR Phe TauRI eT ng MNGIT HHA PF AED ete? 7 an wae nates rakmer set sce | UE ame: ey ae 8 OAT AOE Pens ANE ptKere: | 39 a, ih PUL PRCORT PhARd wags ermine enshaaK ename.e 9% POUT LOTS CAD SLAY pierat SU ACR ane oonbaeey emuees Abe LR Ak TOTAHT gaesa: AM PMER haaT CML gm promi anes | FOND’ Cand MEX ovcpe soso | 52 ANCE MATIEE amndor annenee | Ath emhae aRohense HCyF Ty AKAL FU NON Peder: 313 Ahan omr7 athnaM em p96 ana nr acs thn erga: ss pein asin glaw-com athe Imembero thc nd ae ropa pornment of mabe of be Cour te set Covent saad 1 iby he He Boral Gove Goreme, : dnt of he repo resident ad vices : 2 “Pn eur ew eh gee hee) ‘lo genre resol Ss uPon he fon by bead of gveraient hgh anf nstnce 2 7 ali he ep ems ih a ti ‘nd thre appoint respective ius odie ofits om, 5.8 Establishes aut and oter inspection bod scorn wh a, 59 ten rth rte of ee an ea of ona ase an Wey exis Hs 0 fn police fore; 43.40 Approves the social and ezonomic development prog ‘ofthe national regional goverment of eveme of he wh gu he sues of ree of 310 Bese sw wel xine nd its own budget ae of pamout i for the expantion of ‘ampontance development and building up of szcoeralion of economic ‘democratic orders 1313 Levies taxes and duties, throughout the eegion, on thos tp ofrevene reserved othe region sae 36 LAH na nner ewer NerARCs tne. PED oma v7 oma IIS My avons, 26 ahaa. mye enn. te a AOR 47 J00 MEER UIT) i Mra paar) sone roma; A FGI than? aoe I 9G AMT A979 Ohad wtee baat Actieed PLeniha NEU eM AOLE ANT pee AIT than Con menbaecs An ehaad met aneanit arte pment FANIROY Ah dv Bemerie anta.s0 faked 26 a wine 1 thea mn Fete aL wera: 2 rik Mame ramen emaca: atest Age Me boty, Aner s ene yor 1 Phe PHC A AH MHLW aremrana HoH 4940 NOER Mal cow homie han cua free renee Ws rmdir Anam Pit sor 2 racine na: Fdo wey EAR MLE ene Hwy ab; vil 3.14 Baad Tavs one eatin Sse employer of he eponsl_ goverment ‘Conditions of service in accordance with 3.15 Declares state of emergency deere, i = the power bestowed upon the regional state under ar. 47 sub-ar. 2/17 ofthis constitution hereof tion which shall be 3:16 seus dete regulaions of exect enabling to impliment both the national and regional ousitutions, proclamations and other laws, throughout the regional sat; inal goxemmen 17 ala fr guesionng te ea of 5 Oa ol aia of te repos sae ad hry Sranines the workings ofthe exenive ors hee Aticte-so 1, The Regional Cou shal ave its own secretariat, 2, The powers and duties ofthe secretariat shall be determined bylaw. antes! ce Lory shai si raat * bare eather See eaees aaa areas 2. the term of office ofthe Speaker shall be tat ofthe regional coun ' antes PALO nang 1G Phat PUR AR MUU ATCA come rele mam Med Beebe Lepnky enore NNRE MANE emeat Berens PILE MHS OTE IE Lemna! APM) RIL pRatIOT ban eNNREC PesE) MONE Lond: 47M MAME AL NILOAE PONSOT CRATAD NoPR enareras 5. daw rin Penne 9 Ane HME ehomsas: antes senha MO ams 1700 Pha MANO mere Ane-AMLO-S AnAR rin 0s. 1 DALHO HAEhO cord HCA shears: 2 MAMO aMeEscHt ope wcmy amine OFAN UL the pune: Anise Powers and Duties ofthe Speaker cordance wit ‘The speaker ofthe Regional coum sal in eco this comstttin, have the following power and dati “calls and presides over ordinary and extraordinary es ofthe council ins relaion wit hed partis, 2, Represents te coupe init el we secretariat of the council and diets or Ser al its general administrative asivies 3. Organizes the superntends thereof, ch the council takes aginst 4, Enfoces disciplinary actions which the its member; 5 erfors such other funetions 1s may be asignd 1 fim the regional council Artsess Powers and Dalis of The Dents Sosa accounailiy being 1 he Deputy Speaker. with it spelen ane reponl coun especial 1. Undenaks such duis ot may special be ender 10 "him by the speaker; 4 Performs, in the eapaciy ofthe Speaker, incase of absence ably ofthe ater to discharge his tis rhe ak eon ans coe. nom 1 that Phe OA Aer ase Ma UH ons nan #0203: 2 neh A AN ahha hua YOO age Prune NAAN ae METS aN Tat-1 BUSA TPMC Mt OM, MAD” ag OtTK FPRC He NINA Fan BIO rahe, A Phat Fhe a MMA ror ARENT Sort yor: end Mor Nea WWI Oe Nec MAN Pom MLR LTE PAD CEE PO Phe FG no) Itai ANE OC In OE AAA PC a Newry LEI ea 4 rhc Ok ROE nna AerELCI OP re Me ATE dN Ame FAB: Cham CoA eae ane hehe Ok Na oA NAIL york Mae peur AOELE Man IAM hte Aamo PMC MEI MAA PoHnEE ko RAN S thak whe at naan OTAR ehEkA: ver DANI ty AIAN AHEM AME wer Ghat ANI AHA Tremees heRC Mh NIA aha NITE Me cL neko} RIE Phe WE WT Mead AERCT LAB: aatass he ot on PTS anne Phe wae 1 mW aLeama one Har orae hate Intec SFO on PE erutaaet Aneaer ALOETHR Phe (Le MA MARL IMO USA ‘ www. Mesting Time and Term of Oc ‘The Regional Coun shall convene fo east ve a yest the meres of the come A swostirds majory of al es fe ea se ctin salconse x qucem at = 0h ‘Provided, however, that any decision of the eee sallte rev a smple majoty of tose meters of present ata menting fhe nice sats win one meat fom tee Shue ecings saker shall, hawever, be dutyboune coca goverment of mre than one of be conte bie ny prezeing ofthe cove i A sey, however, a «slo mesg a Tae carl a mca or the repel cee nen ‘Ste roqucst see pre by sin fm elf the members oF the coe Articles55 Desisions and Infernal Working Procefurst ‘of The Council say provide fo inhi onion LP Som sal be ped Y # arta ving ee » Unless ouberwise expres hereof, all decisions of Inajoity vote ofits members et hanson ee

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