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With the prior permission of the executive the Delegate of the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea would like to begin his speech.

The delegate of North Korea believes that the claim of the People’s Republic of
China over the Republic of Taiwan was simply cartographic warfare. The
mobilization of the Chinese Navy in December of 2025 is a declaration of war
which is a clear response to the UN souring relations with China. North Korea
has entered this war only to show its allegiance to China and as a response
against South Korea and Japan for entering into matters which don't concern
either nation.

Additionally the Delegate of North Korea would also like to say that the ICBM
detonations in the East China Sea were regular tests done by the DPRK, which
the international community the delegate of North Korea surely believes has
been aware of. After all similar tests have been done since 1984 and this is
currently our 250th test. The casualties weren’t planned for at all but the
Delegate of North Korea would like to say that however if South Korea and
Japan will remain on the offensive against China, North Korea will not refrain
from using ICBMs on South Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese soil.

Furthermore the delegate of North Korea would also like to say that on the basis
of South Korea and Japan’s activities North Korea will mount an offensive
against South Korea and Japan in a genocidal war, and let it also be clear to
Taiwan that if China asks for our help we shall be ready to bomb Taiwan.

However these warnings are presented to the Security Council only as a

response to hostility in the East China Sea Area, the DPRK still wishes for a
peaceful end to the current conflict and the DPRK is ready to support any and
all initiatives that support peace and prosperity. Let us not rush into the abyss of
conflict, but rather work towards a future where East Asia can thrive in an
environment of peace, stability, and prosperity for all its people. Saying this, the
Delegate of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea would like to end.

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