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Death Cap

Looks like straw or Caesars mushroom


High heat

cell destruction

abdominal discomfort


bloody di rea

6 to 12 hrs after eat

Loss of fluid tissues and deadly thirst

Low blood sugar, urine

Coma and death

Fly agaric

Muscimol and ibotenic acid attek cns and lac of coordination agitation, drowsy nausea and hallucination

1 hr after intake

Rarely fatal significant risk fatal to cats and dogs

Conocybe filaris

Grass mushroom pacific northwest

Mycotoxins as death cap leathal if eat. Gastrointestinial symptom occur after 6 to 24 hour. Food
poisoning stomach flu patient may appear to recover only to relapse with life threatening
gastrointestinal distress and kidney failure.

False Morel

Fungus that looks like morkela genus Gyromitra esculenta, poisonous if raw. Monomethyllhydrazine.
Some are unaffected wile other have toxicity and health issue.
Cortinarius webcaps

Fools webcap deadly webcap are similar orellalin toxin. Orellalin has long latency.2 to 3 wik later
simpton devlop that is misdiagnosed. Witout tritment kidni fail and die.

Autum skullcap

Gilled woodroting amatoxins like deth cap found in uttar and austre. Diarea vomit hypotherme liber
dameze and deth. Can be mistake for hallucogenic psilocybe mushroom

Destroying angels

All wite geus amanta button musroom and medow musroom, collected by agiden, bisporgera is most
danger in n a. simton 5 to 24 our later. Vomit delirium convulsun diaria liver kidni fail deth

Ivory funnel

Todsul fungus Europe and North America ( n a ). Muscarine. Cap is 2 to 4 cm diameter. 15 to 30 minute
of ingestion cause salivation tear and perspiration

 Highly toxic
 Deadly
 Similar appearance to edible mushrooms
 Gastrointestinal symptoms
 Neurological symptoms
 Liver damage
 Kidney damage
 No known antidote
 Often mistaken for edible mushrooms

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