Eumind Script

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Cop 1- Arth Rathi
Cop 2- Tanishkaa Gopal
Interviewee- Aarav Goel
The Boss- Shaayon Chakravarty
Perp- Saraa Sadh

Over Black

Cop 1(V.O): What do you think the most secret

police force in the world is?

Montage of various police forces plays as he speaks

Cop 1(V.O): The CIA? MI6? RAW? Well you’ve heard of

them so probably not.

Int. Festival Police Headquarters


Cop 1 & 2 walk into frame,holding cups of coffee

Cop 1: It’s actually us.

Cop 2: The Festival Police.

Title Card:”Festival Police:Helping Unite 1.5

Billion People”

Int. Festival Police HQ Hallway


Cop 2: So what do we do exactly? Well our mission

statement is to “uphold the sanctimony and sacrality
in the commemoration of India’s festivals and
protect it from all forms of indecency, including
but not limited to; preventing profligacy and
stopping gormless individuals from any form of

Cop 1: Now that’s a lot of big words to make us

sound smart but really what it means is that we
protect the culture of Indian festivals so that our
precious citizens can enjoy them to the fullest.

Cop 2: Now you may be thinking that this doesn’t

sound that important but you have to understand,
festivals are the lifeblood of India. People live
and die for them. It’s what we look forward to every
year. It’s what brings us together, whatever race,
color, religion you are. When a festival happens,
everybody celebrates. That’s why it’s so important
for us to protect it, and we do a great job at it,
just ask our citizens.

Ext. Random Street No. 1


Cop 2 runs up to Interviewee on the street and puts

a mic in their face

Cop 2: What’s your opinion of The Festival Police?

Interviewee: Festival Police? What even is that,

that’s the dumbest thing I’ve-

Tv static effect

Interviewee:(visibly scared) I-I think the Festival

Police is the greatest police force to ever exist
and I thank them for their service.

Int. Police Headquarters

Cop 1- Our citizens are wonderful and love us
dearly, so it’s important for us to remain vigilant
about the festivals we protect, thus we have
frequent board meetings to come up with plans to
keep them safe
Int. Festival Police Board Room
The Boss stands in the center of the room. There is
a whiteboard behind him with names and dates of
major Indian festivals

The Boss: Let’s start with our agenda. Can someone

remind me what major festival is coming up next?

Cop 1: Holi!

The Boss: Good Job! The festival of colors. To

celebrate the victory of good over evil. We need
extra security for all the color throwing that would
be going around.

Cop 2: And lemon water for all the drunk people

The Boss:(dismissively) Of course yeah

Cop 1: And we should also start preparing for Eid.

Since they’ll be breaking their month long fast of
Ramadan, we should prepare menus to give them
appropriate nutritional and tasty food

The Boss:Yes of course, the holiday of breaking the

fast is very important and we should get to it right
now, this is why you’re my favorite Cop.

Cop 2: Actually, it was my idea-

The Boss:(very annoyed) Who asked you to speak!?

Int. Festival Police HQ
Cop 2 makes a disgruntled face before she starts to

Cop 2: But we do more than just sit around and make

plans, we also catch culprits who dare to break our

Ext. Random Street No.2

Perp is trying to light a rocket when they look back
and start running. Cop 1 enters the frame running
after them and starts to catch up.

Int. Interrogation Room

A very dark room, with only a lamp kept on a table
for lighting. Perp is sitting on a chair and looks
up at Cop 1

Cop 1-(angrily) Why were you trying to celebrate

Diwali? That’s a November Festival, this is January,
you should be getting ready for Makar Sankranti.

Int. Festival Police HQ

Cop 2- Diwali is the festival of lights which is
celebrated every year to celebrate the coming back
of Lord Ram from his exile and Makar Sankranti is
the kite festival, where people from all over come
together to fly kites to celebrate the sun god

Int. Interrogation Room


Perp:(Scared,pulling back into his chair)I-I j-just

wanted to get rid of my extra firecrackers

Cop 1: LIES!!! Don’t try to lie to me, I always

know. Now tell me what you were actually doing.

Perp: It’s just that Diwali’s my favorite festival,

it’s what I look forward to every year b-but this
year I couldn’t celebrate cuz my mother was in the
hospital and now that she’s finally out, I just

Cop 1-(softens)You’re free to go

Int. Festival Police HQ

Cop 1: We don’t get very many arrests because how
can you prove malicious intent when all they do,
they do out of love?

Cop 2: Really our work is minimal because the Indian

public is themselves so good at upholding the
culture and traditions of the festivals they so

A montage of people celebrating festivals plays

Cop 1(V.O): India is a rich and diverse land, people

from all cultures and religions assimilate here and
of course they don’t always mix well but these few
times in a year, they learn to put aside their
differences and become one country

Cop 2(V.O): Our festivals are a time of communal

harmony, where pasts are forgotten and new memories
are forged. Hatred is lost in laughter and color and
love is born anew. These rare occasions are the true
essence of our country.

Montage ends, we see Cop 1 & 2 again

Together: Thank’s for watching!!!!

They take a sip from their coffee cups as the screen

fades to black and credit’s roll

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