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Half Yearly Examination, 2022 Mark: 100

Class V GENERAL KNOWLEDGE Time: 3 hours

1. Write 3 points to save water. // 3

2. Write 2points to save electricity. // 2
3. Why do flies rub their legs together? // 3
4. How can a cactus live without water? // 3
5. Why is Khaki colour chosen for Indian Army? // 3
6. Name the following: // 2 x 15 = 30
i) The fastest land mammal reaches a speed of 120 km per hour.
ii) The most playful mammal lives in water.
iii) The moss intelligent mammal next to human beings.
iv) The largest mammal grows up to 33m in length.
v) The tallest mammal grows over 6m.
vi) The slowest moving mammal.
vii) The Hungriest mammal never stops eating.
viii) The smallest mammal weighing less than 2g.
ix) This small parakeet from Australia is very popular as a pet.
x) This bird has a 23 cm long beak that is longer than its body
xi) This small bird beats its wings 80 times per second to hover.
xii) This sea bird follows a ship for days without stopping to rest.
xiii) This bird flies non-stop for 10months and even sleeps in the air.
xiv) This Amazon Basin bird is so strong that it can pick up monkeys and sloths.
xv) This big bird has the largest wingspan that is upto 3.5 m.
7. Choose the correct option: // 1 x 6 = 6
i) Who is the world's smallest flowering plant?
a) Wolffia b) Lotus c) Daisy
ii) What are citrous fruits rich in?
a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin B c) Vitamin C
iii) Which substance gives us leafs its green colour?
a) Haemoglobin b) Chlorophyll c) Plasma
iv) In the word photosynthesis photo names
a) Water b) Light c) Air
v) Which is the fastest growing plant?
a) Maize b) Banana c) Bamboo
vi) Which flower smells like rotten meat?
a) Marigold b) Rafflesia c) Sunflower

8 Fill in the blanks: // 2 x 5 = 10

i) Fish breathe with the help of their ________ .
ii) This ocean creature is a fully aquatic Marine mammal ________ .
iii) This fish has five arms ________ .
iv) This bowl like fish has tentacles hanging down ________ .
v) This sea creature has two eyes and four pairs of arms ________ .
9. Write the names of the birds: // 1 x 10 = 10
i) People love flying it on the occasion of Basant Panchami ________ .
ii) A batsman score of zero in the game of Cricket ________ .
iii) A tall machine that is used for lifting heavy objects ________ .
iv) A priest of the highest rank in Church ________ .
v) A word that means to make food to go down the throat into your stomach ________ .
vi) A graceful bird that means enjoy yourself and annoy other people ________ .
vii) The first name of a famous English outlaw ________ .
viii) The sound that a rooster makes ________ .
ix) This bird resembles the name of a country ________ .
x) A scoring of 2 under par in the game of golf ________ .

10. Which animal builds a dome shaped shelter and decorate it with fruits and flowers. // 2
11. Which animal never drink water. // 2
12. Which animals makes silken traps to catch insects that are harmful to humans &crops? // 2
13. Which is the champion under water swimming bird? // 2
14. Which Sea creature has a horse shaped head and armoured plates all over its body? // 2
15. Which animal uses 8 of its 10 legs for walking and other 2 as arms. // 2
16. Which insect taste food with its feet? // 2
17. Which water animal has 3 hearts and 8 arms? // 2
18. Which animal is found in the mountain forest of China? // 2
19. Which is the largest quadruped on land? // 2
20. Project. // 10

-------Best of Luck Students-------

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