Region 9 Addendum To RFP For A-E Services For NEST

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Request For Proposals

Architectural/Engineering Services

NEST Stadium Restrooms/Team Rooms Building

Date RFP Issued: October 25, 2023

Bid Opening: December 8, 2023
Time: 5:00 PM
Bid Number: 23-1





Delete the introductory paragraph and replace with the following:

The Region 9 Board of Education (the “BOE”) is inviting qualified architectural firms
to submit proposals to provide comprehensive design services, consisting of multiple phases
from a feasibility study to construction administration for the design of restroom facilities, two
team rooms and potentially a concession building, for the Joel Barlow High School Stadium
venue, located at 70 Turney Rd., in Redding, Connecticut (the “Project”). The BOE is seeking a
qualified architectural firm to assist the BOE in identifying the most feasible solution(s), at the
lowest possible cost, to comprehensively address the Project. BOE intends to enter into a
staged, performance-based contract with the most responsible qualified firm. The phases
include the following:

1. Feasibility Study and Conceptual Design Phase

2. Schematic Design Phase
3. Design Documents Phase
4. Construction Documents and Procurement Phase
5. Construction Phase


Add the following to the Background:

Existing structures include the following as noted in Figure 1 and 2 of the original RFP:

● Building A is approximately 1,875 sq ft and currently includes two maintenance

garages, one team room, and electrical service. This building has a solid foundation
and cinder block walls.
● Building B is the current “Snack Shack” and does not have a foundation.
● Building C is a storage building with a foundation.
● A wastewater treatment plant is located on the high school grounds (Figure 2). This
treatment plant is approximately 1,800 feet from Building A.


Delete the second paragraph under Notice and replace with the following:

This opportunity has been publicly advertised through the Invitation to Bid. The Project
will be awarded to the bidder, determined and selected by the BOE in the manner
described in Section 8 of these Instructions.


With the exception of Figures 1 and 2, delete Scope of Work in its entirety and replace with
the following:

2.01 Feasibility and Conceptual Design Phase.

The design professional shall conduct a feasibility study, which shall include an assessment
of existing structures and the potential adaptive reuses (“Study”) for the 4 structures
identified above.

The proposed uses include:

a. Bathroom facilities;
b. Two (2) Team Rooms; and
c. The possibility of a concession building that is equipped with basic amenities such
as running water and a sink, and from which food can be served.

The selected Proposer will identify and/or review the following items from an engineering,
architectural, and/or code compliance perspective for potential adaptive use:

a. Existing and likely structural deficiencies;

b. Existing building systems and likely code deficiencies, including, but not limited to
electrical systems and wiring, mechanical systems, plumbing systems, wastewater
disposal, security and fire protection systems, roof system, and any violations of the
building code;
c. Existing environmental deficiencies;
d. Existing water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer capacity;
e. Existing and potential universal accessibility barriers and ADA-compliance needs;
f. The basic condition of the property (not including the facility);
g. Any improvements that could be made to enhance the energy efficiency of the building
for the purposes outlined;
h. Any further assessments/analysis that should be completed as determined by a review
of existing support documentation for the property regarding air quality, asbestos
removal, etc.; and
i. Any other related items that may be reasonably connected to the aforementioned.

The selected Proposer will analyze the building and the property, within the context of any
issues identified by the Study, and within the context of the potential uses outlined in these
Specifications or identified by the BOE, in order to identify:

a. Whether any of the proposed and/or potential uses of the building and/or property (see
below) are not appropriate;
b. Explore and present alternative options available for the desired structures, delineating
how the existing building and space allocation may be best utilized to provide a mix
of proposed and/or potential uses in a functional and logical manner that will meet the
current and future needs of users as outlined in this Specification;
c. Any improvements to the building and/or property that would be required to
adaptively reuse the existing building/property for those uses detailed in the
Specifications and/or identified by the BOE, including but not limited to design
options for wastewater disposal; and
d. Whether new structures or a combination of new and renovated structures present the
best option to meet the current and future needs of the BOE, in light of the uses
identified in these Specifications and/or by the BOE.

We anticipate that the selected Proposer will accomplish the tasks described above by meeting
with representatives of the BOE to determine the space needs for the Project. By January 8,
2023, the selected Proposer will provide conceptual designs, timelines, and cost estimates
related to any improvements that would be required to repurpose the building/property for
identified uses or any demolition required. The conceptual designs will include, but not
necessarily be limited to the following:

a. Bathroom facilities;
b. Two (2) Team Rooms;
c. The possibility of a concession building that is equipped with basic amenities such
as running water, a sink and from which food can be served; and
d. Wastewater disposal options.

The selected Proposer will be available, as needed, to work with BOE. The selected Proposer
will also be available to attend meetings of the BOE to present the results of the Study.
Proposers will clearly define their communications plan for the project in the “Overall
Approach” section of their response to this RFP, including whether, in the opinion of the
proposer, more than three (3) meetings with the BOE will be required, indicating the
suggested number of meetings and whether the January 8, 2023, date to present conceptual
designs to the BOE can be achieved.

At the conclusion of the Study, the selected Proposer will deliver a written report to the BOE
documenting the findings of the Study. Said report will include any alternative conceptual
designs, cost estimates or timelines developed as required by these Specifications. The
selected Proposer will develop visual aids such as PowerPoint presentations, handouts, or
illustrative posters, to be used for presentations as needed. All deliverables (report and
supporting documents) will be provided to the BOE in hard copy and in electronic format.
Electronic format shall include both PDF versions and native format versions (i.e., AutoCAD,
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.) of all

2.02 Schematic Design Phase

Upon approval and authorization to proceed from the BOE, the selected Proposer will
provide Schematic Designs that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Provide a preliminary evaluation of the schedule, budget, and project cost suggesting
necessary refinements to the developed conceptual design and project plan;
b. Present the BOE with a preliminary evaluation of no more than three (3) alternative
c. Present Schematic Design Documents, which shall include but not be limited to,
preliminary plans, sections, elevations, and may include some combination of study
models, perspective sketches or digital presentations, as well as preliminary
selections of major building systems and construction materials;
d. Ensure Schematic Design Documents are consistent with the BOE’s project goal,
schedule, and budget; and
e. Attend meetings with user groups as may be required.

2.03 Design Development Document Phase

Upon approval and authorization to proceed from the BOE, the selected Proposer will
provide Design Development services that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Prepare Design Development Documents that illustrate and describe the

development of the approved Schematic Design and shall consist of drawings and
other documents including plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details,
and diagrammatic layouts of building systems to fix and describe the size and
character of the Project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical
systems, and other appropriate elements;
b. Prepare and outline specifications that identify major materials and systems and
establish, in general, their quality level;
c. Prepare code analysis drawings to be submitted to the BOE along with Design
Development Documents;
d. Provide updated cost analysis/budget;
e. Meet with applicable officials to review designs and code compliance; and
f. Attend meetings with BOE as may be required.

2.04 Construction Document/Procurement Phase

Upon approval and authorization to proceed from the BOE, the selected Proposer will
provide Construction Documents that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Prepare Construction Documents that shall be ready to bid and shall illustrate and
describe the further development of the approved Design Development Documents
and shall consist of Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail the quality
levels and performance criteria of materials and systems and other requirements for

the construction of the Project, including all information required to obtain all
permits, certifications, and approvals necessary to complete the Project; and
b. Assist the BOE the bidding phase and which shall include attending a reasonable
number of meetings with the BOE, responding to questions related to the bid and
attending the bid opening.

2.05 Construction Phase

Upon approval and authorization to proceed from the BOE, the selected Proposer will
provide Construction Phase services that shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

a. Administration of the Contract;

b. Advise and consult with the BOE throughout the Construction Phase;
c. Provide site visits as may be required;
d. At appropriate stages of construction, become familiar with the progress and quality
of the work, guard the BOE against defects and deficiencies in the work and,
generally observe that all work on the Project is being performed in accordance with
the Contract Documents;
e. Review and approve submittals, review, and certify Certificate of Payment to the
Contractor, and review and take action on changes to work on the Project, and
f. Provides all services related to Project completion.


Delete Section 3 regarding Deliverables and refer to 2 above.


Insert the following at the end of 4.04:

Under no circumstances shall the submission of a bid constitute a contract.

Furthermore, the costs associated with the preparation of the bid shall be exclusively
borne by the proposer.

Delete 4.06 and replace with the following:

The BOE is looking to have conceptual designs for the options for the BOE’s
consideration by January 8, 2023. If this schedule cannot be met, the Proposer
shall include a timeline for the presentation of conceptual designs.


Delete Schedule B under Section 5.01, attached to the Original RFP and insert Schedule B

attached hereto.

Delete 5.02 and replace with the following:

Please see the Selection Process described in Section 8 of these Instructions.


Delete 8.02 and replace with the following:

8.02 Evaluation Criteria: The BOE will evaluate Proposals based upon the following

a. The accuracy, overall quality, thoroughness, and responsiveness of the Proposer’s

responses to the BOE’s requirements as stated herein;
b. The competence and reputation of the proposer;
c. The Proposer’s background, experience, and evidence of prior success in providing
similar services to other Boards of Education, particularly its demonstrated experience
in assessing the feasibility of projects of similar size and scope as the Project;
d. The qualifications and experience of key personnel and identified employees who will
be assigned to work with the BOE and the ability to demonstrate that the members of
the Project Team have performed satisfactorily on past projects to the satisfaction of
the owners of such projects;
e. The Proposer’s demonstrated ability to work effectively with clients on projects of a
similar nature, including, without limitation, adherence to project schedules and
project budgets and the satisfaction of past owners with such performance;
f. The Proposer’s approach to the Project and degree of the Proposer’s demonstrated
ability to develop and control project costs, quality, and schedule as well as the
proposer’s methods for doing so, is satisfactory;
g. The Proposer’s ability to begin work immediately following contract award;
h. The total cost of the services identified in these Specifications; and
i. The number, context, and, where applicable, outcomes, of claims, disputes,
arbitration, and litigation proceedings involving the Proposer.


Schedule A: Bid Proposal Form

Delete Schedule A attached to the original RFP and replace with Schedule A attached hereto.

Schedule B: – Submission Requirements/Qualifications

Delete Schedule B attached to the original RFP and replace with Schedule B attached hereto.




Request For Proposals

Architectural /Design Services

“NEST” Stadium Restrooms/Team Rooms Building




Pursuant to and in full compliance with the RFP, the undersigned proposer, having visited the site
or property if applicable, and having thoroughly examined each and every document comprising
the RFP, including any addenda, hereby offers and agrees as follows:

To provide the products and/or services specified in, and upon the terms and conditions of, the
RFP for the total sum of
/100 Dollars (write out
in words) ($___________________).

Allocation of Lump Sum Fee per Task:

Study & Conceptual Design Phase $__________________

Schematic Design Phase $ __________________
Design Development Phase $ __________________
Construction Document/Procurement Phase $ __________________
Construction Phase $ __________________

Hourly Rates: To the extent that extra work is required beyond this RFP, please provide the
applicable hourly rates:

Position: Hourly Rate:

__________________________ _________
__________________________ _________
__________________________ _________
__________________________ __________
Receipt of Addenda Acknowledged:
Addendum No. 1 dated ________, 2023 _____________________
Addendum No. 2 dated ________, 2023 _____________________
Addendum No. 3 dated ________, 2023 _____________________


In submitting this Proposal Form, the undersigned proposer acknowledges that the price(s)
include all labor, materials, transportation, hauling, overhead, fees and insurances, bonds or letters
of credit, profit, security, permits and licenses, and all other costs to cover the completed products
and/or services called for in the RFP. Except as otherwise expressly stated in the RFP, no
additional payment of any kind will be made for the products and/or services called for in the

Name of Proposer:


By: _____________________________________
_____________________, Its __________________, duly authorized

Date: ______________________________

Address of Proposer: _____________________________________________________

Tel. No. for Proposer: ____________________________________

Name of Contact Person for Proposer: ______________________________

Contact Person’s Email address: _________________________________




Content of Submissions:

Each proposer will be evaluated using the above Qualification Criteria. To assist and expedite
this evaluation, each proposer must provide the following information in the order listed below:

1. Transmittal Letter: Provide a letter of Transmittal signed by a principal of the

proposer, not to exceed two (2) pages, describing in narrative form the proposer and
proposer’s qualifications and why such proposer is the best professional for the Project.

2. Contact Information: Provide the name, title, email address and telephone
number of the person(s) to be contacted for further information or clarification.

3. Firm Description/Background Statement: Provide a brief statement as to the

Proposer’s history and its particular abilities and qualifications related to the BOE’s needs
and Project.
4. Overall Approach: Provide a description of the Proposer’s overall approach to
addressing the Town’s needs as described in these Specifications. Provide a detailed timeline
outlining how and when the Study will be completed.

5. Project Team Members: Provide a list of proposed project team members along
with related responsibilities they will devote to the Project. Provide resumes of key
personnel that would be assigned to the Project and a brief description of similar projects.
Please include the qualifications of all project team members.

6. Litigation/Arbitration: Provide information concerning any suits filed,

judgments entered or claims made against the Proposer during the last five years, or any
declaration of default or termination for cause against the Proposer. In addition, state whether
or not the Proposer has been suspended from bidding or entering into any government contract
within the last five (5) years.
7. References: Provide a list of at least three recent or current clients. Reference
projects should be recently completed within the last two years and be similar in nature to the
project described in this RFP. Please include the name and contact information for these
references, as well as a brief description of the services provided, the duration of the project
and the current status of the project on the Proposer’s Statement of References Form included
in this RFP.
8. List of Similar Projects: Provide a list of at least three (3) projects that
proposer has been involved with similar challenges to this Project within the past five (5)

a. List of Project Team Members, consultants and staff involved;
b. Size (project cost and square feet) and location of project;
c. Provide contact name and telephone numbers for the Owner and
Contractor (specific individuals); and
d. Additional information, not included above, that the proposer feels may
be useful and applicable to this Project and helpful to the BOE’s
evaluation. Please limit response to three (3) pages.

9. Fee Proposal: The fee proposal will include a detailed listing of the cost for each
activity referenced in these Specifications. The fee proposal will be inclusive of all costs, such
as travel costs or supplies/materials, required to complete the Study.



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