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English through Photography Assignment

Option 2

I am providing you with a second option for this assignment. Those of you who
wish to do the option I assigned last Monday are, of course, free to continue with
For this second option, I have removed the compositional requirements of the photographs. This
second option is still based on the novel 1984 that you just finished reading in this class and involves a demonstration
and a defense of the novel, 1984. For this second option, you will please do the following to symbolically represent
ideas/concepts/themes/important moments/mood/messages that you identified and discussed from this book. You may
take photos yourself, or find on the internet, and provide 9 photos that represent 9 of the above-mentioned
elements from the novel and a final image that somehow captures the essence of the novel. So, 10 photos in all.

● You can choose whatever subjects/ideas/concepts/themes/moments/messages you want that are found in and
flow from the novel.
● Organize your photos in a very simple Google Slides presentation (1 photo per slide).

As you present (screen share) your GS presentation, both of you (or you alone if you chose to do the project on your
own) will be orally presenting (defending the correlation between the images and the novel at every step) by doing
the following to accompany your photos:

1. For each photo, you will explain what idea/concept/theme/moment/mood/message you were trying to
symbolically represent in each one, defending its connection to the novel.
2. You will also tell us what you were trying to achieve overall. Do you think that the ensemble of photos you took or
found online really represents your interpretation of the novel or the ideas/concepts, etc., that you took from it?
3. Does the final photo not only capture the essence of the novel (how?), but also make a statement of some kind?

You will also submit an outline/script of your oral presentation of the project.

This English through Photography project meets the three competencies of the Quebec Education Plan for English
Language Arts which is considered by MEES (our ministry of education) to be a communications program.

Competency 1: Talk to learn which encompasses all oral presentations among others.
Competency 2: Reading for Understanding which demonstrates an understanding of all texts, written and other.
Competency 3: Production of written and other multimedia texts.

This assignment will, therefore, provide you with three different marks.

I have extended the new deadline to April 7, 2021 at 11:59pm.

C. Lopes

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