Arjay Estorgio - Activity 1-Beed-27

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Teaching Math in Primary Grades

(BEED 27)

Name: Arjay Estorgio

Section: BEEd 2-1

I. Prepare an activity that use any of the following principles and/or theories about this
objective: Counts the number of objects in a given set by ones and tens. (M1NS-Ib-2.1)

Experiential Learning Theory

Title of the Activity: Ten can be One

Objective: - counts the number of objects in a given set by ones and tens
- let them use their senses to classify each slice based on its
size and color
- enable student to identify how each number differs from
one another
Materials: Colored papers and scissors
Procedure/s: - Students will be group into two groups by the color that will
be assigned to them.
- The colored papers will be printed with a template of a pie
with 10 slices where the green one is bigger than red.
- It will be given to students randomly and they must group
themselves based on shared color and size of their slice.
- They will put every slice together one by one to make it a
whole circle or pie. They must say the number of slices they
have in total every time they put one until they reach ten.
- Once completed, they must point their fingers at it and
scream "You're gonna be eaten!" to see who did it first.
Question (3-5 questions) - Which slice is larger, is the red or the green one?
- What will you choose, a pie with 5 slices or with 8?
- How many slices did it take you to form a half pie?
- What pie is larger, is it the green or the red pie?
- How many slices did it take you to form a whole pie?

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