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Belen Torres

Dr. Sharity Nelson

English 1301-102

5 December 2023

Dissecting The Genre of a Flyer

On the Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) Campus in Bullock Hall, and

most buildings, there is a flyer posted on a bulletin board. Published in 2023, this flyer is

authored by TAMIU Rec Sports who are hosting a group fitness event for TAMIU students.

TAMIU Rec Sports uses the genre of flyers to convince students who are interested in exercising

to take part in their event by having an eye-catching title and a schedule to view.

First things first, a title that catches the viewers’ attention is important when trying to

convince the audience to read a piece of writing. At the top of the page TAMIU Rec Sports

writes for the title, “Group Fitness Classes.” The word “classes” is in a bigger size than both the

words “group fitness.” The difference between the words emphasizes that classes take

precedence over group fitness because the flyer presents itself in the form of a schedule. Because

TAMIU Rec Sports is using a schedule to gather its students, they know it must be eye catching

enough to hold the in-a-rush student’s attention. The title is a statement that says, “If you’re

seeking to get fit, look at me.” The convention of a title used in the flyer helps to bring

awareness to the work-out classes offered by the campus.

Second, the flyer includes the convention of a schedule that demonstrates the days and

times that classes take place, which is essential information for the viewer to have if they want to

attend. In a 9 by 5 column sequence, written on the top of the schedule are the days, “Monday,

Tuesday, etc.”. The event goes on for five days out of the week as TAMIU Rec Sports writes that
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classes begin on “Dec. 1 – 5.” The times are shown on the left side of the schedule. The earliest

class at “12:00pm – 1:00pm.” The latest at “7:00pm – 8:00pm.” These days and times are

important to know for a college student who may be busy with classes or work. TAMIU Rec

Sports posts the schedule months in advance so students can clear their calendars and make the

proper preparations they need. Notably, in the schedule some text is in a distinct color. Gold

rather than the standard white the rest of the schedule uses. TAMIU Rec Sports writes, “Sign Up

Required for classes in gold.” The author also includes a QR code to investigate their website

and an email to contact. This piece of information allows for the reader to know that some

classes will require to be signed up for ahead of time in case the reader has scheduling conflicts.

Overall, student participants know when fitness classes are available and when they can arrive

thanks to the specified dates and time the schedule plans out, making it easier for them to join.

Furthermore, considering that schedules are typically made with the intended purpose of

helping bring organization and order, a schedule’s conventions may make it more persuasive for

the reader to consider the information being presented by providing it in a compact way. Each

fitness class in the schedule is given by name, room number. For instance, one of Thursday's

classes at 6 is labeled as “Step Sensations Sammy 225,” and on Monday Rec Sports offers “Boot

Camp” with “Max”. So, if a student wanted to log onto the Rec Sports website to look at the

instructors available to see who they would be comfortable working out with, they could.

Additionally, not every slot in the schedule is filled out. In place of some classes there are small

illustrations to show that those periods will not hold class or have yet to find a fitness class to fill

in the slot. Though it might not be intentional, these empty slots can offer students enough

breathing room to plan to go to more than one class a day. All these parts of a schedule further

cement into the audience’s head the accessibility of the event the flyer promotes.
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To conclude, TAMIU Rec Sports chose to use the genre of flyers so the audience can

become convinced to attend the fitness classes the organization is hosting. They achieve this goal

by using the conventions of a title and a schedule to establish a routine that students can

familiarize themselves with. Because of a schedule’s general nuances such as class names, dates,

times, and the flyers other additions such as QR codes and email addresses; the audience can

structure their own plans to attend the offered classes. It is important to know why Rec Sports

chose to use a flyer because through flyers being posted on the bulletin boards throughout most

of the school buildings, the author was able to reach a bigger audience. This method helps the

students become informed about the event through a quick and widespread method.
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Work Cited

TAMIU Rec Sports, “Group Fitness Classes.” Community Relations & Special Events,


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