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A Research Study Presented

In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement

In Practical Research 1

Lj Aerin M. Bersamina

Loreign Jhane D. Cahayon

Andrei Yuri M. Diño

Cristine Ann Floridyane F. Gomez

Janelle G. Lazaro

Queen Shane G. Marquez

Myra Myrrh M. Ronsairo

Grade 11-Villanueva

Bucal National Integrated School

Bucal 2, Maragondon, Cavite

Engr. Christian C. Signo

Practical Research I Adviser

June 2022

First and foremost, thanks to Almighty God for His blessings throughout our

research work to complete the research successfully.

The researchers would like to express their sincere gratitude to Mr. Christian

C. Signo, practical research adviser, for always making sure every each one of us

have enough guidance and were taught well by doing and improving this research

study. It is such a great opportunity and privilege to study and learn under his words.

The researchers would also like to send their big appreciation to the following

people who supported, guided, and assisted them throughout until the study was

fully done and achieved.

The researchers were grateful to their parents for the love, patience and

sacrifices they made for preparing our research study. They are also the one who

believed in us and encouraged to push the research study by giving their words of

encouragement thru all the time we‟ve spent making the research study.

To the researcher‟s fellow relatives who participated as respondents in the

study. The honesty and reliability of the words we needed from them where

expressed carefully. Their perception on helps us to go over through this research

study. The researchers would like to extend their appreciation for the time and effort

that the respondents have manifested.


Google Lens is an Augmented Reality App (AR) commonly known for app

used as gathering information. This app was invented under Google Company and

was released in year 2017 at the month of October. The Google Lens App allows

user to find information and related concepts from the image by just taking picture or

scanning books.

In this study entitled “Perception of Grade 10 Students on using Google Lens

an Augmented Reality App (AR) for Collection of Information”, the researchers are

interested in knowing and understanding the users perception about Google Lens for

collecting information. This study is performed in Bucal National Integrated School

Maragondon, Province of Cavite. The researchers sampling techniques is the non-

probability sampling, consisting 20 respondents from Grade 10 School year 2021-

2022 who‟ve already used Google Lens. Data will be gathered via Google form,

answered by respondents. In conclusion, majority of the respondents agreed that

Google lens have a lot of benefit or advantages and is easy to use.



Title Page i

Abstract ii

Table of Contents iii


A. Background of the Study 1

B. Statement of the Problem 3

C. Significance of the Study 3

D. Scope and Limitation 4

E. Theoretical Framework 5

F. Conceptual Framework 6

G. Definition of Terms 6


A. Related Literature 8

B. Related Studies 9


A. Research Design

B. Research Locale

C. Subjects/ Units of Analysis

D. Sampling Procedure

E. Research Instrument/ Instrumentation

F. Data Gathering Procedure

G. Analytical Framework






Background Study

For almost a year, our education and classes were shutdown by the COVID-

19 pandemic. The education system has faced an unprecedented health crisis that

has shaken up its foundation. Therefore for us to continue learning new knowledge

and don't be interrupt by the pandemic online learning was implemented.

Online Learning is an education that takes place over the Internet according

to (Stern J. ,2021 p.3) . This new way of complex learning helps students to explore,

discover and learn through the use of internet. Acoording to (Shete M. ,2021 p.4)said

that a drastic shift to electronic learning after the pandemic has brought limitless

advantages to students. Data and Information gathering are much more easier with

the help of internet and it's more convenient for the students.

According to (Shweta S. ,2021 p.6) said that AR has its own magic. It can

modify the way we interact in mobile apps and other visual graphic experiences. AR

helps us the students to learn through the use of their devices, our real world

simulation can be seen with the help of Augmented Reality that will be seen in the

screen of our devices. This implementation of new way of learning through AR can

help the teachers to display virtual samples and add on gaming features that can

provide assistance for the textbook materials use in school. It's more convenient for

the students and much more easier to visualize and study the lesson.

Google Lens App is best described as a search engine for the real world

according to (Raphael JR, 2020 p.2). With the help of AI controlled functions

provided by the app you can easily scan and capture any object in our world and

gather reliable source of information from the Google. It is another way of gathering

information in a more convenient way.

According to ( Sudarrshan, 2021 p.9)Google Lens is one of the many free

useful tools provided by Google. A standalone app for this service was released on

the Play Store in June 2018. The outstanding performance of Google lens in helping

the users in their daily life for the past years reached 500+ million installs on

Android‟s official app store. And it is still increasing as of now with almost 1 Billion

downloads from Android's Official playstore.

Google lens Useful Features according to (Gangwar A., 2020 p.9) said that

copy text from real world, capturing text form text book and scanning them to Google

lens to gather information about the captured object. Scan URLs from PC to Open in

Mobile, it helps the user to easily access the websites with the help of capturing and

highliting URL to access the said website. Translate in Real-time Feature, direct

translation of words from different countries to your native language. Book Review

and Summary Feature, it will provide a summary of the book, reviews about the book

and where you can purchase this book. There are many features in Google lens that

can really help the user to save more time and to be productive in life.

In pursuing this study, the researcher aims to determine the insights and

perception of the Grade 10 students in using Google Lens an Augmented Reality

(AR) App. Also to know more about the benefits of using the app, how it affects the

daily life of the user. The outcome of this study will be a good help for the ICT

teachers as it will provide the experiences and preference of Grade 10 students in

their new way of learning.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine and understand the perception of Grade 10

Students on using Google Lens an Augmented Reality App (AR) for collecting


1. What are the perceptions of Grade 10 students on using Google Lens

an Augmented Reality App (AR) as a way of collecting information?

2. How does Augmented Reality App (AR) like Google Lens help Grade

10 Students on collecting information?

3. What are the problems Grade 10 students might encounter when using

Google Lens, an Augmented Reality App (AR) for collecting


4. How do Grade 10 students deal with the problems encountered while

using the Google Lens an Augmented Reality App (AR) for collecting


5. How do Grade 10 students use Google Lens to find information?

Significance of the study

The findings in this study may provide insight of not only students but also

teachers on collecting information easy and fast through Google Lens. This will be

beneficial to the following:

To students, the result may serve as an engagement to improve their daily works

using augmented reality app that can help them collect information easy and fast

through internet.

To teacher, the results may serve for them to collect data faster using augmented

reality app than reading books or some textbooks for information.

To future researchers, the results may serve to find information related to their

research easily by just capturing the topics, information will immediately show up.

Scope and Limitation

The researchers determined and analyzed by collecting information from 20

respondents of Grade 10 students School Year 2021-2022 about using Google Lens

an Augmented Reality App (AR) to collect information. The purpose of this study is to

know and understand the perception of students who use Google Lens for collecting

information they need. The researchers understand the difficulties that the students

experienced or encountered when using the Google Lens. The researchers also

assumed that Google Lens makes work for students to be easy and fast.

The researcher observed how the Grade 10 students feel about using Google

Lens for collecting information. Researchers tend to understand students'

perspectives, to know the insights of each student, and if Google Lens can be a

contribution for students to be more engaged in collecting information.

Researchers collected response by giving questionnaires through online

survey forms on the respondents. Grade 10 students‟ data were gathered through an

online survey form to know the responses and their perspectives about the study.

This study is limited to only Grade 10 students that mostly use Google Lens

for collecting their information needed in a certain issue. This study does not cover

other Grade levels and other Augmented Reality App (AR).

Theoretical Framework

This study is conducted based on the Top-Down Perception Theory and

Theory of Science and Technology Transfer and Applications in analyzing the

perception of Grade 10 students on using Google Lens an Augmented Reality App

for collecting information

 Top-Down Perception Theory

This theory was introduced by Richard Gregory, a psychologist, back in

1970. According to Gregory almost 90% of visual data is misplaced between

the time it comes to the eye and gets to the brain. So when we see something

modern, we can‟t depend on our senses alone to get it. We utilize our existing

information and what we review around past encounters to hypothesize

around the meaning of unused visual data. If our speculation is rectify, we

make sense of our perceptions by effectively developing them with a

combination of what we take in through our faculties and what we as of now

know approximately the world. In any case, if our theory is incorrect, it can

lead to perceptual mistakes.

 Theory of Science and Technology Transfer and Applications

This theory is created by Sifeng Liu, Zhigeng Fang, Hongxing Shi, and

Benhai Guo back in year 2010. It addresses the estimation, cost, advantage,

ideal allotment, and amusement hypothesis of technology exchange, beside

the elements of the specialized dissemination field. The creators too offer key

investigations that utilize amusement models and examine the effect of

technology exchange on financial growth.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual model contains the input, process, and output or also known

as the IPO Model. This is used to draw the process that will transform the input to

get the desired output which is shown below.


School Year 2021-

Demographic Profile Gathering data
2022 Grade 10
of the Respondents through questions
Students‟ Perception
c regarding the c
Perception on the on Google Lens an
perception on Google
Google Lens for Augmented Reality
Lens for collecting
collecting information App for collection of

INPUT- this includes the demographic profile of the Grade 10 students and also their

perception on the Google Lens for collection of information.

PROCESS- several questions will be asked to the respondents in the interview.

OUTPUT- analyzing the perception of Grade 10 students on Google Lens an

Augmented Reality App for collection of information.

Definition of Terms

The study entitled Perception of Grade 10 Students on using Google Lens an

Augmented Reality App (AR) for collecting information provided the following words

the meaning so that readers can assess and easily understand the study well.

 Augmented Reality (AR) App - is a software application that integrates

digital visual content (and sometimes audio and other types) into the user's

real-world environment.

 Features -a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.

 Google Lens - is a set of vision-based computing capabilities that can

understand what you're looking at and use that information to copy or

translate text, identify plants and animals, explore locales or menus, discover

products, find visually similar images, and take other useful actions.

 Malfunction -a failure to function in a normal or satisfactory manner.

 Multi-search -is a multitasking search engine which includes both search

engine and meta search engine characteristics with additional capability of

retrieval of search result sets that were previously classified by users.

 Theory of Science and Technology Transfer and Applications- presents

the mechanisms, features, effects, and modes of technology transfer.

 Top-Down Perception Theory - establishes the paradigm that sensory

information processing in human cognition, such as perception, recognition,

memory, and comprehension, are organized and shaped by our previous

experience, expectations, as well as meaningful context

 Perception- is a mode of apprehending reality and experience through the

senses, thus enabling discernment of figure, form, language, behavior, and




This study entitled “Perception of Grade 10 Students on using Google Lens

an Augmented Reality App (AR) for Collection of Information” is conducted to

determine how Google Lens helps Grade 10 Students collect information. This

chapter presents the related literature or studies proposed by professional

researchers that proves the significance of this study.

A. Related Literature

As Covid-19 epidemically spread throughout the whole country,

education and many other fields in our country got under a lot of troubles and

difficulties on improving each and every aspect of new learning. A lot of fields got left

behind for years and are still making a new way to start again. Education is one of

these fields of every student that got left behind because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

For almost three years, face-to-face classes were stopped and online/modular

classes were implemented, students got information and also learned through and

with the use of the internet or online apps for collecting information. New ways of

classes implemented such as online classes and especially modular classes need

enough information to collect for lessons and other information students need.

Google Lens, an Augmented Reality App is one of the apps that helped students on

collecting information through this time of pandemic and pre-pandemic years.

Since we are experiencing lockdown this past years because of pandemic.

According to Mark, J (2019, March 29) we tend to use are cell phones through stay

online, it lead some of us to know the Google Lens and how to use it. An example for

the usage of Google Lens is when you're looking for brands of specific appliances

such as Apple, Asus, Samsung and many more, you don't know what model is that

device then you will try to search this item to the Samsung website, but since we

know how to use the Google Lens simply capture the appliances and you can have

the model and where you can buy it. Google Lens is more convenient to people who

also use Google to search for information.

As stated by Chuong, N. (2022, July 7) Google Lens came out in 2017 and it's

a way of using the camera on your phone to understand a lot more of your

surroundings. By just tapping the "Lens" or camera symbol in your Google app, you

may find what you're looking for. According to Linyin, S. (2019, January 19) it can be

used in a variety of situations, such as going shopping in a mall and seeing a

gorgeous bag but not knowing the brand name. Simply point your camera at the bag

with the Google Lens open, and the bag will be scanned and identified. If you are in

a foreign country, It can also be used to translate an unfamiliar language. It can

recognize animals or plants that you are unfamiliar with. Easily take a picture of it

and Google Lens will identify it for you.

B. Related Studies

Google Lens and It’s Features

Google Lens was created October 04, 2017 by the CEO Sundar Pichai to

contribute to the smartphones camera to produce reliable information by simply

capturing a place, market products and many more. According to Dr. A. Anushya

(2019), Google Lens is an effective app to use for Image Classifying.

According to Hall (2022), Google Lens is an AI-powered technology that uses

your smartphone camera and deep machine learning to not only detect but also

understand an object in front of the camera lens and offers imaging, translation,

purchasing, and other services. Google Lens has since made its way to the majority

of Android handsets.

In addition, an article by Hall (2022) stated that Google, whichever way you

select, the experience is comparable; touching the Lens symbol in Google Assistant

delivers you to the same view you receive directly in the Lens. Google Lens can

recognize structures or landmarks in Google Photos and provide users with

directions and opening hours for them. It'll too be able to show points of interest

around a well-known piece of art. Maybe it'll settle the discussion over whether or not

the Mona Lisa is grinning.

Based on the article written by Statt (2018), it emphasized that the Lens

platform combines Google Search‟s strength with the company‟s most cutting-edge

achievements in computer vision and natural language processing. Google‟s engine

for viewing, comprehending, and augmenting the real world is called Lens. It can be

found in the camera viewfinder of Google-powered applications like Assistant, as

well as in the native camera of top-tier Android handsets, as announced at Google

I/O this year. Anything a human can recognize is fair game for Google‟s Lens.

Objects and settings, people and animals (or even images of animals), and any

scrap of language found on street signs, screens, restaurant menus, and books are

all examples. Google then uses its vast knowledge base to display actionable

information such as product buy links and Wikipedia explanations of notable

landmarks. The idea is to provide context to people about their environments and all

items inside them. Lens, which was previously exclusively available within Google

Assistant, is now available outside of the assistant, camera, and Google Photos

apps. It‟s also powering new features in Google Maps and other related products.

Google demonstrated how Lens may power an augmented reality version of street

view that calls out prominent sites and landmarks with visual overlays in one

particularly eye-catching example.

Statt also added in her report that when perusing your photos in Google

Photos, you‟ll notice the Google Lens icon at the bottom of the window. After tapping

on the icon, the scanning dots will show on your photo, and Google will offer ideas.

In the camera app, Google Lens has been immediately added to the device‟s own

camera app on select android phones. It may be found within the „more‟ zone, in any

case it shifts per producer and client interface. When using the iPhone, if you wish to

use Google Lens on your iPhone, you can do so through the Google app. This app

gives access to a number of Google administrations that are accessible on Android

smartphones. After you‟ve loaded the app, go to the Google Lens area, give it

permission to access your iPhone camera, and you‟re good to go – you‟ll have

access to all of the functions listed above.

Homework feature is a feature in Google Lens that is helpful for kids who

struggle with their lessons and homework, especially math problems. According to

Gina Souto (2020) students will be able to use the app to help and have assistance

with their lessons and homework. The features are also simple and easy to work


Students have to take a picture and Google Lens will immediately highlight all

the equations and questions they have captured. This feature doesn‟t just give the

answer but also the step-by-step solution and some explanation on how to answer

the question. Understanding and learning STEM concepts are hard without labs and

hands-on learning tools, but now that new features are already added students can

have 3D atoms up close and also use augmented reality (AR) to bring it to their own


According to Jansen (2019), Machine learning, computer vision, and a lot of

data is used by Google lens to answer your questions and interactions to the world

around you. However, when you are using the app you must focus it to the item you

are trying to figure out, if not, random information will show. The company admitted

that Google lens is not perfect, and works the best for identifying books, landmarks,

arts and more. When currently using the app it also provides other information that is

linked with the image you searched. For example, if you search for a tulip, you can

see markets that sell tulips and its business number so that you can easily contact

the owner.

Google Lens in Real Life Situation/Experience

Google Lens can make your life easier while you're out shopping or traveling,

or if you're unsure about something. According to Shangguan (2019), Shopping

abroad while using Google lens will help the travelers to experience a smoother and

faster transaction. It is true that traveling abroad is enjoyable but shopping overseas

can also be fun. Google Lens does provide some useful information and a good

understanding whenever you use it, trying to make your shopping experience easier.

You can seek advice here to know who has the better quality or how you can have

the best deal. You can add the pictures or products that you prefer to your favorites

by just tapping it and you can also create groups in there. But just like the other

things, Google lens has its own disadvantages and it might affect your objective. To

give you an idea, what I mean is that Google lenses sometimes mess up and do not

fill the service gap. It only provides services whenever you are connected to the

internet and if you are a traveler, connecting on the internet is not that easy to do.

Perception of Students on Google Lens

Research studies state that a lot of people, not only students are helped by

Google Lens. According to Gina Souto (2020) homeworks and lessons for kids are

also helped by Google Lens, especially to the new update on helping all the students

in solving math and science problems. It is also stated that while all the changes

appear valuable, the one that truly stands out from the swarm is the upgrade to

Google Focal point. It was as of now a valuable instrument, but Google is including a

modern highlight that will permit it to assist with tackling troublesome math and

science questions.



Research Design

The research design of the study entitled “Perception of Grade 10 Students

on using Google Lens an Augmented Reality App (AR) for Collection of Information”

is Narrative Study because of the study is about the experiences and perceptions of

Grade 10 Students on using Google Lens for Collection of Information. As for the

type of narrative study,this is Auto Ethnography type of narrative studies because

data will be written and recorded by the researchers to interpret the perception and

opinion of the Grade 10 respondents.

Research Locale

Due to the current situation the researchers are in, the gathering of data and

making of papers are conducted at the researchers‟ respective addresses, with the

help of connectivity and modern technology in order to reach out the teachers

involved in the study. It was carried out during the second semester of 2021-2022.

Subjects/Units of Analysis

The targeted number of respondents are 20 Grade 10 Students School Year

2021-2022. Respondents were given questionnaires through online forms to

evaluate each and every responses. Questions regarding the study were asked and

answered by the respondent‟s perspectives about using Google Lens for collection

of information.

Sampling Procedure

Qualitative researchers use this strategy, also known as Purposive or

Judgmental sampling, it is a non probability sampling that select volunteers who can

provide in-depth and thorough information about the topic under investigation. Non

probability sampling is a non-random approach for selecting units from a population

that is subjective. Because of the research design and aims and objectives, it is

believed that this method is effective when only a limited number of people will serve

as primary data resources. By giving the participants surveys, you might utilize

purposive or judgmental sampling.

Research Instrument/Instrumentation

In order to gather reliable data for this study, a set of questions regarding the

perceptions of Grade 10 Students on using Google Lens was used as the researcher

instrument. It contains question about their experiences in using Google Lens for

Collection of Information.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering the data, the researchers provided a question through survey

online. The researchers will send the link of the Google form to 20 random Grade 10

students through messenger and each respondent was encouraged to respond


Analytical Framework

The data was analyzed with the help of Theory of Science and Technology

Transfer and Applications. Theory of Science and Technology Transfer and

Applications is the theory about the mechanism, features, effects and models of

technology transfer. In Theory of Science and Technology Transfer and Applications,

addresses the measurement, cost, benefit, optimal allocation, and game theory of

technology transfer, along with the dynamics of the technical diffusion field. This

learning theory guided the researchers in analyzing and interpreting the data

gathered from the respondents.



This chapter entails the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

gathered data with respect to the researcher‟s prepared questionnaires. This study

aims to evaluate different opinions and perspectives along with the experience of

some Grade 10-Students in using the Google Lens App. The researchers carried out

the interview through online Google forms.

Expectation of Grade 10 Students when they

start using Google Lens

Make life better and Find images that have Have specific
efficient same concepts of the algorithms
captured subject

Figure 1. Expectation of Grade 10 Students when they start using Google Lens

Figure 1 shows the tally of some Grade 10 Student‟s expectations in the

Google Lens app as they start using it. 12 (60%) of the respondents said that they

are expecting Google Lens to find images that have the same concepts as the

captured subject, 7 (35%) of them expected the app to make their lives better and

efficient, while only 1 (5%) expecting for a new specific algorithm in using the Google


The Graph shows that majority of the respondents we‟re expecting that can

use the Google Lens to find images that have the same concepts as the captured

subject. Some of the respondents were also expecting the app to make their lives

better and more efficient, while there‟s one respondent who expected the Google

Lens to give a more specific and new algorithm for using the app.

The respondents were also asked about the benefits of Google Lens in their

daily lives. Here are some responses we gathered from them through online


“There are many benefits for me to enumerate. But I would say that this benefits my

daily life since it makes searching images easier.” – Interviewee 12

“It helps me to accomplish things faster like for example I need to search the printed

text on the internet. By using google lens, I don't need to type the printed text to

search it because I can just scan it using this app the text will automatically appear in

the search box.”- Interviewee 17

“Copy Text from the Real World, Get Restaurant Reviews and Ratings, Translate in

Real-time, etc.” - Interviewee 18

“Google Lens allows me to point my phone at something, like a particular flower, and

then ask Google Assistant what object I’m pointing at. Not only will I be told the

answer, but I will get object-based suggestions, such as a nearby florist, in the case

of a flower.” – Interviewee 19

The Usage Frequency of Grade 10 Students
using Google Lens for collecting information

Only when needed the most
Quite often


Figure 2. How often do the Grade 10 Students use the Google Lens to collect their

needed information?

Figure 2 shows the percentage of some Grade 10 Students who use the

Google Lens seldom and frequently. The graph shows that out of 20 respondents, 4

(20%) of the respondents use the app every time, while 7 (35%) of them use the app

quite often, and 9 (45%) of the interviewees said that they use the app only when

they needed it the most.

The graph shows that the majority of the respondents (Grade 10 Students)

only use the app when they needed it the most, while some of the respondents said

that they use the app frequently. This shows that the users of the app only use the

app for important matters.

The respondents were also asked about how the Augmented Reality App

(AR) like Google Lens helps Grade 10 students in collecting the information. Here

are some responses we gathered from them through online questionnaires:

“It helps me by taking a picture of what I'm looking for on the internet and Google

Lens will immediately bring up the right one you're looking for.” – Interviewee 2

“Since it's from Google company It helps me save time because I don't need to type

what I need to search simply capture and then highlight and it will automatically

search it.” – Interviewee 4

“I actually don't know. I always use Google Lens to search images, and I just try and

evaluate if the information I encountered is credible or not. Nothing really specific.” –

Interviewee 12

“It helps me in finding credible and reliable information because it searches exactly

what I see. The google lens gives me or helps me to find any related content to the

photo that I will be using.” – Interviewee 17

“Lens compares objects in your picture to other images and ranks those images

based on their similarity and relevance to the objects in the original picture. Lens

also uses its understanding of objects in your picture to find other relevant results

from the web.” – Interviewee 19

Feature of Google lens that doesn't function

Figure 3. Features of Google Lens that Doesn’t Function Properly

Figure 3 shows the number of some Grade 10 Students who respond to the

researcher‟s question, What are the features of Google Lens that don‟t function

properly. 1 (5%) said that the multi-search feature, 1 (5%) glitching and not

functioning, 13 (65%) there‟s no feature that is not functioning properly, 2 (10%)

Translating Texts, 1 (5%) Text Pronunciation and 2 (10%) for Hard Time Capturing.

The Graph shows that the majority of the interviewees do not experience a

malfunction when they are using the features of Google Lens. However, out of

twenty respondents, some of them said that the multi-search, glitch and not

functioning, translation of the text, text pronunciation, and hard -time capturing are

some features of the app that seldomly malfunction.

The respondents were also asked about their response in do you find the google

lens difficult to use, along with an explanation. Here are some responses we

gathered from them through online questionnaires:

“For me, It's not that difficult you just need to explore and every feature of this

app is very interesting.” – Interviewee 1

”No, since I started using Google Lens it really helped me to find the

information I needed in a very easy way and hassle-free way.”- Interviewee 11

“Not exactly, it is because I am some sort of tech-geek so it is not difficult for

me to use this app.”- Interviewee -13

Solutions/remedies if the Google Lens start

to malfunction

Figure 4. The Solutions/remedies Grade 10 Students do if the Google Lens

start to malfunction

Figure 4 shows the number of Grade 10 Students who respond to the

researchers question, What are the solutions/remedies if the Google Lens start to

malfunction. 1 (5%) of the respondents answered check the internet connection,

1(5%) answered watch on Youtube how to fix it, 1(5%) responded to clear cache

data, 1(5%) also respondend to wait for it to be fixed and 1(5%) answered update

Google Lens App. While, 4 (20%) of respondents answered restart phone, and 4

(20%) responded to uninstall and install again. Lastly,7(35%) answered to switch to

Google Search for finding their needed information

The graph shows that the majority of the respondents‟ solution/remedies if the

Google Lens start to malfunction is to switch to Google Search. The other

respondents solution is to restart the phone or uninstall and install again the app.

The rest number of respondents‟ solution are to check internet connection, watch on

youtube how to fix it, clear cache data, wait for it to be fixed or update Google Lens


Is the app effective to use in identifying



Very Effective
Sometimes Effective

Figure 5. Is the app effective to use in identifying photos?

Figure 5 shows the majority of the respondents agree to the question, Is the

app effective to use in identifying photos. The least responded that it‟s not that

effective or sometimes effective.

The respondents were also asked about their response in how do you use the

app in finding online products. Here are some responses we gathered from them

through online questionnaires:

“I just need a picture of the product that I am looking and then use it in google

lens and then the google lens will provie me similar images so I can easily find any

products that I want online”- Interviewee 2

“If I have a copy of the product nearby, then it is convenient to take a photo of

the whole item or the product brand.”-Interviewee 10

“I often go to the photos that are placed on the left side of the google lens and

I select the thing I want to look for”-Interviewee 19



This chapter contains the summary and conclusions derived in the findings of

the study entitled “Perception of Grade 10 Students on using Google Lens an

Augmented Reality App (AR) for Collection of Information”. Recommendations

for future action were also presented in this chapter.

A. Summary

Google Lens is an Augmented Reality App that can help to find specific

images, books, products, questions, and information an individual wants to find and

know. It works by just taking a picture of a question, or products needed for the price

to found, and collecting information for making a research study.

The aim of this study is to determine how effective and the perspective of

Grade 10- students on using Google Lens for collecting information and related


Grade-10 Students Perception in using Google Lens on Collecting Information

Based on the findings, the majority of the student agreed that using Google

Lens for collecting information is very effective all the time. It helps them a lot

especially on conserving time instead of typing a question or words needed for

collecting information. It is easy for them to because for the app to work, they just

need to take picture of a certain data or product and the information and some

related content or concepts appear immediately in the results. Lens compares

objects in your picture to other images, and ranks those images based on their

similarity and relevance to the objects in the original picture. Lens also uses its

understanding of objects in your picture to find other relevant results from the web.

Problems Grade-10 Students Encounter while using Google Lens

Even though majority agrees that using Google Lens is very effective for

collecting information, there are still problems they encountered while using the app.

Some students said that they experience crashing and glitch while using the app.

Also some students said that there are features that really doesn‟t work well like

multi search feature, word translation and text pronunciation that they needed to

understand or to collect more information and related concepts about a certain data

or product.

Solutions/remedies Grade-10 Students when Google Lens Start to Malfunction

Based on the findings, Grade 10 students stated a lot of solutions/remedies

when Google Lens start to malfunction. Majority stated that they switch to Google

Search and just type it out instead. Some said that they uninstall and install the app

again and some restart their phone. Some also stated different solutions like clearing

cache data, wait for it to be fixed, watch on youtube how to fix it, update Google Lens

app and check internet connection.

Importance of Google Lens on Grade 10 Students

Google Lens are very important to Grade 10 Students because it helps them

have reliable and accessible source or information by just capturing a certain product

or data. This makes their life more easier to know information and have data. This

app also helps the students to consume their time because instead of searching it by

typing it, they just have to take a picture of it. Google Lens made their tasks faster

and it definitely manage and save time efficiently.

B. Conclusion

The Google Lens is a latest technology powered by artificial intelligence. The

technology combines Google assistant, Google photos and camera app all together.

It works depending on what it sees and looks anyway. Based on the summarized

findings, the researcher concluded that Google Lens is important for collecting

information but some of the students find it hard to use to get some information.

Google lens will be a great help for the Grade 10 Students. Even though there

are some problems that Grade 10 student encountered, they still overcome the

challenges and all the difficulty they experienced. Grade 10 students use some

alternative solution when Google lens start to malfunction. They use Google Search

just type it instead, uninstall and install the app again and some restart their phone.

Some stated different solutions like clearing cache data, update Google lens app and

check internet connection. Google lens makes students life more easier to know

information and have data.

C. Recommendations

Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendations were


 For the School Administration, it is recommended to assist teacher and

guidance counselors to guide students on using Google Lens for collecting

information. This will help students to expand their knowledge about


 For the Google Workers, it is recommended to take some actions in the said

problems on using Google Lens for Collection of Information. They need to

improve the Google Lens App and fix the problems and concerns of the

students and other users so they can have a better experience on using it.

 For the Teachers, it is recommended to assist and guide the students in

engaging and learning how to use Google Lens properly and what are the

benefits that they can experience when using the app.

 For the Students, it is recommended to seek help and guidance to their

teachers and parents when using Google Lens for collecting information.

 For the future researchers, it is recommended to have guidance if they are

going to conduct research related to this topic. For them to seek more and

engrave more knowledge.


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