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In my country, young people have a better life today than when their parents were young.


Today’s youngsters’ life in my country compared to their parents is far better and they live a very more
comfortable life. With the development of technology and other aspects of life, it has become easier
and more comfortable. Some think that their parents were living a better life than themselves, but there
are three important reasons why it is almost completely wrong.

The first and most important reason why todays youngsters have a far better is the development of
technology in every aspect of live from household chores to business. To say the least; technology made
the life of youngsters much easier and convenient. For example, you don’t have to travel kilometers or
miles to let their friends or family know that they are going to get married, you don’t have to search for
a book in huge collection of nooks in a distant library, you don’t have to choose from a limited range of
subjects to study. Instead you can message your friends or family and let them know you are going to
get married, you can search the name of the book in google, you can order one , or read it online, and
you will find in promptly, now you can choose from miscellaneous range of subjects. Therefore, youths
live a better live than their parents in my country.

Second, is freedom of choice. Todays parents are more open-minded, and also there are organizations
supporting the rights and freedom of choice of children. Youths can make decisions now compared to
past it was the parents who made decisions for their young children which is against individuality.

For instance, when they wanted to get married it was parents who was responsible of choosing his/her
partner or when they wanted to study their favorite subjects they couldn’t because of the opposition of
parents, but now parents almost don’t interfere in decision making of their young children which is

Some people think that today’s life is maybe fast-paced and the responsibilities are more for youths to
cope with, and they fail to sustain a better life. Although it is a fair argument, but youths nowadays can
keep a better life with the fast-paced life of today, and there are so many evidences that youngster are
showing a better performance in every field today than their parents. Let me illustrate this, todays
newly founded start-ups and companies are performing better, are using new ways to do things.
Companies hire young educated employees because they have the ability to solve problems in an
inventive, and creative way. Thus, youths are having a better live.

In conclusion, youths are having a better life today no matter how hard or difficult it is. No matter if its
slow-paced or fast-paced they can sustain a better life.

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