Python CA1 12313955

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Course Code MGNM801

Academic Task No. 01
Assignment Submitted By DEEPAK THAKUR
Student Reg. No 12322655
Roll no RQ2346A06gag
Date of allotment 09/11/2023
Date of submission 16/11/2023
Unit – 1

Parts of Python Programming Language

Q1 Identifiers, Keywords, and Comments:

1. Choose three different identifiers and explain whether they are valid or not. Justify
your answer.

Answer –

1. variable_name (Valid Identifier)


This is a valid identifier. It follows the rules for naming variables in Python. It starts
with a letter (or underscore) and is followed by letters, underscores, or digits.

2. _deepak (Valid Identifier)


This is a valid identifier. Identifiers can start with a underscore in Python. They must
begin with a letter or an underscore.
3. continue (Invalid Identifier)


This is an invalid identifier. As keywords cannot be used as an Identifiers.

4. $variable (Invalid Identifiers)

This is an invalid identifier. Identifiers cannot start with a special character in Python.
They must begin with a letter or an underscore.

Q2 Variables, Operators, and Data Types

1. Declare a variable of each of the following data types: integer, float, string, and
boolean. Initialize them with sample values.
1. Integer
2. Float

3. String

4. Boolean
Q3 Indentation and Statements
Write a Python script with conditional statements (if, elif, else) to check if a given
number is positive, negative, or zero.
Unit – 2
Strings and Lists
Q1 Basic String Operations:

1. Create a string variable containing your full name.

Q2 Accessing Characters in a String:

1. Use indexing to print the last character of your name.
Q3 String Slicing and Joining:
1. Use the split() method to split the string into words and store them in a list. Then join
the words with a hyphen (-) and print the result.

Unit – 3
Part 1: Dictionaries
1) Creating a Dictionary:

Create a dictionary named “student_info” with the following key-value pairs:

“name,” “age,” “grade,” and “city.”

Here is the Python code to create a dictionary named

“student_info” with the following key-value pairs: “name,” “age,” “grade,” and “city”:

2) Accessing and Modifying Key-Value Pairs:

Modify the "city" value to represent a new city, and print the updated

Here is the Python code to modify the "city" value to represent a new city, and print
the updated dictionary.
Part 2: Tuples
1) Creating Tuples:

Create a tuple named "months" with the names of the twelve

months of the year:
Here is the Python code to create a tuple named "weeks" with the names of the seven days of
the week:

2) Basic Tuple Operations:

Check if a specific month is present in the tuple and print the result.

Here is the Python code to check if a specific month is present in the tuple and print
the result:

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