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Challenges and solutions for people with disabilities

In our planet we have around seven billion people. However, approximately 15% or 1.3
billion of the global population experience some form of disabilities according to the World
Health Organization. Although it is not small number of people and we can meet these kinds of
people everywhere, they face to many problems in their environment. So, let’s talk about
challenges and solutions of people with hearing problems.
First of all, deafness or hard hearing meet more often than other disabilities. And they
have problems with understanding others or explaining them what they want to say. Therefore,
most of them start to feel insignificant in community and close themselves off. Secondly, without
having ability to defense, some of them are subjected bullying by their classmates, colleagues and
others. I had one my friend who badly heard the words, he wasn’t deaf. And I remember that my
classmates didn’t add him to their group. Because they accepted him as a person who does not
understand anything. And after two or three weeks he left our school and took an education at
home. And I heard after that he never go to school. Thus, some human activities can destroy
others’ lives.
So, I can suggest to possible solutions. First of all, we should start everything from
ourselves. We should know how to put ourselves on their places and try to feel. Also, we should
try to teach others respect every people and don’t discriminate them. For instance, we can start it
from our siblings and friends. Even if it's not effective, I think we can at least do our part. The
second solution is to add sign language as a school subject for every student. Because I think we
should know how to talk and how to help them.
To conclude, we may not help all people with disabilities. However, we can try to not let
them feel insignificant and try to talk or spend time together.


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