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CE 138

Civil Engineering Laws, Engineering Ethics and

Engineering Contracts

Activity 2.0
Gut Feelings
Diagnostic Technical Engineering Skills
Gut Feeling --- a feeling or reaction based on an instinctive emotional
response rather than considered
experience. Still, you may not want
to use them to make every decision.
What is an example of gut feeling?

The phrase 'Gut Feeling' is used to

describe an intuitive feeling or Is it gut feeling or anxiety?
response to something. Example of
One of the easiest ways to tell the
Use: “I have a gut feeling that Jerry's
difference between a gut instinct and
going to be late again.”
anxiety is by how long your
What does a strong gut feeling feel like? symptoms last. A gut instinct is often
Common sensations associated with a gut a reaction to an immediate situation.
feeling include a sinking feeling or Anxiety, on the other hand, might be
present regardless of its relevance
butterflies in your stomach, sweaty
to your current experience.
palms, prickling on your neck,
goose bumps, muscle tightness or What are gut feelings in a
tension, increased heart rate, or an relationship?
overwhelming sense of calm or
clarity. Essentially, a gut instinct feels like you are
doing the right thing. You may feel
that it is right to do something
Can gut feelings be true? irrespective of logic. For instance, if
you have a gut instinct that your
Gut feelings can be very real things, partner is the one, you may decide
grounded in observation and to make the relationship more
What is a gut feeling spiritual? peace" to me. Without fanfare, still
and small and strong, they come.Apr
intuition 26, 2002

A sixth sense, hunch, or gut feeling: What is the reason for gut feeling?
Whatever you choose to call it, the
sudden flash of insight from deep Gut feelings or intuitions come from
within can inspire plenty of faith. The patterns we've identified in our past
old saying “trust your gut” refers to experiences. Your subconscious
trusting these feelings of intuition, mind continuously processes
often as a way to stay true to information that you are not
yourself. consciously aware of, not only when
you're asleep but also when you're

Are gut feelings the Holy Spirit?

If you've wondered whether this mysterious Are gut feelings guardian angels?
Holy Spirit is really for you - please
be reassured - it is! And it is closer Listen very closely to those little feelings
and more present to you than you that start in your tummy and try very
might think. Your gut feeling is as hard to be heard. They are the
sure a sign of the Spirit as the voices of those who watch you. They
pictures of and encounters with the are your guardian angels doing their
fire, the dove, the wind and the thing. Pay attention to the hairs that
tongues of the Spirit. bristle on the back of your neck.

What is the biblical meaning of gut Is intuition a gift?

feeling? “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and
The Bible says, "I know the thoughts that I the rational mind is a faithful
think toward you, saith the Lord, servant.
thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to
give you an expected end" (Jer.
29:11). In my experience, gut
feelings are God's "thoughts of
Is your gut feeling a sense?

Whether you call it intuition or a sixth sense,

a gut feeling is a strong sensation
you feel about a decision. Discover But of course …
tips for how and when to listen to
your gut instincts when making a Intuition is powerful and can lead to
small or big decision. amazing insights, but that doesn’t
mean you follow it blindly. It’s still
important to use common sense and
a balance of rationality. You need a
Does the Bible say about intuition? balance of both – call into play both
the intuitive and rational parts of the
The Bible is full of examples of the value
brain to position yourself to reach
placed on wisdom and intuition.
the best decisions.
When asked what he wanted most,
Solomon replied, "Give [me] an
understanding heart to judge thy
people, that I may discern between
good and bad" (I Kings 3:9).

Are gut feelings accurate?

How accurate is a gut feeling? A gut feeling,

or intuition, is often seen as a fairly
accurate way to make decisions.
While research on the topic is
limited, some studies have shown
that people who trust their gut
feelings tend to make better choices
than those who don't trust their

How do I tap into my spiritual


Sharpening Your Intuition

1. Shhh. Listen. ...
2. Trust your gut feeling. ...
3. Feel. ...
4. Be ready to let bad feelings
go. ...
5. Be deliberate about the people
you hang on to. ...
6. Pay attention to what's going on
around you. ...
7. Connect with others. ...
8. Find time to be silent and still.
9. Use your dream time well.

Diagnostic Technical Engineering Skills ----
---- A Civil Engineering Core Competence that could be able to
identify, in a snapshot, the intra-structural conditions of any engineered
structures/materials based only on its extra behavioral
manifestations/compositions and its physical materials’ congenial
composition detected by gut feelings or with the used of Civil Engineering
Tools/apparatus. --- [ Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado, February’2023]


Prognostic Technical Engineering Skills ----

---- A Civil Engineering Core Competence that could be able to
predict/forecast, in a snapshot or through an established engineered patterns
the intra-structural behavioral development outcomes of any engineered
structures/materials based only on its extra behavioral
manifestations/compositions and its physical materials’ congenial
composition detected by gut feelings or with the used of Civil Engineering
Tools/apparatus. --- [ Engr. Rodrigo T. Templado, February’2023]


Examples where Your Gut Feelings are to be use in your Diagnostic Technical Engineering
Skills in Construction, structural, geotechnical, geodesy, etc.:
1. Seeing muddy sands as bad for as construction materials;
2. Seeing that coarse aggregates/gravels mixed with fragile rocks for construction
materials are bad omen;
3. Seeing that proposed construction site needs to be properly relocated by
professional Geodetic Engineers is more Economical than without relocating it, the
technical boundaries, before the actual construction layouting works is commenced
with, as moving monuments would bring the entire project and involved Engineers
and owners in a constructive legal troubles in the future.
4. Can diagnose the proper required construction materials as they arrived on-site by
suppliers pursuant to structural, architectural, and constructural specifications and
government regulations.
5. Can diagnose legal feasibilities for project with NTC (Notice-To-Commence) for
administrative and legal compliance;
6. Can diagnosed and can properly addressed technical engineering lapses over
Construction Safety and Occupational Safety and Health Standards pursuant to
Local/National/international legal protocol;
7. Can diagnosed/assessed Construction and Health Hazards within the Construction
site and worked for the total prevention and elimination of the associated risks
pursuant to Local/National/international legal protocol;
8. Can diagnose congenial structural defects in the course of construction project
implementation and to initiate correct protocol for the required correction to structural
compliance pursuant to the required administrative procedures and to avoid technical
misunderstandings among the technical participants and stakeholders;
9. Can diagnose administrative mismanagement and can initiate and administrative and
corrective protocol beneficial to all technical participants and stakeholders;
10. Can diagnose legal impediments for the procurements of the required Government’s
required Permits to compliance pursuant to existing Local/National Laws, Rules and
11. Can diagnosed construction pitfalls and other management challenges such as
congenial causes of construction supplies shortages despite advertent and unfaithful
deliveries by suppliers and inadvertent and faithful receipts of material deliveries by
recipients, as both the recipients and suppliers usually deviated from the normal and
standard required administrative protocol of exercising their required professional
duties and obligations in dealing with construction supplies and deliveries in the
13. Etc……………..

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