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challenging, and time-consuming endeavor. 2nd Floor
However, unless you have something specific
in mind, you're better off conserving your
time and energy by repurposing an existing
map. Published adventures and the Internet
are terrific sources for maps. A few sample maps are
included here as well. Use them as you will!

Ground Floor Top Floor

rst Floor


One square = 5 feet



W.E s
One square = 5 feet


ERE A RE SEVE RA L INSPIRI NG WORKS T H AT CAN Bowers, Malcolm. Gary Gygax's Extraordinary
help you become a better storyteller, writer, Book of Names.
performer, and mapma ker. This is by no Browning, Joseph & Suzi Yee. A Magical Medieval
means an exhaustive list, but a collection Society: Western Europe.
of titles picked out by playtesters and the Burroway,Janet. Writing Fiction.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS creative team. For Cleaver, Jerry. Immediate Fiction.
more inspirational reading, see appendix E of the Cordingly, David. Under the Black Flag.
Player's Handbook. Egri , Lajos. The Art of Dramatic Writing.
Ewalt, David M. Of Dice and Men.
Atlas Games. Once Upon a Time: The Storytelling Gygax, Gary. Gary Gygax's Living Fantasy and the rest
Card Game. of the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds series .
Bernhardt, William. Creating Character: Bringing Your - - -. Master of the Game.
Story to Life. - - -.Role-Playing Mastery.
- - -.Perfecting Plot: Charting the Hero'sjoumey. Hindmarch , Will. The Bones: Us and Our Dice.
- - -. Story Structure: The Key to Successful Fiction. Hindmarch, Will &Jeff Tidball. Things We Think
About Games.
Hirsh, Jr. , E.D. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy.
Ingpen , Robert. The Encyclopedia of Things That
Never Were.
Kaufmann,J.E. & H.W. Kaufmann. The
Medieval Fortress.
King, Stephen. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
Koster, Rap h. A Theory of Fun for Game Design.
Laws, Robin D. Hamlet's Hit Points.
Lee, Alan & David Day. Castles.
Macaulay, David. Castle.
Malory, Sir Thomas. Le Marte d'Arthur.
McKee, Robert. Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and
the Principles of Screenwriting.
Mortimer, Ian. The Time Traveler's Guide to
Medieval England.
O'Connor, Paul Ryan, ed . Grimtooth's Traps.
PennyPress. Variety Puzzles and Games series.
Peterson, Jon. Playing at the World.
Robbins, Ben. Microscope.
Schell, Jesse. Game Design: A Book of Lenses.
Snyder, Blake. Save the Cat.
Swift, Michael and Angus Konstam. Cities of the
Renaissance World.
Truby, John. The Anatomy of Story.
TSR. Arms and Equipment Guide.
- - -. Campaign Sourcebook/ Catacomb Guide.
- -- . The Castle Guide.
Walmsley, Graham. Play Unsafe: How Improvisation
Can Change the Way You Roleplay.
Wilford, John Noble. The Mapmakers .
Writers Digest. The Writer's Complete Fantasy


INDEX bringing back the dead, 24 creating a campaign (cont.) creating an encounter, 81-85 ,
brown mold , 105 s tory, 125 102
aasimar, 286 - 287 businesses (character) , 127, theme , 36 character objectives , 81
abilities (N PC) , 89, 92 129 time , 32 combat, 81 - 85
ability check , 237-238 , 245 , bu ying mag ic items , 135-136 creating a currenc y, 20 budget, 83- 84
263-264 Bytopia, 58 , 59- 60 creating a downtime acti vity, d ifficult y, 82- 84 , 84- 85
ability score, 89, 237-240, campaign, 9, 25-41 , 126. See 131 multi-part, 83
242 , 263-266 also creating a campaign creat ing a dungeon , 72- 73 , party size, 83
absent characters , 235-236, tracking, 126 74 , 99-105 , 290-301 . See XP thresholds, 82-83
260 Cania (Nine Hells), 65 also creating an encounter; dungeon , 102
Abyss , 58, 62-63. See Carceri , 58, 63 random encounters fun , 85
also specific layer entries challenge rating, 82, 92, 274 , air quality, 105 creating an NPC , 89-97, 244,
Acheron, 58, 66 274 - 275, 279, 306-309 creator, 99-101 279-283
action options , 271 - 272. See charges in magic items , 141 ecolog y, 102 abilities, 89
also specific actions charms , 228 encounters, 102 appearance , 89
acti vating a magic item , 141 chases , 252- 255 factions ,·101-102 attitude , 244
advantage , 239-240 city, 17 features , 102-105 bond, 91
ad venture, 16, 25 , 71 - 8~ City of Brass , 55- 56 goals , 72-73 challenge rating, 92
99-123, 125-126. See class , 96-97, 283 , 287-289 haza rds, 1OS class, 96-97, 283
also creating an adventure NPC , 96-97 hi s tory, 101 detailed, 89-91
hoo ks, 72 cleaving, '272 inhabitants , 74, 101-102 equipment, 92
published, 72 cl imax, 72, 75 , 77 light, 104- 105 flaw, 91
seeds , 125-126 climb onto a bigger creature, location , 99 ideal, 90
ad venturer NPC , 93 271 map, 102- 105 , 311 , 312, interaction trait , 90
ad venturing day, 84 clues (mystery), _78 314, 315 loyalty, 93
air quality, 105 coastal monsters, 302 purpose , 101 manne ri sm , 90
a ir vehicles , 119 cold, 110 random, 290- 301 monster, 91-92
alien technology, 268 collaps ing roof (trap), 122 sounds , 105 occupation and history, 89
alternative rewards, 227-232 color pools (Astral), 47 creating a magic item, quickl y, 89
altitud e , 110 combat, 247-252, 270-273 214-216 , 284-285 statistics , 92, 279-283
animi s m , 12 combat encounter; 81-85 . See sent ient, 214-216 talent , 90
anti paladin, 96, 97 also creating an encounter: creating a monster, 273-283 useful knowledge , 90
appearance (NPC) , 89 combat class, 283 villain , 94-97
apprentice, 92- 93 command word , 141 features , 280-281 creating an organization,
Arborea, 58 , 60-61 commerce, 19-20 quickly, 274-275 21-22
Arcadia , 58 , 66 - 67 complex traps, 121-122 stat block, 275-279 creating a plane, 43
arctic monsters , 302 compl ications , 79-81 creating a multiverse, creating a race , 285-287
area of effect, 249-250, 251 concealed doors , 104 43-69. See also creating a creating a religion , 10-13
armor, magi c, 139 conditions , 248 campaign animism , 12
artifacts , 219-227 conflict with a sentient item, creating an adventure , 5, 71- dualism , 12
destroying , 221 216 87, 99-105 , 125-126. 5ee forces and philosophies,
properties , 219 - 221 connecting ad ventures, also creating a dungeon; 12-13
art objects, 133 , 134-135 125- 126 creating an encounter; loose pantheon, 10-11
Astral colo r pools , 47 consumable magic items, 141. random encounters monotheism, 12
Astral Plane, 43 , 46 - 48 See also potions ; scrolls adventure seeds, 125- 126 mystery cults , 11-12
astral projection, 47 contacts , 93-94 character goals , 72-74, 76 racial, 13
atonement (paladin) , 97 contests, 238 climax, 72 , 75, 77 tight pantheon , 11
attack rolls , 235, 238 , 239 continent scale (map), 14 complications , 79-81 creating a settlement, 15-20,
attitude (N PC) , 244 continuing campaign, 36 dungeon , 99-105 112-116
attunement , 136-138 conversation, 244-245 elements , 71-72 as an adventure site, 16
automatic success (variant) , co s mology, 43-44 event-based , 75-77 atmosphere , 17
239 cover, 251 , 272 foreshadowing , 126 commerce, 19-20
Avernus (Nine Hells) , 64 crafting a magic item , intrigue, 78 encounters , 114-116
awarding experience points , 128-129 introduction, 72, 74, 77, 79 government, 17-19
260-261 creating a background, 26 , location-based , 72-75 map, 114 , 313
background N PC , 94 289 . maps, 72, 75 , 77 purpose, 15-16
backgrounds, 26 , 264, creating a campaign, 14, moral quandaries , 79-80 random , 112- 114
289. See also creating a 25-41,43-44 , 125 . See mystery, 77-78 size, 16-17
background also creating a world N PCs, 74, 75-76, 77, 78 creating a spell, 283 - 284
barred doors, 103 character backgrounds , 26 side quests, 81 creating a trap , 120- 122
Beastlands, 58 , 60 characters , 26, 36 structure, 72 complex, 121-122
becom ing lost, 111-112 , continuing or episodic, 36 twists , 80 detection, 120-121
117-118 ending , 33 t ype , 72-79 disabling, 120- 121
beginning an ad venture, 72, events , 26- 33 villain , 74, 75-76 , 77, 78 effects , 121
74, 77, 79 flavor, 38-41 trigger, 120
between adventures , 125-131 map, 14, 25 - 26
blessings , 227-228 planes of existence, 43-44
bond (NPC), 91 play style, 34- 36
Border Ethereal , 48

creating a wi lderness, 14, El emen tal Chaos, 52-53 greater deity, 11 magic, 9-10, 23-24. See
25-26 , 73 , 106-112 , Elemental Planes. See Inner Great Wheel, 44 also creating a magic item;
116- 120. See also creating Planes green slime, 105 creating a spe ll ; magic
an encounter; random El ysium, 58, 60 grenades , 268 ite ms
encounters encounter, 75 , 77, 81-87, grid, 250- 252 restrict ions, 24
encounters , 106 102, 106. See also creati ng hack and slash, 34 schools of, 24
features , 108- 109 an encounter; random Hades, 58 , 63 magic items, 128-129,
goals , 73 encounters Harpers, 21 129- 130, 133 , 135-227
hazards, 109- 112 ending a campaign, 33 hazards, 105 , 109- 112 alphabetical descriptions,
map, 14, 25 - 26 , 108- 109 ending an adventure , 72, healing variants, 266-267 150-214
unusual environments, 75, 77 heat , 110 artifacts, 219-227
116- 120 Endl ess Maze (Abyss) , 63 heroic fantasy , 38 attunement, 136-138
creating a world, 4, 9-41. environment, 109- 112 , hero points, 264 buying, 135-136
currency, 19- 20 116- 120 high altitude, 110 categories, 139-140. See
magic, 9- 10, 23-24 epic boons , 230, 231 - 232 hill monsters , 304 also specific category
map , 14 epic fantasy, 39 hirelings , 94 entries
religion , 10-13 episodic campaig n, 36 hit points, 247- 248 crafting, 128-129, 141
settlements, 15-20 equipment (NPC) , 92 hitting cover, 272 cursed, 138-139
critical hits , 248 et her cyclone, 49 hoard treasure, 133, 137- 139 formulas , 141
currency, 19-20, 133. See Ethereal curtains , 48-49 home base (for characters) , identifying, 136
also creating a currency Eth ereal Pl ane, 43, 48 - 49 15 , 25 rarity, 135
cursed items, 138-139 event-based adventure , 75-77 honor, 264-265 resilience , 141. See also
damage, 249, 273 events (campaign), 26- 33 horror, 266 objects
damaging objects, 246-247 Evernigh t (Shadowfell), 52 ice (hazard), 110- lll selling, 129-130, 135-136
dark fantasy , 40 expenses (character), 126- 127 ideal (N PC) , 90 sentient , 214-218
darkness , 104-105 experience points (XP), ident ifying a magic item , 136 spec ial features, 141-143
dart trap, 123 82-84, 260- 261 immersive storytelling, 34 wearing and wie ld ing ,
Dawn War deities , 10 thresholds, 82- 83 individual treasure, 133, 136 140- 141
DC. See Difficulty Class exploratio n, 242-244 Infinite Staircase, 58-59 Maladomini (Nine Hel ls) , 65
Death Dells (Abyss) , 63 explosives, 267-268 influence, 78 Malbolge (Nine Hells) , 65
Death domain , 96-97 extra N PC , 94 initiative, 247, 270-271 mannerism (NPC), 90
Deep Ethereal, 48-49 facing , 252 variants, 270-271 mapping , 14, 25-26, 72, 75 ,
degrees offailure, 242 factions. See organizations; injuries , 272- 273 77, 102-105 , 108-109, 114,
deity, 10-13 see also creating a dungeon: Inner Planes, 43 , 52- 57. See 255
divine rank, 11 factions also specific Inner Plane campaign , 14, 25
pantheon , 10-11 falling net (trap) , 122 entries scale, 14
racial , 13 Far Realm, 68 inspiration, 240-241 chases , 255
demigod, 11 favors, 229-230 inspirational reading, 316 dungeon , 102-105
demiplane, 68 fear, 266 interaction trait (NPC), 90 sam ples , 310-315
Demonweb (Abyss) , 62- 63 fey crossings , 50 intrigue, 40 , 78 settlement, 114
desecrated ground , 110 Feyw ild magic, 50 kingdom sca le (map) , 14 wilderness , 108- 109
desert monsters , 302 Feywi ld, 43, 49-50 knowledge (NPC), 90 mark, 271
destroying artifacts , 221 firearms , 267, 268 lairs, 108 marks of prestige, 228-231
detecting a hazard, 105 fire-breathing statue (trap) , land, 229 massive damage, 273
detecting a trap, 120-1 21 122 languages , 20-21 Material Plane, 43
diagonal movement, 252 flanking , 251 larva (Hades), 63 Material Plane echoes , 43. See
dice , 235, 236- 237 flavor (campaign), 38- 41 law, 114 also Feywild ; Shadowfell
Difficulty Class, 238- 239 flaw (NPC) , 91 layers , planar, 58 Mechanus , 58 , 66
disabling a trap, 120- 121 flying , 119- 120 lesser deity, 11 medals, 229
disadvantage , 239-240 followers , 92-93 letters of recommendation , memory loss (Feywild), 50
disarm, 271 food and water, 111 228-229 metagame thinking, 235
disease, 256-257 foraging, 111 light, 104- 105 milestones, 261
Dis (Nine Hells), 64 foreshadowing, 126 Limbo, 58 , 61-62 Minauros (Nine Hells) , 64
divine rank , 11. See also deity; forest monsters, 302-303 line of sight, 251 miniat ures, 250-252
specific divine rank entries framing events , 79 linking adventures , 125-126 missing players, 235-236, 260
Domains of Dread frigid water, 110 location-based ad venture, mixing potions, 140
(Shadowfell) , 51-52 fun, 85 72-75 mobs , 250
doors , 103- 104 gaining levels , 131, 261 locked doors , 103 modifying a class, 287-289
downtime activities, 127-13 1 gaining renown , 22 , 129 long rest , 267 modifying a magic item, 284
dualism, 12 Gapi ng Maw (Abyss), 62 loose pa ntheon , 10-11 modifying a monster, 273-274
dungeon , 72- 75, 99-105, garrisons (character) , 127 lo sing the path , 111-11 2, monotheism, 12
290-301. See also creating a gate-towns (Outlands) , 67 117-118 monsters , 71, 74, 82,
dungeon Gehenna , 58, 63 Lower Planes , 58. See 91-92, 247-248, 273-283 ,
Dungeon Master, 4 gemstones , 133 , 134 also Outer Planes 302-305 , 306-309. See
echo plane, 43. See Gloaming Court (Feywild), 49 loya lty, 93 also creating a monster;
also Feyw ild; Shadowfell god. See deity madness, 258-260 creating an encounter;
ecology (dungeon) , 102 government, 17-19 creating an NPC; random
eladrin , 286 grassland monsters , 303 encounters; specific terrain

monsters (cont.) philosophies, 12- 13 rarity, 135 rules discussions , 235
as NPCs , 91-92 Phlegethos (Nine Hells) , 64 razorvine, 110 running a business, 127, 129
by challenge rating, piety, 23 reactions, 252 running the game , 235-261
306-309 pit (trap), 122-123 religion , 10-13 . See sai li ng vessels, 119
by terrain , 302-305 planar categories, 43 also creating a religion sanity, 265-266
challenge rating, 82 planar layers, 58 renown , 22-23, 78 , 129 saving throws, 238, 239
hit poi nts , 247-248 planar portals, 45, 47, 48 - 49, as piety, 23 schools of magic , 24
mobs , 250 50, 51 , 58- 59, 67-68 benefits, 22-23 scro lls , 139, 140
statistics by cha ll enge planar travel, 44-46, 58-59. gaining, 22, 129 mishaps, 140
rating, 274 See also planar portals losing, 23 sea, 117- 119
monuments , 108 Plane of Air, 53-54 resolving social interaction , secret doors , 103-104
morale , 273 Plane of Earth , 54 244-245 see lie fey, 49
moral quandaries , 79-80 Plane of Faerie. See Feywild , restr ictions on magic , 24 se ll ing magic items, 129-130,
mountai n monsters, 304 Plane of Fire, 55-56 rest variants , 267 135-136
Mount Celestia , 58 , 59 Plane of Shadow. resurrection , 24 sentient magic items ,
movement , 252 See Shadowfell rings , 139 214-218
multiverse , 43-69. See Plane of Water, 56-57 River Styx, 58 sett lements , 15-20, 108, 112-
also creating a multiverse planes of existence, 43-69. rods, 139 116, 254. See also creating a
mystery, 40, 77-78 See also cosmology; specific ro lepl aying, 245-246 settlement
myste ry cults , 11-12 plane entries rolling sphere (trap), 123 chases , 254
mythic fantas y, 39 players , 6 rolling the dice, 235, 236-237, shadow crossings, 51
navigation , lll-112 , 117-118 play sty le , 34-36 242 Shadowfell despair, 52
Negative Plane, 43 plot points, 269-270 ruins, 108 Shadowfell, 43, 51-52
Nessus (Nine He ll s), 66 poison, 257-258 rules , 5 ships, 119
net (trap) , 122 poison darts (trap), 123
new players , 236 poison needle. (trap), 123
Nine Hells , 58 , 64-66 . See portcullises, 104
also specific layer entries Positive Plane, 43
nob le titles, 19, 230 potions , 139, 140
noncombat challenges , 261 precipitation, 110
nonplayer character. See N PC proficiency, 239, 263-264
noticing other creatures, 243 background, 264
N PC, 74, 75-76 , 77, 78 , dice , 263
89-97, 244-246, 247-248. personality trait , 264
See also creating an NPC; property (character) , 126-127
villain province scale (map), 14
adventurer, 93 psychic dissonance (Outer
hit points , 247-248 Planes) , 59
party members , 92-93 psych ic wind (Astral), 47-48
roleplaying, 244-246 published adventures, 72
oathbreaker (palad in) , 97 published worlds, 9, 68
objects , 246-247 qu icksand, 110
occupation (N PC) , 89 quirk, 90, 143
ocean, 117- 119 magic item, 143
organizations, 21-23. NPC , 90
See also creating an race , 285-287
organization racial deity, 13
adventurer, 21-22 rain , 110
rank , 22 raising a strongho ld, 128
renown, 22-23 random dungeons , 290-301
samp le, 21, 23 random encounters, 85-87,
other rewards , 227-232 106, 114-1 16, 118
Outer Planes , 43, 57-67. See challenge, 87
also specific Outer Plane checki ng for, 86
entries creating tables, 86-87
optional rules , 59 sample table, 87
Outlands , 67-68 sea, 118
overrun, 272 settlement, 114-116
owning property, 126-127 triggering, 85
Pandemonium, 58 , 62 underwater, 116
pantheon, 10-11 , 13 wil derness, 106
loose , 10-11 random magic items, 144-149
of the Dawn War, 11 random settlements,
racial , 13 112-114. See also creating a
sample, 11 settlement
tight, 11 ran dom treasure , 133-135 ,
patron, 94 136-139, 144-149
performing sacred rites , 129 rank (in an organization), 22

shipwrecks , 118 structure (ad venture) , 72 training , 131, 231
short rest, 84, 267 stuck doors , 103 to gain levels , 131
shove aside, 272 Stygia (Nine Hells) , 64-65 Trans itive Planes , 43 class options , 96-97
side quests , 81 Styx. See River Styx traps , 120-123. See methods , 95
siege equipment, 255-256 subrace, 285- 287 also creating a trap scheme, 94
Sigil , City of Doors , 58, 68 success at a cost, 242 sample, 122-123 weakness , 96
sil ver cord , 47 Summer Court (Feywild) , 49 travel, 106- 108; 109-112, visibility, 117, 119, 243
size, 251 supernatural gifts , 227-228 116-120, 242-244 walls , 102
skills, 239, 263-264 survival , 109-112 pace, 242-243 wandering monsters ,
sky, 119- 120 suspects (mystery), 77-78 treasure , 133-232 302- 305
slippery ice, 110 swamp monsters , 304 tables, 133 , 136-139, wands, 140
small player groups, 236 swashbuckling, 40 144-149 war, 40 - 41
snow, 110 swimming, 116-117 triggering a trap , 120 water vehicles , 119
social interaction , 244-246 swords and sorcery, 38-39 Triple Realm (Abyss) , 63 weapons , mag ic, 140
resolving, 244-245 system shock, 273 tumble , 272 wearing and wielding magic
roleplaying, 245-246 table rules , 235- 236 twists (adventure) , 80 items, 140- 141
sounds, 105 table talk , 235 Underdark monsters , 305 weather, 109- 110, 118- 119
sowing rumors, 131 tactical map, 250- 252 underwater, 116-117, 305 webs, 105
special features for magic talent (N PC), 90 monsters, 305 weirdness , 109
items , 141-143 teleportation circles , 24 u nseel ie fey, 49 wilderness , 73, 106-112, 11 6-
special rights , 230 temperature , 109-110 . Upper Planes, 58. See 120, 254. See also creating
speed factor, 270- 271 Thanatos (Abyss) , 62 also Outer Pla nes a wilderness
spell points , 288-289 theme (campaign) , 36 urban monsters , 305 chases, 254
spells in magic items, 141 thin ice, 111 using ability scores , 237-240, wind, 110
sphere of annihilation (trap), tiers of play, 36-38 242 wondrous items, 140
123 tight pantheon, 11 using a map, 242 World Axi s, 44
sp iderwebs, 105 time , 32- 33 using magic items , 140-141 world building, 9-41 , 43 - 69
spiked pit (trap), 123 time warp (Feywild) , SO using the dice , 235, 236-237, World Tree, the , 44
staffs, 140 titan, 11 242 wuxia , 41
starting at higher level, 38 titles , 19, 230 vehicles , 119 XP, 82-84 , 260-261
starting attitude (NPC) , 244 tools, 239 vestige, 11 thresholds , 82-83
story, 71 , 72, 125 town , 17 vi ctim (m ystery), 77 yellow mold , 105
strongholds, 109, 128 , 230 tracking, 244 village, 16- 17 Ysgard, 58 , 61
Zhentarim , 23


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