Question Bank 3

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Question suggestions by Department of Biochemistry SRIMS&SH Durgapur

Theory Chapter : Chemistry of Carbohydrates

Long Question
1. Describe various forms of isomerism exhibited by carbohydrates.
Enumerate the carbohydrates present in glycoproteins.
2. Classify polysaccharides. Indicate the structural and functional aspect of
each of them.
3. Classify glycosaminoglycans according to their composition, tissue of
occurrence and functions.
4. Enumerate two homopolysaccharides. Describe the differences between
them. Explain why mannose and galactose are epimers of glucose?
Enumerate one functional isomer of glucose.
5. Classify polysaccharides. Indicate structural and functional aspect of each of
6. Indicate in detail the chemical composition of glycosaminoglycans and
proteoglycans. Name the carbohydrates present in glycoproteins and

Short Notes
1. Blood group antigen.
2. Glycosaminoglycans.
3. Mutarotation of carbohydrates.
4. Inversion
5. Composition and function of hyaluronic acid
6. Anomerism
7. Epimerism
8. Glycosides
9. Homopolysaccharidies
10.Functions of glycoproteins in the human body.
11.Function of carbohydrates in the diet.
12.RBC group antigen
13. Glycosides
14. Invert sugar
15.Glycemic index of a carbohydrate

Explain why
1. Sucrose is known as invert sugar.
2. Glucose and fructose form similar osazone crystals.
3. Defective lactose digestion may lead to a clinical condition.
4. Benedict test is used to identify reducing sugar.
5. Glycoproteins and Proteoglycans are different.
6. Benedict’s test in urine can be positive even in the absence of reducing
7. Benedict’s test in urine can be positive in the absence of glucose.
8. Dextrin and Dextran are not the same.
9. Glycogen is a better storage form of carbohydrate than starch.
Clinical Case
Q.1. A 35-year-old man presented to the Medicine OPD with complaints of
occasional abdominal discomfort after meals. He had noticed that the discomfort
was aggravated by intake of dairy products. The main clinical symptoms were
abdominal cramps, flatulence and loose stools. He also mentioned that his
symptoms were relieved when he completely excluded dairy products from his
i. What is the most probable diagnosis ?
ii. What is the biochemical basis of the symptoms?
iii. How will you manage the above case?

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