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Rubrics/Weights for Outline Defense

Output/Manuscript (30%)
Usefulness, Applicability, Reliability,
Sustainability to the School and/or

Significance of Research

Rigor-Soundness of
Methodology (40%)

Research Design - the research

design chooses to integrate different
components of the study in coherent
and logical way, thereby, ensuring to
address effectively the research
Data Collection - the study presents
accurate and appropriate gathering
procedure to clarify the research
Research Presentation (30%)
Critical Thinking - thoroughly planned out with in-depth
understanding of the major ideas
Quality of Information - covers the topic meticulously
and includes detail that support the gap of the study
Visual Design - clean and visually appealing with
readable text and use of graphics for enhaned
Oral Presentation - well prepared, speaks clearly,
makes eye contact withaudience, delivers with ease,
invites questions

Over-all - presentation of defense and research output.

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