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Construction Materials

St r uct ur al Non- St r uct ur al

Ea r t h Tiles
Bamboo Terracotta and ornamental
br ick s
Timber Glass
Stone A l u m i n u m and alloys
Brick Bricks and blocks
Con cr et e Gypsum board
Steel Wood and wooden products
Steel-Concrete composite Ceramics
Ferrocement Plastics
FRP Rubber and resins
S m a r t Materials Paints and Varnishes
Issues Concerning Materials
• Standards
• Ingredients / Components
• Storage
• Casting / Installation
• Curing
• Transportation and handling
• Field tests, lab tests and NDT
• Maintenance
Based on Countries: Based on Materials:
• Bangladesh - BDS • Cement - PCA
• USA - ASTM • Concrete - ACI
• EU - EN • Steel - AISC
• Japan – JIS • Aluminum – AA
• India - IS • Wood - AWC
Concrete: Ingredients

Ingredients of concrete:
• Cement: Bonding agent. Types (BDS EN 1 9 7 - 1 : 2 0 0 3 ) : CEM I
(OPC) and CEM II (PCC)

• Fine aggregate: Sand. Coarser is better. Measure: FM.

• Coarse aggregate: Stone chips o r brick chips. Desired properties:
N o t elongated, N o t flat, angular, well graded. M a xi m u m
aggregate size: 3 7 . 5 m m (for road), 2 0 m m (for buildings).

• Water: Drinkable, N o t saline

• Ad m ixt u r e : Super-plasticizer, Retarder etc.

St or age
• Cement: Moisture proof, cement bags stacked closely on wooden
planks upto m a x i m u m 1 5 bags, covered in monsoon w i t h
polyethylene sheet.

• Aggregate: Stored on hard, d r y and level ground or p l a t f o r m ,

avoid contact w i t h d i r t , dust and vegetation, protect f r o m loss
due t o wind.

• Water: stored in tanks, prevent contact w i t h organic impurities.

• Ad m ixt u r e : Use before shelf-life

• Reinforcing steel: In h u m i d areas, coated w i t h cement wash
before stacking.
Casting of Concrete
St eps:
• Mixing: Mix proportion, W / C ratio, Mixer, Batch plant,
• Transport: before setting, flowable concrete can be pumped.
• Placing: Should n o t be dropped f r o m more t h a n 5 f t height
• Formwork: Should be w a t e r t ig ht , smooth
• Compaction: w i t h mechanical vibrator
• Rod binding: Tightly bound so t h a t do n o t get displaced,
clear cover should be maintained.
Cur in g
• Cement gain strength through hydration:

• H u m i d i t y is needed for hydration.

• H u m i d i t y m ay be maintained just by protecting it.
• Additional wa t e r m a y be delivered for curing.
Concrete members m a y be t w o types:
• Cast-in-Situ: No transportation is needed.
• Precast: Transportation is needed. Design should consider
the transportation load. Should be carried a t designated
points, marked on the concrete.
Tests of Concrete:
• Field tests: Slump test
• Lab tests: Compression test
• Non-Destructive tests: H a m m e r test, UPV test, Pin test,
CAPO test, Core test etc.
Slump test (ASTM C143):
• Measures workability.
• Workability of Concrete is how
easily freshly mixed concrete can
be mixed, placed, consolidated,
and finished
Standard Slump Value:
Concrete Cylinder Test (ASTM C39):
M ould
Concrete Cylinder Test: Collection and
Cur in g
Concrete Cylinder Test: Compression
Concrete Strength Gain w i t h Age
Non-Destructive Tests (NDT)

Impact H a m m e r Test Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

Semi-Destructive Tests


Core Test
Corrosion of Steel in Concrete

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