2 NM Behavior Plan

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Behavior What does it look like?

1. Refusal to comply with directions and rules Not completing tasks

Not following teacher directions or classroom rules

Not responding when a teacher is talking to you


Little or no effort on work

Inappropriate computer use

2. Mean and hurtful talking when upset Using hurtful or inappropriate words

Inappropriate comments

*Screaming at or threatening others

*Threatening to hurt self

3. Inappropriate physical behavior Destroying/throwing paper, pencil

Hitting, kicking, or pushing property

Yelling, arguing, not responding

Inappropriate recess behavior

Pushing, hitting, or kicking others

Throwing an object that could cause harm

Running out of the room or from a teacher

4. Damaging someone else’s property Throwing or breaking people’s belongings

Negative Behaviors

(Behaviors # 1 - 2) If one of these problem behaviors is observed, the Teacher will try strategies from
the intervention checklist (below). If the student does engage in a problem behavior at any time during
the assignment or specials, there will be a check or an X (only for the * behaviors on 1 and 2) given based
on the problem behavior and the student will still need to complete the assigned task. Should the
behavior continue, the Teacher will contact an administrator for a further consequence (Student
Discipline Write Up).
Teacher Intervention Checklist:
❏ Offer sensory item (squeeze ball, fidget, putty, theraband, bottle)
❏ Use If / Then statements - “Y in the Road” (see example below)
❏ Ask student what number he is 1-5 (1=ok, ready to learn; 2=not listening, do not want to work;
3=refusing to work; 4=disrespect, quiet/no response; 5=punching/throwing things, see pg. 3)
❏ Verbal prompts/reminders to use strategies (try with a 2nd intervention)

(Behaviors # 3 - 4) If the Student exhibits one of these major behaviors, the behavior will result in an
immediate Student Discipline write up and student sent to the office. Behaviors # 3 and 4 may depend on
the severity of what is said or done before an immediate write up/office visit is completed. You may be
able to try the “Y in the Road” intervention first:
Ex: You have a choice. If this behavior continues, it will result in this consequence … (check or X
and/or write up). If you change your behavior positively, it will result in this …

Student will lose Dojo point for an X or 3 checks.

Positive Behaviors

The student will earn a positive consequence (earning back Dojo points) for
● Complete all assignments for the day without being reminded.
● They did not get any checks or Xs at the end of the day.
● They had a WOW moment.
● Using calming strategies.

“Good day” = 2 or less checks
Need 5 good days in a row to earn rewards in box.

5 minutes 1 on 1 time - Mrs. Lurk, Mrs. Gegg, Mrs. Diesel, Mrs. Huck, Mrs. Rector
Add 5 minutes onto work session
10 minutes of reading time

BIG Rewards
Help Mrs. Kertz
Lunch with mom
*If have 3 Major X in a month BIG rewards are not an option

1 2 3 4 5
ok, not listening, do Not listening, disrespect, Punching or
ready to learn not want to work refusing to work quiet/no response throwing things

Mrs. Huck, Mrs. Rector, and Mrs. Lurk will keep track of behaviors on their computer calendars.

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