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Tribhuvan University

Institute of Science and Technology

Project Report
E-Commerce Website

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and
Information Technology

Submitted to
Department of Computer Science and Applications
Vedas College

Submitted by

Sandeep Sanjel
Sharnab Bogati
Hemanta Pokhrel
Manish Timalsina

Ashar 2080

Under the supervision of

Mr. Rakesh Shrestha

Letter of Approval

This is to certify that this project prepared by Sandeep Sanjel, Sharnab Bogati, Hemanta Pokhrel, and
Manish Timalsina entitled “E-Commerce Website” in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
degree of B.Sc. in Computer Science and Information Technology has been well studied. In our
opinion, it is satisfactory in the scope and quality of a project for the required degree.

Evaluation Committee

Mr. Rakesh Shrestha
Supervisor ( Lecturer)

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our supervisor Mr. Rakesh Shrestha for his support,
motivation, suggestions, and guidance. His advice was inevitable and with his help, we were able to
work on our own interested field and complete our project on time. We are also thankful to Mr.
Prashant Thakur Principal, Vedas College who has provided all the help and facilities, that we
required, for the completion of our project. Moreover, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude
to all our teachers at Vedas College, who have imparted knowledge in various subjects.

Last but not least; we would like to express our thanks to all our friends and our lovely parents for their
direct and indirect support for the completion of this project.

Sandeep Sanjel,
Sharnab Bogati,
Hemanta Pokhrel,
Manish Timalsina

This project report provides a comprehensive overview of the development and implementation of an
E-commerce website. In today's digital age, E-commerce has become an integral part of the business
landscape, offering convenience and accessibility to consumers while providing businesses with a
global reach. The aim of this project was to design and construct an E-commerce website that enables
businesses to effectively showcase and sell their products online, while also providing a seamless and
user-friendly shopping experience for customers.

The report begins with an introduction to the significance of E-commerce in contemporary business
practices, highlighting its impact on consumer behavior and market trends. It emphasizes the need for
businesses to establish an online presence to remain competitive in the digital marketplace.

The project delves into the technical aspects of website development, outlining the chosen
technologies and frameworks employed in the creation of the E-commerce platform. Key components
such as the front-end design, back-end functionality, and database management are discussed in detail,
providing insights into the architecture and structure of the website.

Furthermore, the report explores the essential features and functionalities integrated into the E-
commerce website, including product listings, shopping cart management, secure payment processing,
user account management, and order fulfillment. These features are critical for creating a seamless and
efficient shopping experience for customers. Security considerations are also addressed, with a focus
on ensuring the protection of customer data and transactions. The report highlights the implementation
of encryption protocols, secure payment gateways, and user authentication measures to safeguard
sensitive information. Additionally, the project report touches upon the importance of mobile
responsiveness and user experience optimization, recognizing the growing trend of mobile E-
commerce usage.

Figure 1: Waterfall model.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 2: Login & Signup Page ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 3: Number of users details...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4: Dataflow diagram of online shopping ecommerce website:Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5: ER diagram of online shopping e-commerce websiteError! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 6: Use case Diagram of Online Shopping .............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7: Schema Diagram ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8: Sequence Diagram ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 9: Flowchart Diagram of Online Shopping ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 10: Home page of Online shopping website .......................................................... 12
Figure 11: Admin Page showing list of products .............................................................. 12
Figure 12: Admin page showing order lists....................................................................... 13
Figure 13: Admin page showing categories ...................................................................... 13
Figure 14: Admin page showing list of users .................................................................... 14


GUI Graphical User Interface

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheets
CLI Command Line Interface
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
ABAD Advance Business Application and Programming
DFDs Data Flow Diagram
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
UML Unified Modeling Language

1.1 Specification Requirement

1.6.1 External Interfaces

- This interface will be actual interface through which the user will communication with the
application and perform the desired tasks.

Admin login
I. D:

Role: Admin wishes to login to the system

Precondition: Username and Password
Success end Condition: Main option of screen display
Failed end Condition: User has entered incorrect Username and
Password or both

Success end Condition: User has successfully made the


1. To edit user records in the data base, first search the record you want to edit then click on ‘edit’


2. Edit the particulars user that you want to change and click on’ Save’ button.

1.6.2 Software Product Features

Ecommerce system

Login Information System

 Description
-The system will maintain the login information of its user to enter in to the software
 Validating Checks
-Administrator need to login the unique id and password.
-Contact number should have maximum 10 digits.
-All the details must be fill up.
-Email address should be in the proper format.
 Sequencing information
-Login information should be filled before the user allowed.

 Error Handling
-If user doesn’t filled up validate information then the system display error message for
user and request to enter the validate information.

Performance required

 Security
-System should be Protected from unauthorized access Where the validate Username
and Password are required so no other can access.
 Maintainability
-System should be design in a maintain order. So it can be easily modified.

Logical Database:
A Logical Database is a special type of ABAP (Advance Business Application and
Programming) that is used to retrieve data from various tables and the data is
interrelated to each other. Also, a logical database provides a read-only view of Data.

Column Type Null Default Links to Comments MIME
cat_id (Primary) int(100) No
Cat_title text No

Keyname Type Unique Packed Column Cardinality collation Null Comment
PRIMARY BTREE Yes No cat_id 3 A No

Column Type Null Default Links to Comment MIME
Order_id(Primary) int(11) No
user_id int(11) No
product_id int(11) No
qty int(11) No
trx_id varchar(255) No
p_status Varchar(20) No


3.1. Conclusion
To conclude the description about the project : The project, developed using PHP and MySQL is based
on the requirement specification of the user and the analysis of the existing system, with flexibility for
future enhancement. The expanded functionality of today’s software requires an appropriate approach
towards software development. This ecommerce software is designed E-commerce site project is
developed using PHP, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Talking about the project, it has all the required
essential features. This project has a user side where he/she can view product category and add
products to cart and proceed for checkout whereas from administration side he/she can view sales,
number of product, users, daily sales report, add product and categories. The user can also leave
comments on each product if he/she wants. In this project, all the main functions are performed from
the Admin side.User Friendly.

3.2. Recommendation
Ecomt's World could significantly enhance its platform by focusing on various aspects. Firstly, by
enhancing the user experience through improved website design, faster loading speeds, and better
mobile responsiveness, the navigation for customers could be made seamless. Secondly, the
integration of a recommendation engine would enable the website to offer personalized product
suggestions and exclusive deals, thus catering to individual preferences. Additionally, refining the
search functionality and expanding filtering options would make product discovery more accurate and
efficient. To build customer trust, prioritizing data security and incorporating trust-building elements is
crucial. The potential development of a mobile app could provide a smoother shopping experience on
smartphones, and streamlining the checkout process, along with offering guest checkout and versatile
payment methods, might reduce cart abandonment rates. Lastly, by providing multiple customer
support channels and potentially integrating chatbots, customer inquiries could be addressed promptly.

3.3. Future Enhancement

Ecomt's World stands to greatly improve its platform by addressing key areas. This includes enhancing
user experience through refined website design, improved speed, and seamless mobile responsiveness.
The addition of a recommendation engine would offer customers personalized product suggestions and
exclusive deals, while refining search accuracy and expanding filtering options would streamline
product discovery. Prioritizing customer data security and incorporating trust-building elements would
foster trust among users. Exploring the development of a mobile app for smoother smartphone
shopping and optimizing the checkout process with guest checkout and diverse payment methods
could enhance customer satisfaction. Providing various customer support channels and potentially
integrating chatbots would ensure efficient query resolution. Looking ahead, incorporating AR and VR
for interactive product visualization, implementing voice search functionality, enabling direct
purchasing from social media platforms, promoting sustainability through eco-friendly products,
utilizing AI for customer behavior analysis and recommendations, introducing subscription models,
and expanding internationally with localized experiences would all contribute to Ecomt's World's
continued growth and success.


Home Page:

Figure 1: Home page of Online shopping website

Admin Page:
 Products List

Figure 2: Admin Page showing list of products

 List of Orders

Figure 3: Admin page showing order lists

 Categories

Figure 4: Admin page showing categories

 Users

Figure 5: Admin page showing list of users


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