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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2 1
Analysis Student paints a Student paints a Student paints a Student fails to Student fails to
clear picture of picture of what picture of what demonstrate what demonstrate what
what she/he she/he learned she/he learned she/he learned she/he learned
learned during the during the during the during the during the
interview; ideas interview; ideas interview; ideas interview; student interview; student
are explored and are explored and discussed show slights or ignores ignores important
developed with developed with some focus, but important aspects aspects of the
complexity, adequate and there may be of the assignment; assignment; ideas
critical thinking, reasonable problems in ideas discussed discussed show
and wit. support. organization, show little focus. little focus; there
support, or are problems in
direction. organization,
support, and/or
Self- Student is Student is Student was quite Student was quite Student was quite
Evaluation thoughtful about somewhat thoughtful about thoughtful about thoughtful about
her/his strengths thoughtful about her/his strengths her/his strengths her/his strengths
and weaknesses as her/his strengths and weaknesses as and weaknesses as and weaknesses as
an interviewer. and weaknesses as an interviewer. an interviewer. an interviewer.
an interviewer.
Questions List of questions List of questions List of questions List of questions List of questions
asked included asked included asked included asked is either not asked is either not
with the paper; with the paper; with the paper; included with the included with the
questions are clear, questions are clear questions are paper, or is paper, or is
smart, creative, and appropriate appropriate (no seriously lacking seriously lacking in
and appropriate (no unethical, unethical, in quantity and/or quantity and/or
(no unethical, immoral, or illegal immoral, or illegal quality; questions quality; questions
immoral, or illegal questions asked), questions asked), may be are inappropriate
questions asked); but lacking in but seriously inappropriate (unethical, immoral,
questions creativity; lacking in clarity (unethical, or illegal);
demonstrate that questions and creativity; immoral, or questions are
student/interviewer demonstrate that questions illegal); questions seriously lacking in
applied his/her student/interviewer demonstrate that demonstrate that clarity and
knowledge on the applied some of student/interviewer student/interviewer creativity;
topic his/her knowledge may have not may have not questions
on the topic applied some of applied some of demonstrate that
his/her knowledge his/her knowledge student/interviewer
or lacked or lacked did not apply
information on the information on the his/her knowledge
topic topic or had no
information on the


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Laoag City, Ilocos Norte

Mechanics The various parts The various parts The various parts The various parts The various parts of
of the paper are the of the paper are the of the paper are the of the paper miss the paper miss the
correct length; correct length; correct length; the correct length; correct length;
student student exhibits student exhibits student exhibits student exhibits
demonstrates satisfactory written developing written pervasive errors in pervasive and
sophistication in English (any flaws English skills; written English, persistent errors in
sentence structure are not some sentences are and these errors written English, and
and vocabulary; overwhelming or difficult to read or regularly prevent these errors
student exhibits part of a consistent understand; was understanding; was regularly prevent
superiority in pattern); was somewhat able to not fully able to understanding; did
written English, slightly able to focus on the three focus on the three not focus on the
though some small focus on the three stated questions stated questions three stated
flaws may be stated questions questions
present; was able to
focus on the three
stated questions
Total 20 points


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