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Alexia - see Lunsford p.

586, which might provide a clearer example of how to cite an

article. The Works Cited page should: - list sources in alphabetical order by the authors'
names, - start citations with the first line flush with margin and subsequent lines
indented one tab, - put article title in normal font, enclosed in quotation marks, and
journal title in italics In addition, we really need to work on proofreading. There are Prep.
several awkward sentences and confusing uses of pronouns, which make reading a
challenge. I strongly suggest that you complete a draft at least a day before it's due, walk
away from it for a bit, and then read out loud with fresh eyes (or better yet, have
someone read it to you). This way, you can catch issues before your reader does. I don't
have peer-review worksheet, so am unsure of how much help was received. 70

7 see notes above re:

set up of citation

do we really want
to address the
audience with the A Bulimic purges
personal "you"?
Article Error awkward sentence



awkward sentence ??

discovered this

awkward sentence perfectionist She

sentence seems out of place ?? explain

Article Error
This says

members awkward sentence

sentence fragment

Article Error See p. 586

See p. 586 1

Confused 2

singular pronoun be sure that

He This states Plural Confused
pronouns agree
?? with referents
?? comma splice

It subjects comma differ

?? ??

use of finds differences in awkward sentence

pronouns "he"
confusing sentence and "they" is
Verb S/V
who states?

awkward sentence

mentions read this sentence out loud!

S/V awkward


involves failure

Confused again, pronouns are confusing


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