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IoT Applications for Value

Brownfield IoT
• The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most exciting
phenomena of the tech industry these days. But there seems
to be a lot of confusion surrounding it as well.

• Some think about IoT merely as creating new internet-

connected devices, while others are more focused on creating
value through adding connectivity and smarts to what already
exists out there.

• Here’s what you need to know about brownfield

development, their differences, the challenges, and where the
right balance stands.
Brownfield IoT development
• To take the cue from software development, brownfield
development refers to any form of software that created on
top of legacy systems or with the aim of coexisting with other
software that are already in use.

• This will impose some constraints and requirements that will

limit design and implementation decisions to the developers.

• The development process can become challenging and

arduous and require meticulous analysis, design and testing,
things that many upstart developers don’t have the patience
• In brownfield IoT development, developers inherit hardware,
embedded software and design decisions.

• They can’t deliberate on where they want to direct their

efforts and will have to live and work within a constrained

• Brownfield is especially important in industrial IoT (IIoT), such

as smart buildings, bridges, roads, railways and all
infrastructure that have been around for decades and will
continue to be around for decades more.

• Connecting these to the cloud (and the fog), collecting data

and obtaining actionable insights might be even more
pertinent than having a light bulb that can be turned on and
off with your smartphone.

• IIoT is what will make our cities smarter, more efficient, and
create the basis to support the technology of the future,
shared economies, fully autonomous vehicles and things that
we can’t imagine right now.

• But as its software development counterpart, brownfield IoT

development is very challenging, and that’s why
manufacturers and developers are reluctant and loathe to
engage in it.
Smart Objects
• The concept of smart in IoT is used for physical objects that
are active, digital, networked, can operate to some extent
autonomously, reconfigurable and has local control of the
• The smart objects need energy, data storage, etc.

• A smart object is an object that enhances the interaction with

other smart objects as well as with people also.

• The world of IoT is the network of interconnected

heterogeneous objects (such as smart devices, smart objects,
sensors, actuators, RFID, embedded computers, etc.) uniquely
addressable and based on standard communication protocols.
• In a day to day life, people have a lot of object with internet or
wireless or wired connection. Such as:
• Smartphone
• Tablets
• TV computer

• These objects can be interconnected among them and

facilitate our daily life (smart home, smart cities) no matter
the situation, localization, accessibility to a sensor, size,
scenario or the risk of danger.
• Smart objects are utilized widely to transform the physical
environment around us to a digital world using the Internet of
things (IoT) technologies.

• A smart object carries blocks of application logic that make

sense for their local situation and interact with human users.

• A smart object sense, log, and interpret the occurrence within

themselves and the environment, and intercommunicate with
each other and exchange information with people.
Smart Applications
• 1. IoT Applications – Wearables
• Wearable technology is a hallmark of IoT applications and
probably is one of the earliest industries to have deployed the
IoT at its service.
• We happen to see Fit Bits, heart rate monitors and smart
watches everywhere these days.
• One of the lesser-known wearable's includes the Guardian
glucose monitoring device.

• The device is developed to aid people suffering from diabetes.

• It detects glucose levels in the body, using a tiny electrode
called glucose sensor placed under the skin and relays the
information via Radio Frequency to a monitoring device.
2. IoT Applications – Smart Home Applications

• When we talk about IoT Applications, Smart Homes are

probably the first thing that we think of. The best example I
can think of here is Jarvis, the AI home automation employed
by Mark Zuckerberg.
• There is also Allen Pan’s Home Automation System where
functions in the house are actuated by use of a string of
musical notes. The following video could give you a better
3. IoT Applications – Health Care

• IoT applications can turn reactive medical-based systems into

proactive wellness-based systems.

• The resources that current medical research uses, lack critical

real-world information. It mostly uses leftover data, controlled
environments, and volunteers for medical examination.

• IoT opens ways to a sea of valuable data through analysis,

real-time field data, and testing.

• The Internet of Things also improves the current devices in

power, precision, and availability. IoT focuses on creating
systems rather than just equipment.
• Here’s how an IoT-enabled care device works.
4. IoT Applications – Smart Cities

• The hypothesis of the optimized traffic system I mentioned

earlier, is one of the many aspects that constitute a smart city.
• The thing about the smart city concept is that it’s very specific
to a city. The problems faced in Mumbai are very different
than those in Delhi.
• The problems in Hong Kong are different from New York. Even
global issues, like finite clean drinking water, deteriorating air
quality and increasing urban density, occur in different
intensities across cities.
• Hence, they affect each city differently.
• The Government and engineers can use IoT to analyze the
often-complex factors of town planning specific to each city.
• The use of IoT applications can aid in areas like water
management, waste control, and emergencies.
• Let’s take an actual example of a Smart City- Palo Alto.
• Palo Alto, San Francisco, is the first city of its kind, that took a
whole new approach towards traffic.
• They realized, most cars on the streets go around and round
the same block, in search of parking spots. That’s the main
reason for traffic congestion in the city.
• Thus, sensors were installed at all the parking spots around
the city. These sensors pass the occupancy status of each spot
to the cloud.
• Any number of applications can consume that data.
• It can guide the drivers through the shortest route to an open
5. IoT Applications – Agriculture

• Statistics estimate the ever-growing world population to reach

nearly 10 billion by the year 2050.
• To feed such a massive population one needs to marry
agriculture to technology and obtain best results. There are
numerous possibilities in this field. One of them is the Smart
• A greenhouse farming technique enhances the yield of crops
by controlling environmental parameters.
• However, manual handling results in production loss, energy
loss, and labor cost, making the process less effective.
• A greenhouse with embedded devices not only makes it easier
to be monitored but also, enables us to control the climate
inside it.
• Sensors measure different parameters according to the plant
requirement and send it to the cloud. It, then, processes the
data and applies a control action.

6. IoT Applications – Industrial Automation

• This is one of the fields where both faster developments, as well as the
quality of products, are the critical factors for a higher Return on
• With IoT Applications, one could even re-engineer products and their
packaging to deliver better performance in both cost and customer
• IoT here can prove to be game changing with solutions for all the following
• Factory Digitalization
• Product flow Monitoring
• Inventory Management
• Safety and Security
• Quality Control
• Packaging optimization
• Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization
• In brownfield IoT development, developers ………hardware,
embedded software and design decisions.

• A) inherit
• B) Hide
• C) Show
• A ……………..object is an object that enhances the interaction
with other smart objects as well as with people also.
• A) Interactive
• B) Common
• C) Smart
• In a day to day life, people have a lot of object with internet or
wireless or wired connection. Such as:
• A) Simple Motor
• B) Electric Meter
• C) TV Computer
• IoT applications can turn reactive medical-based systems into
proactive ………-based systems.
• A) Solution
• B) wellness
• C) Dullness

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