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Presented by

Guibone and Lipadas

1. To define cultural sensitivity
2. To know the importance of
intercultural dialogue
What is culture?

A culture is a way of life of a group of people--the behaviors,

beliefs, values, and symbols that they accept, generally without
thinking about them, and that are passed along by
communication and imitation from one generation to the next.
Culture is symbolic communication.
The advent of information and communication technology (ICT)
has enabled us to communicate and share information instantly
with others located anywhere in the world
What is cultural sensitivity?
-Cultural sensitivity is defined as “…the
ability to recognise, understand, and react
appropriately to behaviours of persons
who belong to a cultural or ethnic group
that differs substantially from one's own”
In expressing our views on issues, we need to understand that
people are different and culture are diverse

This means that we should not expect people to always accept our views as others
may also express dissenting opinions. In this regards, we will realize that things are
always seen from various point of view and understood based on personal
experiences. When there are exchanges of ideas among the people of the world, we
have to aim for intercultural dialogue
-It is a process comprises an open and
respectful exchange or interaction
between individuals, groups, and
organization with different cultural
background or world views
1. To develop deeper understanding of diverse perspective and practice
2. To increase participation and the freedom andabity to make choices
3. To foster equality, and;
4. To enhance creative processes
While we freely express our views, we need to understand other cultures not only
through respect and tolerance, but also through creatively converting cultural
differences or challenges into innovation processes and new forms of expression

This may involve looking at things from different and new perspective that provide
opportunities to work together with other cultures. Moreover, this also allows for
sharing of ideas and experiences on development issues especially on health,
environment, employment, education, and governance, and finding solution so that we
can collaboratively address the same issue despite our cultural differences. This leads
to unity in diversity.

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