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Chapter 14 Reproduction in humans

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14.1 The human reproductive systems

A. Male reproductive system

 Structure of the male reproductive system:


prostate gland
Cowper’s gland


Structure Description

Testes (睾丸)  Produce (5) (精子) and male sex


(6) (陰囊)  Encloses the (7)

 Hangs outside the abdominal cavity to keep the

temperature inside slightly lower than the body
temperature for sperm development

(8) (附睾)  A tightly coiled duct lying outside the testis

 Stores sperms temporarily and allows sperms to


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Classroom worksheet 14 Reproduction in humans

Structure Description

Sperm duct (vas deferens) (輸精管)  Transfers sperms from the epididymis to the

Urethra (尿道)  Carries (11) (精液) and urine out of the


Seminal vesicles (精囊)  Secrete (14) which nourishes

sperms, provides a liquid medium for sperms to
(12) (前列腺)
swim in and neutralizes the acidic secretions in the
(13) (高柏氏腺) vagina of a female

(15) (陰莖)  Contains spongy (16)

and many blood vessels

 Becomes (17) when sexually stimulated

so that it can be inserted into the vagina for sexual
intercourse (性交)

B. Female reproductive system

 Structure of the female reproductive system:


uterine lining
uterine wall


Structure Description

Ovaries (卵巢) Connecting Concepts

HKDSE BIOLOGY:  Produce (20) (卵) and female sex hormones
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Practical 14.1 Examination of the male and female reproductive systems of dissected
Refer to Coursebook p.14-6 and SBA Practical Workbook p.14-1.

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14.2 Sperms and ova

A. Production of sperms

 (29) (精小管) in testes are the site of sperm production.

 Between the tubules are cells that produce male sex hormones such as (30) (睾酮).

 Starting from puberty, male sex hormones stimulate the cells in the walls of seminiferous
tubules to produce sperms through (31) cell division.

 The newly formed sperms are passed into the (32) , where they are stored
temporarily, and become mature and (33) .

B. Structure of a sperm

 The sperm has a shape similar to a tadpole and has three distinct regions:

head midpiece tail

acrosome nucleus packed with mitochondria

Region Description

Head  The nucleus has a (34) number of chromosomes

 The (35) (頂體) contains enzymes that help the sperm penetrate
an ovum

Midpiece  Packed with (36) for aerobic respiration to supply energy

for the movements of the tail

Tail  Brings about (37) to propel the sperm forward

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C. Production of ova

 Potential ova are produced in the (38) before birth.

 Each immature ovum is surrounded by follicle cells, forming a (39) (卵泡).

 Starting from (40) , female sex hormones are secreted to stimulate follicles and
immature ova within them to develop. One mature ovum is released from one of the ovaries
each month.

D. Structure of an ovum

 An ovum is a spherical cell and is much larger than a sperm. It (41) can / cannot move on its

 An ovum consists of:

cytoplasm follicle cells

jelly coat

cell membrane

Structure Description

Cell membrane Covered by a protective (42)

Cytoplasm Contains (43) (yolk) which nourish the developing


Nucleus Contains a haploid number of (44)

Practical 14.2 Examination of sperms and ova in mammals

Refer to Coursebook p.14-9 and SBA Practical Workbook p.14-5.

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 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.14-10)

14.3 Ovulation and menstruation

 The production of ova in females follows a (45) pattern.

A. Ovulation

 Inside the ovary, usually only one follicle matures completely each month.

 The mature follicle ruptures and releases an (46) into the funnel-shaped opening of
the oviduct. This process is called (47) (排卵).

 After ovulation, the ruptured follicle becomes the (48)

(黃體). It later degenerates if the released ovum is not fertilized.

B. Menstruation

 The (49) becomes thick and spongy to prepare for receiving an embryo
(胚胎). It is also richly supplied with (50)
, ready to supply the embryo with oxygen and nutrients.

 If no fertilization occurs, the thickened uterine lining breaks down.

 (51) (月經週期) is the cycle of building up and breakdown of the uterine

lining. It usually lasts for about 28 days.

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 The main events occurring in the menstrual cycle:

Day 1 to 5: Menstruation

 If fertilization does not occur, the thickened uterine

lining breaks down.
uterine lining
 Blood, mucus and uterine tissues, together with the breaks down
unfertilized ovum, are passed out of the body through the
menstrual blood
vagina as (52) .

 (53) (月經) usually lasts for about 5 days.

Day 6 to 13: Repairing of the uterine lining

 After menstruation, a (54) in the ovary

mature follicle

 The developing follicle secretes a female sex hormone, uterine lining

(55) (雌激素), which causes the uterine lining
to repair and thicken.

Day 14: Ovulation

 The mature follicle ruptures and releases an ovum into

an ovum is
the (56) .
uterine lining

Day 15 to 28: Further thickening of the uterine lining

 The uterine lining further thickens and is ready to

receive an embryo. uterine lining
becomes very
 If fertilization does not occur, a new cycle begins.
 If fertilization occurs and the woman becomes
(57) , the uterine lining does not break down.

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 Relationship between the events occurring in the ovary and the thickness of the uterine lining:

developing mature ovulation yellow degenerating

follicles follicle body yellow body

Events in
the ovary

Thickness of
uterine lining

Day 0 5 14 28

menstruation uterine lining ovulation uterine lining

building up becomes very thick

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.14-14)
 5-minute quiz: Ch 14, Quiz 1

14.4 Sexual intercourse and fertilization

 Sperms have to be transferred from a male into the female reproductive system by
(58) (性交) or (59) (交配) for fertilization.

A. Sexual intercourse

 When a male is sexually stimulated, the (60) inside the penis are filled with
blood. The penis becomes hard and rigid. It can be inserted into the vagina of a female for
sexual intercourse.

 Muscular contractions of the epididymis, sperm ducts and urethra force semen out of the penis.

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The discharge of semen through the penis is called (61) (射精).

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B. The process of fertilization

 The sperms are usually ejaculated at the (62) top / bottom of the vagina near the cervix. They
swim up through the uterus and into the oviducts.

 Even though millions of sperms are released into the vagina in one ejaculation, only a few
hundred will reach the oviducts with the following reasons:

 Some sperms are trapped by (63) in the vagina.

 Some are killed by the (64) acidic / alkaline secretion of the vagina.

 Some sperms may be defective and immotile.

 If an ovum is present in the oviduct, sperms will release (65) to break down the jelly
coat of the ovum.

 The head of a sperm enters the ovum. The (66) of the ovum then changes to
prevent other sperms from entering.

 The nucleus of the sperm fuses with the nucleus of the ovum, forming a (67) (合子).
This process is called fertilization.

Challenge yourself

Construct a flowchart to show the pathway of sperms from where they are produced to the female

body for fertilization.

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.14-16)

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14.5 Development of embryo and foetus

A. Implantation

 After fertilization, the zygote travels along the oviduct to the uterus, with the aid of the beating
action of the (68) and muscular contractions of the oviduct. It divides by repeated
mitotic cell divisions, forming a ball of cells called an (69) .

 (70) (植入) is the process that the embryo embeds itself in the (71)
. It occurs around seven days after fertilization, and marks the start of pregnancy.

B. Formation of the amnion

 As the embryo continues to develop in the uterus, (72) (羊膜) is formed.

 The space between the amnion and embryo is the amniotic cavity (羊膜腔), which is filled
with (73) (羊水).

 The amniotic fluid has several functions:

 acts as a (74) , protecting the embryo from mechanical injury

 prevents the embryo from drying out

 provides a stable environment (e.g. constant temperature, pH, etc.) for the embryo

 allows the embryo some freedom of (75)

 helps (76) the birth canal during childbirth

C. Formation of the placenta

 (77) (胎盤) is a disc-like organ formed at the site of implantation. It allows the
exchange of (78) between the embryo and the mother without mixing their blood.

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 The embryo’s blood has to be separated from the maternal blood with the following reasons:

 To prevent the (79) of the embryo’s blood and maternal blood when their blood
groups are incompatible

 To prevent the high (80) of the maternal blood from damaging the
embryo’s blood vessels

 To prevent large (81) and toxins in the maternal blood from entering the
embryo’s blood

 In the placenta, nutrients, oxygen and antibodies diffuse from the maternal blood into the
embryo’s blood. Metabolic wastes such as urea and carbon dioxide diffuse from the
embryo’s blood into the maternal blood.

 The embryo is connected to the placenta by the (82)

(臍帶). The cord contains an umbilical vein (臍靜脈) and two umbilical arteries (臍動脈).

 The (83) carries oxygenated blood and nutrients from the placenta to the

 The (84) carry deoxygenated blood and waste products from the embryo
to the placenta.

 The placenta has the following adaptations to facilitate the exchange of materials between the
embryo and the mother:

 The presence of numerous (85) provides a large surface area for the exchange
of materials.

 The embryo’s blood is close to the maternal blood. This reduces the distance for
(86) of materials.

 The rich supply of blood vessels allows an efficient transport of materials away from the
placenta. This maintains a steep (87) of materials between the
embryo’s blood and the maternal blood.

 Placenta secretes (88) that help maintain the uterine lining throughout pregnancy.

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D. Gestation period

 About eight weeks after fertilization, the embryo becomes a (89) , having all major
organs formed.

 The period from fertilization to birth takes about 38 weeks in humans. This is called the
(90) (妊娠期).

E. How are twins formed?

 Sometimes, two or more babies are born in one pregnancy, i.e. multiple births.

 There are two types of twins:

(91) (94)

(單卵雙生) (non-identical twins) (二卵雙生)

Formation A zygote divides into Two (95) are released from the
(92) separate cells and each cell ovaries and are fertilized independently
grows into an embryo. by two
(96) .

Characteristic  Genetically  Genetically

of the twins (93) identical / different (97) identical / different

 Look alike  Can be of the same sex or different

 Same sex sexes

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.14-23)
 5-minute quiz: Ch 14, Quiz 2

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14.6 The birth process

 A few weeks before birth, the foetus changes its position so that its head is downwards just
above the cervix.

 The sequence of events that leads to the birth of a baby is called (98) (分娩)

 When labour begins, the muscles of the uterus contract regularly. The contractions gradually
become more frequent and powerful.

 The process of labour includes three main stages:

A. Dilation of the cervix

 The (99) dilates to let the head of abdomen

the foetus pass through. amnion
 The (100) breaks and the amniotic uterus cervix
fluid flows out through the vagina. This
helps (101) the vagina for the foetus
amniotic fluid
passage of the foetus.

B. Expulsion of the foetus

 The muscles of the uterus and the

abdominal muscles contract strongly,
pushing the foetus head-first through the
cervix and vagina (birth canal).

 Once the baby has come out, the

(102) is clamped and
cut. The remains of the cord on the baby’s
body will dry up and fall off, forming
(103) .

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C. Expulsion of the placenta

 Continued contractions of the uterus cause

the (104) to detach from the umbilical
uterine lining. placenta cord
 The placenta eventually passes out through
the vagina.

14.7 Parental care

 (105) (親代撫育) increase the survival chance of the young, and promote
healthy development.


 The feeding of an infant or young child with breast milk is called (106)

 During pregnancy, (107) (乳腺) in the mother’s breasts enlarge and become
able to produce milk.

 When the baby sucks the nipples, the breasts are stimulated to produce and release milk. This
process is called (108) (泌乳).

 Benefits of breast-feeding for babies:

 Breast milk contains the right amounts of all the essential nutrients for the baby. The
(109) in the breast milk is also easy for babies to digest and absorb.

 Breast milk contains (110) that help protect babies against some infectious

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 Benefits of breast-feeding for mothers:

 Breast-feeding helps the mother recover from childbirth.

 Breast-feeding may reduce the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers for the
mother in later years.

14.8 Birth control methods

 Birth control (控制生育) can be achieved by:

 (111) (家庭計劃)—Couples plan for their own ideal family size.

 (112) (避孕)—Prevention of pregnancy

 Many contraceptive methods are based on the following biological principles:

 Preventing ovulation

 Preventing sperms from reaching an ovum

 Preventing the (113) of an embryo

A. Preventing ovulation

Contraceptive pills

 (114) (避孕丸) contain synthetic female sex hormones, which prevent

follicles from developing in the ovaries so that no (115) occurs.

 This method of birth control is effective but the pills may have side effects on some women,
such as nausea, weight gain, headache and high blood pressure.

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B. Preventing sperms from reaching an ovum

1. Rhythm method

 (116) (安全期避孕法) is to avoid having sexual intercourse for several

days around the (117) . This ensures that sperms and an ovum will have no
chance of meeting each other.

 The time of ovulation can be estimated by the following methods:

 Keeping record of the time of menstruation

 Measuring (118) every morning

 Observing vaginal secretions every day

 This method has a high failure rate because menstrual cycles are not always regular and it
is difficult to predict the time of ovulation accurately.

2. Barrier methods

a. Condoms

 Both male and female (119) (避孕套) trap the ejaculated semen to prevent sperms
from entering the vagina.

 Some condoms are coated with a (120) (殺精劑) which kills sperms.

 When used correctly, condoms can protect against (121)

(STDs) (性傳染病).

b. Diaphragms

 (122) (子宮帽) can fit over the (123) so that the sperms cannot enter the

 The diaphragm is usually used together with a spermicide and it has no side effects.

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3. Surgical methods

 (124) (絕育) is highly effective but it is often irreversible.

a. Vasectomy (male sterilization)

 (125) (輸精管切除術) is a surgical operation in which both

(126) of a man are tied and cut.

 After the surgery, the testes can still make sperms and male sex hormones. The man can still
ejaculate, but there are no sperms in his semen. The secondary sexual characteristics are not

b. Tubal ligation (female sterilization)

 (127) (輸卵管結紮) is a surgical operation in which both (128) of a

woman are tied and cut.

 After the surgery, the oviducts are blocked so that the ova cannot pass through and meet the
sperms. Ovulation and menstruation still occur. The secondary sexual characteristics are
also not affected.

c. Preventing implantation of the embryo

Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

 An (129) (IUD) (子宮環) is placed in the uterus by a doctor to prevent

embryos from (130) in the uterine lining.

 The IUD is highly effective and (131) reversible / irreversible. However, it may irritate the
uterine lining, causing heavy menstruation and painful cramps. Regular medical check-ups are
usually needed.

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Challenge yourself

(a) A couple wants to have a baby. The doctor suggests the wife to measure body temperature

every morning. How can this increase the chance of pregnancy?

(b) The woman is diagnosed with Zika virus after being pregnant. Zika virus can spread through

the bloodstream and infect other cells. Her baby may also be infected with the virus. Suggest

how this may happen.

 Checkpoint (Coursebook p.14-33)
 5-minute quiz: Ch 14, Quiz 3

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