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High-frequency high-voltage DC power supply based on

parallel resonant technology and phase shift control

Kun Liu1, Yinghui Gao1, Yaohong Sun1, Dongdong Zhang1, and Ping Yan1,2
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China
Key Laboratory of Power Electronics and Electric Drive, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China

ABSTRACT one of the soft switch technologies of power electronic.

According to the structure of L-C circuits, resonant converters
A high frequency high-voltage DC power supply based
are classified as Series Resonant Converter (SRC), Parallel
on the parallel resonant technology and the phase shift
Resonant Converter (PRC) and Series Parallel Resonant
control technology is designed. The working principle and
Converter (SPRC). Since the high voltage gain can be
the circuit parameters are given. The working conditions achieved easily by parallel resonant converters, and the gain
and the output waveforms of each moment in the phase factor is usually larger than one, the output voltage of the
shift process are introduced in detail. The feedback signal parallel resonant converter can be regulated easily at a certain
of the output voltage is used for close-loop control, and the range of load [1]. Figure 1 shows the main circuit of the
digital PI algorithm is adopted in order to make the parallel resonant converter. When the arm bridges’ switch
output voltage more stable. Computer control software is devices switch on alternately, the voltage between nodes A
developed as the remote controller, which can monitor and and B will be a square wave voltage, which amplitude is VDC,
control the power supply in real-time. The experimental and period is 1/fs. The duty cycle of this square wave is 50%,
results show that the output voltage can be regulated and the phase difference angle is .
Index Terms — High-voltage DC power supply, parallel
resonant, phase shift control, PSIM

High-voltage technology is widely used in high power
pulse generator, particle accelerator, laser, and electrostatic
precipitation, etc. The power supply’s volume could be
reduced by changing the topological structure and increasing
the working frequency, and the system’s efficiency and
stability could be improved by the progressive control
method. Moreover, the design cycle could be shortened by
using simulation software. The development of DSP and other
digital control chips offer more control flexibility and
accuracy. Figure 1. Main circuit of parallel resonant converter
This paper demonstrates a circuit topology of parallel
To analyze the voltage of nodes A and B by Fourier
resonant converter based on phase shift control, and the
decomposition, the equations (1) and (2) can be given as
control principle was proved by the simulation which carried
follows, in which the switching device’s angular frequency
on the PSIM software. Besides that, the simulation also
guided the circuit parameters’ regulation and improved the
control method. The output voltage was sampled and used as C 4 VDC f
the feedback signal of the close-loop PI control method, which U A (t ) 
2 S 2
¦ [ 2n  1 sin(2n  1)Z t ]
n 1
s (1)
make the output voltage more stead. The experimental results
show that the output voltage can be regulated efficaciously. T
U B (t ) U A (t  )
Resonant convert technology, which uses the resonant 
2 S 2
¦ [
n 1 2n  1
sin(2n  1)(Zs t  T )]
phenomenon of induction (L) and capacitor (C) in circuit, is

978-1-4673-1225-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 469

So the voltage between nodes A and B, which is also the output voltage is 550 V, the resonant frequency can be chosen
voltage of resonant circuit, can be expressed as equation (3). as 13 kHz, the relationship between the resonant current and
the resonant capacitance can be expressed by the curve shown
U A  B (t ) U A (t )  U B (t ) in Figure 3, if the current is chosen as 35 A, the capacitance
4 VDC f
2 (2n  1)T T (3) will be fixed at 0.5 μF. The value of resonant inductance is
S 2
¦ [ 2n  1 sin
n 1 2
cos(2n  1)(Zs t  )]
2 300 μH, which can be calculated by the equation (6) as
By carrying the steady-state analysis of the resonant circuit,
the voltage amplitude of the resonant capacitor can be 1
Zr (6)
expressed as equation (4), which shows the amplitude of each Lr Cr
order harmonic’s voltage.

1 2n  1
U A  B (n) / jZn Cr
A sin( T)
U Cr ( n ) 2n  1 2 (4)
jZn Lr 
1 (2n  1) 2 Zs 2 Lr Cr  1
jZn Cr

The equation (4) can be simplified as equation (5) by taking

the kZr=Zs (k>0), into the equation.
1 (2n  1)T
A( ) sin( ) Figure 3. Relationship between the resonant current and the resonant
U Cr ( n ) 2n  1 2 (5) capacitance
(2n  1) 2 k 2  1
According to the above equations, the each order By controlling the value of k, the switch devices can be
harmonic’s voltage component is closely related to k, which is switch on or off at zero current or zero voltage, then the
the ratio of switch angular frequency Zs and resonant angular electricity stress loss of switch device can be reduced, and the
frequency Zr. The equation (5) also shows that the electromagnetic interference can be restrained [2]. There are
components’ amplitudes are direct ratio to the sine value of many methods to control the switch devices, such as width
the phase angle. fixed frequency variable modulation, frequency fixed width
If the fs=20 kHz, the curve of every harmonic voltage’s variable modulation, frequency fixed phase shift control, etc
amplitudes varied with the resonant frequency can be [3]. Among these control methods, phase shift control strategy
calculated from equation (5), shown in Figure 2. can realize the zero voltage switching, and the switching stress
is small [4]. The influence of the parasitic parameters is also
smaller than other circuits. The phase shift control is the
control method that fixes the switch frequency, and regulates
the driving signals’ phase difference of the lead bridge and
delay bridge, so that the output voltage can be regulated
sequentially, and the output voltage’s value and rise time can
be controlled accurately [5].
As shown in Figure 1, the converter was composed of
S1~S4, the S1 and S2 constitute the lead bridge, the S3 and S4
constitute the delay bridge. The converter was controlled by
the driving signal of S1~S4. According to the circuit’s
parameters, the switch period is set to 50 μs, and the switch on
time, which is the driving pulse’s width of the switch devices,
is set as 14 μs. There are also 180 degree between upper
bridge’s driving pulse and the lower bridge’s driving pulse, so
Figure 2. Curve of every harmonic voltage’s amplitudes varied with the
that the pulses will not coincident, which avoid the short
resonant frequency circuit of the converter. The dead time of the driving pulses is
11 μs.
To ensure the output voltage to be proportional to the , The difference value of driving pulse phase of lead bridge
which is changed from 0 degree to 180 degree, the harmonic and delay bridge is called phase shift angle, which is marked
components should be decreased as small as possible. as . The output voltage of resonant circuit can be changed by
According to Figure 2, when the fr<20 kHz, just when k>1, regulating the value of . Waveforms of the driving pulse of
the harmonic components can be restrain effectively. If the S1~S4 and the output voltage at a phase shift angle of 120

degree is obtained by the simulation on PSIM, which is shown 4 SIMULATION AND REALIZATION
in Figure 4.
A simulation circuit based on phase shift control of parallel
When the  is very small, the driving pulses of lead bridge
resonant inverter was constructed on the PSIM platform,
and delay bridge are mainly coincident, corresponding that the
which is shown in Figure 5.
switch devices S1 and S3 are switch on, S2 and S4 are switch
The 540 V DC voltage source, is adopted as the input
off. So, there is no return circuit at this moment, and the
source of this system, and the 20 kHz driving pulses are
output voltage UAB of the converter is zero.
generated by a square wave generator. The value of the
As the changing of phase shift angle , the driving pulse of
resonant capacitor is set according to Figure 3, and the value
delay bridge fall behind a phase of the lead bridge. Set the
of the resonant inductance is calculated according to the
start moment T0 at the driving pulse’s rising time of S1, and
equation (6). An analog voltage sensor was used to obtain the
then the process at different moments can be analyzed as
feedback voltage signal, and some mathematic operation was
following. When the S1 switch on from the moment T0 to T1,
carried on it, then the error between the preset signal and the
while the S4 is not switch off, so the UAB is equal to the VDC;
feedback signal was calculated. Then, a PI regulator worked
when the S4 switch off but S1 switch on from the moment T1
with the error, and the phase shift angle was given out. Put the
to T2, the voltage consumed in the circuit, and the UAB
phase shift angle into the phase shift converter, then the
became lower. When the S3 switch on at the moment of T3,
driving pulse which phase was changed can be generated, and
the voltages of node A and B in the circuit are the same, so the
the phase shift control of the inverter will be realized. The
UAB drop to zero immediately and it will continue to the
simulation result with a phase shift angle of 120 degree was
moment of T4, when the S2 switch on. Then at the moment
shown in Figure 6. The output voltage of the inverter is about
from T4 to T5, S3 is still switch on, UAB is equal to the negative
540V, the maximum resonant voltage of the capacitor and the
VDC. Same as the moment from T0 to T1, the voltage consume
output current of the inverter are 240 V and 10 A respectively.
in the circuit, at the moment from T5 to T6. And when the S4
switch on at the moment of T7, there is no deference between
the voltage of node A and node B, the UAB is zero.

Figure 5. Simulation circuit of power supply with PSIM

Figure 4. Waveforms of the driving pulse and the output voltage at different
The HFHV DC power supply was developed according to
phase angles
the simulation result. The prototype was constituted by a
When  is very large, there is a difference nearly 180 resonant inverter , a high frequency high voltage transformer
degree between the driving pulses of lead bridge and delay and a quadruple voltage rectifier. The H-bridge inverter was
bridge. At this moment, the driving pulses of S1 are constituted by two Intelligent Power Modules(DSA120PM100,
coincident with S4, and the driving pulses of S2 are coincident Mistubishi Corp.). The resonant parameters are given as
with S3, corresponding that S1 and S4, or S2 and S3 are follows, fr=13.5 kHz, Lr=278 H and Cr=0.5 F. The phase
switch on or off at the same time. In this case, the switch shift control and the voltage feedback control were realized by
devices are working at full pulse width, and the maximum the digital signal processor. The subsection winding method
output power can be realized. According to the analysis, the was used to reduce the parasitic capacitance of the transformer
width of output voltage UAB is dependent on the phase shift (with a turn ratio of 1:60). The magnetic core with bigger
angle . By regulating the value of , the output power of sectional area was selected to decrease the magnetic flux
converter can be regulated. density, so that the loss of the magnet core can be decreased.

The voltage quadrupled rectifier is used to boost the A set of control software is developed by using the Visual
secondary winding’s voltage of the transformer, so that the Basic, it can communicate with the DSP by the MSComm
output DC voltage can be achieved about 500×60×4=120 kV. control which provides the protocol of RS-232. Figure 8
The transformer and the quadruple voltage rectifier are shows the interface of the controller, the charging voltage is
installed in an oil tank. A resistance voltage divider is adopted 80 kV and the charging time is 20 seconds.
to sample the output DC voltage, and the voltage is filtered
and processed through the voltage to frequency converter.
Then the frequency signal is converted to optical signal by the
photoelectric converter. The control system receives the signal
and converts it to a digital signal, and the phase shift angle can
be calculated.

Figure 8. Interface of the controller

The high-frequency high-voltage DC power supply based
on parallel resonant technology and phase shift control was
designed, which output voltage is up to 100 kV DC, and the
output power is 2 kW. The control strategy is proved to be
effective by the PSIM simulation results. The output voltage
Figure 6. Simulation results at different phase angles can be controlled by changing the phase shift angle obtained
from the processed signal. The experimental results have
Figure 7 shows the waveforms of the experiment. The
shown that the load voltage can be controlled accurately.
output voltage of the inverter (CH1) is approximately 500 V.
The voltage of the resonant capacitor (CH2) which is also the
primary voltage of the transformer looks like an sine wave
with a frequency of 20 kHz. The secondary winding’s voltage [1] Nakaoka, M, Saha, B, Sugimura, H, Sang Pil Mun, Hiraki, E, Omori, H.
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[4] Hisayuki Sugimura, Soon-Kurl Kwon, Hiroyuki Ogiwara, Eiji Hiraki,
Mutsuo Nakaoka. A New Phase Shift ZVS-PWM Controlled Full Bridge
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[5] Prasopchok Hothongkham, Vijit Kinnares. High-Voltage High-
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Figure 7. Waveforms of prototype’s experiment


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