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Over the course of this semester, I do feel I have improved on my writing.

I was able to learn

about new and different forms of writing and how to do these writings in a proper format.
Although I made not have done them all perfectly, I do believe my understanding for writing
such as white papers have improved and helped me become a more professional and
knowledgeable writer. I think I didn’t become an overall better writer rather than a better writer
in more informational and professional writing, which this class is for. The teacher also graded
very thoroughly which made me and everyone else to double down harder on the assignments to
get a better grade. When asked if the class needs to address different area better, I would say no
revisions are needed in the class because we are in a communications class not an English
literature class. And because we are in a communications class, I want to learn exactly what we
learned to help my writing for future jobs.
My goal at the beginning of the year till now has been to be a better writer in the business world.
I very much wished to become more professional sounding in my writing which could carry over
to my jobs in the future. Its difficult to know how to write to a client or your boss and I felt this
class made that a little easier. I was first informed of a writing class for my major but I wanted to
take this class because of all the good things I heard about the class and teacher. At the end of the
semester, I did meet my goal. Even if I am still not great at this class I have improved and that’s
what is important to me. Like I previously stated in the reflection I think the class is great for
what it is trying to teach and needs no revision.
At the end of the semester the assignment that I am most proud of is my white paper. The white
paper was definitely the hardest for me and really made me work had for information. I struggled
with actually finding a problem and solution for earthquakes issues because its pretty much
impossible to stop earthquakes or prevent damage from them. If I could add a assignment to the
course it might be to imagine you are working with a company in your field and you have to
write some sort of email or paper to the boss. I would say this because it makes you have to use
the specific wording of that job and get you comfortable in that position. If I could edit an
assignment, it would definitely be the white paper. I just felt very lost and had trouble with the
directions. Not because they weren’t clear, it was just difficult to meet the standard especially
when you have a hard time finding a problem and creating a legit and possible solution.

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