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2022 – 2023 FALL


Topic : C Fundemantals

Exercise-1 : Displaying Check Mark (checkMark.c)

Definition : The program uses one printf function to display the following picture on the screen.

Expected output:

* *
* *

Exercise-2 : Modify the dweight.c program: define INCHES_PER_POUND as a macro for 166.
/* Name: dweight.c */
/* Purpose: Computes the dimensional weight of a 12" x 10" x 8" box */
#include <stdio.h> //directive
int main(void) //main function
{ // starting point
int height, length, width, volume, weight; // variable declaration

height = 8; //assignment: assigns a value to variable height

length = 12; //assignment: assigns a value to variable length
width = 10; //assignment: assigns a value to variable width

volume = height * length * width; //assignment: assigns the result of

multiplication to variable volume.
weight = (volume + 165) / 166; //assignment: assigns the result of
expression to variable weight.

printf("Dimensions: %d x %d x %d\n", length, width, height); //function calling

printf("Volume (cubic inches): %d\n", volume); //function calling statement
printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n", weight); //function calling

return 0; //return statement

}//ending point

Reference:K. N. King “C Programming: A Modern Approach”, Norton Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2008. 1 /3
Exercise-3 : What is the output of the program?
/* Name: dweight.c */
/* Purpose: Computes the dimensional weight of a 12" x 10" x 8" box */
#include <stdio.h> //directive
int main(void) //main function
{ // starting point
int height, length, width, volume, weight; // variable declaration

height = 8; /* assignment: assigns a value to variable height

length = 12; /* assignment: assigns a value to variable length */
width = 10; /* assignment: assigns a value to variable width */

volume = height * length * width; // assignment: assigns the result of

multiplication to variable volume.
weight = (volume + 165) / 166; // assignment: assigns the result of
expression to variable weight.

printf("Dimensions: %d x %d x %d\n", length, width, height); //function calling

printf("Volume (cubic inches): %d\n", volume); //function calling statement
printf("Dimensional weight (pounds): %d\n", weight); //function calling

return 0; //return statement

}//ending point

Exercise-4 : What is the output of the program?

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n --Shakespeare\n");
return 0;

Exercise-5 : What is the output of the program?

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n");
printf(" --Shakespeare\n");
return 0;

Exercise-6 : What is the output of the program?

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n\n --Shakespeare\n");
return 0;

Reference:K. N. King “C Programming: A Modern Approach”, Norton Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2008. 2 /3
Exercise-7 : What is the output of the program?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n");
printf(" --Shakespeare\n");
return 0;

Exercise-8 : What is the output of the program?

#include <stdio.h> /* directives */
int main(void) /* main function */
{ /* starting point of the main function */
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n"); /* function calling statement
printf("\n"); /* function calling statement */
printf(" --Shakespeare\n"); /* function calling statement */
return 0; /* return statement */
} /* starting point of the main function */

Exercise-9 : What is the output of the program?

#include <stdio.h> /* directives */
int main(void) /* main function */
{ /* starting point of the main function
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n"); /*function calling statement */
printf("\n"); /* function calling statement */
printf(" --Shakespeare\n"); /* function calling statement */
return 0; /* return statement */
} /* starting point of the main function */

Exercise-10 : What is the output of the program?

#include <stdio.h> /* directives */
int main(void) /* main function */
{ /* starting point of the main function */
printf("Brevity is the soul of wit.\n"); /*function calling statement */
printf("\n"); /* function calling statement
printf(" --Shakespeare\n"); /* function calling statement */
return 0; /* return statement */
} /* starting point of the main function */

Reference:K. N. King “C Programming: A Modern Approach”, Norton Publishing, 2nd Edition, 2008. 3 /3

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