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Practical 3

AIM: To classify the requirements into functional and non-functional requirements. Write at
least four functional and non-functional requirements, for any two scenarios.

Functional Requirements Non-functional requirements

Functional requirements help to understand They help to understand the system's
the functions of the system. performance.
Functional requirements are mandatory. While non-functional requirements are not
They are easy to define. They are hard to define.
They describe what the product does. They describe the working of the product.
It concentrates on the user's requirement. It concentrates on the expectation and
experience of the user.
It helps us to verify the software's functionality. It helps us to verify the software's
These requirements are specified by the user. These requirements are specified by the
software developers, architects, and technical
There is functional testing such as API testing, There is non-functional testing such as
system, integration, etc. usability, performance, stress, security, etc.
Examples of the functional requirements are - Examples of the non-functional requirements
Authentication of a user on trying to log in to are -
the system. The background color of the screens should be
light blue.
These requirements are important to system These are not always the important
operation. requirements; they may be desirable.
Completion of Functional requirements allows While the system will not work only with non-
the system to perform, irrespective of functional requirements.
meeting the non-functional requirements.

Scenario 1: E-commerce Website

1. Functional Requirements:
a. User Registration and Authentication: - The system must allow users to register with a valid
email address and password. - Users must be able to log in securely with their credentials.
- Registered users should have personalized profiles.
b. Product Management: - The system should support the addition, modification, and
removal of products by administrators. - Users should be able to view detailed information
about products. - Shopping carts must allow users to add, remove, and update items.

c. Order Processing: - Users must be able to place orders securely. - The system should
generate order confirmations with detailed information. - Administrators should have
access to order history and processing tools.

d. Payment Integration: - The system must support secure online payments. - Users should be
able to choose from various payment methods (credit card, PayPal, etc.).

2. Non-functional Requirements:
a. Performance: - The system should load product pages within 3 seconds. - Concurrent
user support: The website must handle at least 1000 simultaneous users.

b. Security: - User data must be encrypted during transmission. - The system should implement
secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities.

c. Scalability: - The system should scale to accommodate a 20% increase in users over the next
year. - Database scalability: The database should handle a 30% increase in product entries.

d. Usability: - The website should be accessible and usable on major web browsers. -
Mobile responsiveness: The interface must adapt to various screen sizes.

Scenario 2: Library Management System

1. Functional Requirements:
a. Book Management: - Librarians should be able to add, edit, and delete book records. -
Users must be able to search for books based on title, author, or genre. - The system
should display real-time availability status for each book.

b. Member Management: - Librarians should be able to register new members and update
member information. - Users should have the ability to view their borrowing history. - The
system must send overdue notifications to members.

c. Checkout and Return: - Users must be able to check out books, and the system should
update availability. - The system must track and manage return dates for borrowed items.

d. Reporting: - Librarians should have access to reports on popular books, overdue books,
and member statistics.
2. Non-functional Requirements:
a. Reliability: - The system should be available 99.9% of the time. - Backup and recovery:
Regular backups must be performed, and data recovery should be possible within 24 hours.

b. Data Integrity: - The system must ensure the integrity of the book and member data. -
Transactions and updates should be atomic to prevent data corruption.

c. Response Time: - The system should respond to book search queries within 2 seconds. -
Check-out and return processes should be completed in less than 5 seconds.

d. Compliance: - The system should adhere to privacy regulations regarding user data. -
The interface should comply with accessibility standards.

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