The Four Pillars of Positive Leadership

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To help others develop, start with yourself!

When the boss acts like a little god and tells The building blocks of a positive

everyone else they need to improve, that culture
behavior can be copied at every level of
● How to be a leader that inspires
management. Every level then points out
how the level below it needs to change. The ● Forging meaningful relationships
end result: No one gets much better.”

— Marshall Goldsmith

In his Positive Leadership: Strategies FOSTERING A POSITIVE #3. EXPRESSIONS OF GRATITUDE

for Extraordinary Performance book, Dr.
1 WORK CLIMATE Frequent and public expressions of gratitude
Cameron describes four validated leadership Empirical evidence suggests that working to others can be enhanced as individuals
strategies as guidelines for leaders who in a positive climate has substantial positive are encouraged to keep gratitude journals,
aspire to enable positive deviance in their effects on individual and organizational recording things for which they are grateful
organizations. Positive leaders enable performance. Among the leadership each day, engage in purposeful gratitude
extraordinary performance by fostering: enablers that affect the work climate are: visits in which the agenda is simply to convey
1. Compassion thanks to another person, or distribute
2. Forgiveness gratitude messages where cards or notes
A POSITIVE are provided to individuals who deserve
1 3. Expressions of gratitude at work
WORK CLIMATE appreciation.
#1. COMPASSION Such expressions lead people toward more
extraordinary performance

POSITIVE respectful and supportive relationships,

Expressing compassion involves noticing
Foster these to enable

2 RELATIONSHIPS which, in turn, affect organizational

that pain has been experienced, expressing
AMONG MEMBERS care and concern, and organizing systematic THESE AFFECT
action to help repair damage or support the
person who is suffering. Respectful &
3 supportive
Facilitating forgiveness involves acknowledging Positive
the hurt, identifying a purpose to which organizational
POSITIVE MEANING employees can look forward, maintaining high performance
IN THE WORK PLACE expectations or standards of performance,
providing support for harmed persons, letting
go of feelings of offense and grudges, and
legitimizing the use of language that elevates performance. Leaders who enable the
thought and communicates virtuousness. expression of these virtues create a climate
in which people are cared for, supported, forming strong interpersonal ties. Addressing is enhanced. Leaders can enhance
and encouraged to flourish. weaknesses helps people achieve a level meaningfulness in at least four ways:
of basic competence, but building on
FOSTERING strengths helps people achieve excellence #1. POSITIVE IMPACT
2 RELATIONSHIPS in performance and in relationships. Identifying the positive impact that the work
AMONG MEMBERS produces on the well-being of people fosters
Empirical evidence suggests that 3 COMMUNICATION
experiencing positive interpersonal The more human impact that can be
relationships produces an array of positive Empirical evidence suggests that an observed—that is, how the work affects
physiological, mental, social, and emotional abundance of positive communication individuals for the better—the more
benefits for individuals and elevated compared to negative communication is meaningful the work. The more meaningful
performance for organizations. Making related to higher levels of organizational the work, the more individuals desire to
contributions to relationships more than performance and connectivity among share its effects with other people.
receiving benefits from relationships is the people. Five positive statements for every
single negative statement will predict #2. VIRTUES
main factor that produces positive outcomes.
Among the important but less common flourishing in organizations and families. Associating work with a virtue or an
leadership strategies for engendering Engagement, information exchange, and important personal value engenders positive
positive relationships are commitment are enhanced in the presence meaning. Highlighting the relationship
of positive communication. Among the between work and sustainability, generosity,
1. Developing and managing positive
many strategies that may foster positive or compassion, for example, helps engender
energy networks
communication are the use of: meaningfulness. Identifying a higher purpose
2. Capitalizing on employees’ strengths that supersedes personal benefit is almost
1. Best-self feedback and
and best-self attributes always a prerequisite to prosocial and
2. Supportive communication
In addition to radiating positive energy contributory work activities.
themselves, positive leaders identify The best-self feedback process builds on
individuals who contribute positive energy the power of positive feedback by helping #3. LONG-TERM EFFECTS
to others around them, and they enable individuals systematically gather information Identifying the long-term effects of the
these people to infuse the organization about their own strengths and unique work beyond immediate outcomes, and
with this energy. They facilitate the building contributions. Because most people have highlighting the ripple effect that may occur,
of positive energy networks, positive difficulty accurately identifying their own also enhances positive meaning. Leaving
mentoring relations, and positive energy strengths, using others’ descriptions of a legacy that benefits people beyond the
teams. These positive energy networks the unique value that they produced or a immediate circumstances represents a form
strengthen interpersonal relationships, special contribution that was made allows of unselfishness that is associated with high
foster coordination and collaboration, and them to capitalize on what they do best. levels of performance.
enhance the efficiency of interactions so that Creating a best-self portrait, or a description
of their strengths and the conditions under #4. RELATIONSHIP & COMMUNITY
performance advantages for individuals and
organizations result. which they add significant value, helps them Building supportive relationships and a
reproduce the circumstances in which their sense of community among coworkers also
Similarly, positive leaders emphasize and
best contributions can be made. enhances positive meaning. Leaders who
build on employees’ strengths (what they do
well) rather than focus on their weaknesses, Using supportive communication—especially highlight and pursue contribution goals
and this emphasis creates an attraction to congruent, descriptive, and problem- as opposed to self-interest goals enable
centered statements—allows leaders to important individual and organizational
provide corrective or negative feedback outcomes such as learning, trust, high-quality
in ways that make the communication connections, and improved performance.
encouraging and helpful, strengthening
rather than weakening the relationship, and SUMMARY
enhancing individual performance. The In sum, while not ignoring or minimizing
performance + relationship negative effects of criticism are avoided problems and obstacles, leaders who
and replaced with a trusting, supportive enable positive deviance focus on
EXCELLENCE relationship. Positive communication, in other engendering that which is elevating and
words, builds on positive energy and positive virtuous in organizations. Because this
regard, which are strongly related to high positive emphasis is contrary to the natural
d on: tendencies of most leaders, specific
levels of effectiveness among individuals
and organizations. strategies have been identified that can
eo ple chie ve

foster human flourishing and unusually

FOSTERING POSITIVE high positive levels of performance. Four

STRENGTHS 4 MEANING IN THE interrelated strategies for positive leaders

have been presented here. These four


to strategies are not comprehensive, of

Empirical evidence suggests that when
course, but they illustrate relatively unique,
people experience positive meaning in their
empirically verified enablers available to all
work—or a sense of calling—performance
GROW SMARTER AT || is elevated and individual well-being

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