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Name: Section: BSBA FM1A


Directions: Read the question presented in Slide 11 and perform what is asked below. Write your answers on
the spaces provided.

1. Provide a brief description of who an Ilustrado was.

The Ilustrado’s constituted the Filipino educated class during the Spanish colonial period in the
late 19th century. Elsewhere in New Spain, the term gente de razóncarried a similar meaning. They were the
middle class who were educated in Spain andexposed to Spanish liberal and European nationalist
ideals. Rizal was able to see theproblems generated by historical forces, discern the new social needs, and
take active partin meeting these needs. He was just a limited Filipino who loved and served the
countrythrough his “ilustrado way.”

2. What did Rizal do in Europe?

Rizal was there to study and, eventually, campaign for reforms. His stay exposed him to
different cultures and practices, good and bad.

3. Were there other Filipinos with the same agenda as he? Justify your statement.

Yes because Rizal was admired for being a good leader. He gained the respect of
his colleagues in the Propaganda Movement like Marcelo H. del Pilar who was
once his tough rival for the leadership of the organization. As a leader, Rizal was
transformational, charismatic, visionary, and most importantly, incorruptible. He
displayed a kind of leadership that was not motivated by personal interest but the
willingness to sacrifice oneself for the good of the majority which he described in
his novels as the national sentiment.

4. Why did these young Filipinos become expatriates?

Despite the propensity to exalt his contribution to the Philippines, one can still see that Rizal was like
anyone else, capable of mistakes and had his own idiosyncrasies, foibles and frivolities. He possessed
strong common traits that clearly defined him as a Filipino. These aspects of his life enabled him to
see and understand the behaviour of the Filipinos when they were in foreign lands. It was this
awareness of his people that made Rizal a human being, an ordinary man. Rizal valued foreign travels
for Filipinos, particularly for the coming generations who, he said, would benefit from the travel
experience. He believed that travel in foreign countries would contribute to the emergence of Filipinos
who would be enlightened, brilliant, intelligent and progressive.
04 Worksheet 2 *Property of STI
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