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15 Dec 2021
a. This paper comprises a possible maximum score of 140 marks. Your actual
score will be computed to percentage (%).

b. Answer all questions.

c. Email your answer to on or before 12 Noon,

Monday 03 Jan 2022.
d. Marks will be deducted for late submission.

NAMA: ________________________________________
NO MATRIK: _______________________________

SECTION 1 (Total 30 marks)

1. When did WWI officially start and end? (2 marks)
2. Name the Two (2) new Elements of Warfare that were first introduced in WWI. (4
3. Two prominent features in LAND BATTLES of WWI were Machine Guns and
_______? (2 marks)
4. In the use of SEA POWER, German U-Boats were an effective weapon used in WWI
sinking more than 5000 ships. When (date) did Germany implement this submarine
warfare? (2 marks)
5. On 28th Oct 1914, a German vessel and a Russian naval vessel engaged in the Straits
of Melacca. Name the 2 ships. (2 marks)
6. Who was one of the earliest advocate of AIR POWER during WWI? (2 marks)

7. General Trenchard was the first RAF (Royal Air Force) Commander. What was the
Role of AIR POWER in General Trenchard’s view? (4 marks)
8. An incident which occurred on 28th June 1914 is said to have started WWI. What was
the incident? (2 marks)
9. When (date) did Britain declare war on Germany in WWI? (2 marks)
10. Britain changed Prime Minister in the middle of WWI. When did this happen and
who was the Prime Minister? (2 marks)
11. When (date) did United States of America declare war on Germany in WWI? (2
12. The end of WWI caused four Empires to collapse. Name the four Empires. (4 marks).

SECTION 2 (Total 50 Marks)

1. WWII occurred from 19__ to 19 __. (2 Marks)

2. Name the two theatres of War in WWII. (4 marks)

3. War began when Nazi Germany invaded Poland. In the Blitzkreig strategy, name the
three (3) elements of warfare used by the Germans. (6 marks)

4. The most famous Air War during WWII was The Battle of Britain. Who were the two
opposing sides of this battle? (2 marks)

5. The German Airforce was called The _______. (2 marks)

6. The RAF used 500 Fighter aircraft and 400 Bomber aircraft in the Battle of Britain.
Name one aircraft of each type used by the RAF. (4 marks)
a) Fighter Aircraft b) Bomber Aircraft

7. General Montgomery (Britain) and General Rommel ( Germany) were adversaries in

the famous land battle called Battle of _____________? (2 marks)

8. Give 2 reasons why the Battle fought by Montgomery and Rommel , were the
turning point of WWII for the Allied forces. (4 marks)

9. In your own words, briefly explain what you understand by D-Day which happened
on 6th June 1944? ( 6 marks).

10. In the Asia Pacific theatre of WWII, Japan attacked six (6) targets simultaneously in
one day on 8th Dec 1941. Name the 6 targets. (10 marks)

11. The Atomic Bomb was used by the USA which resulted in Japanese surrender. Name
the two Japanese cities hit by the Atomic bomb and the time and dates of the hits. (4

12. Who was the American General who officiated the official Japanese surrender? (2

13. Name the place and date when the Japanese signed the declaration of surrender to
the Allied forces. (2 marks)

14. What were the names of the two British Naval ships that were sunk by the Japanese
attack on Malaya.? (2 Marks)

SECTION 3 (Total 60 marks)

1. After Gunpowder Warfare, The period called “Industrial Warfare” occurred from
1854-1945. Describe the 3 Characteristics of Industrial Warfare. (5 marks)

2. From 1945 to present time, we are in a period called “ Modern Warfare”. List down
at least ten (10) wars that has been fought in this period. (5 marks)

3. In the organization of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF), explain in your own words
the difference in Roles and Functions between JPP/AFC (Jemaah Panglima-Panglima/
Armed Forces Council) and the MAB/JFHQ (Markas Angkatan Bersama/ Joint Force
headquarters). (5 Marks)

4. Since the 1st Emergency to this present day, the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) have
gone through 3 phases of development. In your own words, explain these phases of
development. (10 marks)

5. Explain 5 reasons why the Japanese invaded Malaya so easily during WWII? (10

6. Explain in your own words the relationship between MPAJA and the CPM. (5 marks)

7. What were the purpose/objectives of the CPM in Malaya ? (5 Marks)

8. Explain what you understand by “The Baling Talks” ? (5 Marks)

9. Explain What you understand by “The Briggs Plan”? (5 marks)

10. Expalin What you understand by the term “KESBAN”? (5 Marks)

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