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Predictive Maintenance of Solar Vehicles using NLP

and SVM Algorithm

Dr.N Bhoopal1, S. Mani Siddarth Reddy2, N.Jhonson raj3, and M.Vishal14
Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, B V Raju Institute of Technology,
Student,Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, B V Raju Institute of Technology, Narsapur

November 28, 2023

The aim of this study is to develop a predictive maintenance system for solar vehicles using natural language processing
(NLP) and support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. Maintenance logs and sensor data are analyzed using NLP to identify
patterns and anomalies. The SVM algorithm is then used to predict when maintenance is needed to prevent equipment
failure, considering various factors such as weather conditions, driving distance, and battery usage. The proposed system
aims to reduce maintenance costs and prevent breakdowns, ensuring the efficient

operation of solar vehicles. which can significantly reduce carbon emissions and
operating costs. However, like any other vehicle, solar
Introduction vehicles require regular maintenance to ensure optimal
performance and prevent breakdowns.
The use of solar energy has become increasingly
popular due to its environmental and economic Traditional maintenance practices involve scheduling
benefits. Solar vehicles, which run on solar power, have routine maintenance based on manufacturer
the potential to significantly reduce carbon emissions recommendations or relying on driver feedback to
and operating costs. However, like any other vehicle, detect issues. However, these methods can be inefficient
solar vehicles require regular maintenance to ensure and result in unnecessary maintenance or missed
optimal performance and prevent breakdowns. issues. Predictive maintenance, which involves
Predictive maintenance, which involves analyzing data analyzing data to predict when maintenance is needed,
to predict when maintenance is needed, can help reduce can provide a more efficient and effective approach.
maintenance costs and prevent equipment failure. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine
Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques can be used to analyze maintenance
learning techniques can be used to analyze maintenance logs and sensor data to identify patterns and anomalies.
logs and sensor data to identify patterns and anomalies. By analyzing data from various sensors, including
Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm can be used to temperature, voltage, and current, NLP algorithms can
make predictions about when maintenance is needed detect anomalies that may indicate potential issues. By
based on various factors such as weather conditions, analyzing maintenance logs and identifying patterns,
driving distance, and battery usage. NLP algorithms can help identify issues that may not be
immediately apparent to drivers or maintenance
In this study, we aim to develop a predictive personnel.
maintenance system for solar vehicles using NLP and
SVM algorithm. The proposed system will help reduce Support vector machine (SVM) algorithm can be used to
maintenance costs and prevent breakdowns, ensuring make predictions about when maintenance is needed
the efficient operation of solar vehicles. based on various factors such as weather conditions,
driving distance, and battery usage. SVM is a powerful
Solar vehicles are becoming increasingly popular as an machine learning algorithm that can be trained to
environmentally friendly and cost-effective alternative recognize patterns in large datasets. By training the
to traditional fossil-fueled vehicles. Solar vehicles use SVM algorithm on historical data, it can make accurate
energy from the sun to power their electric motors,
1 Corresponding author: Dr.N Bhoopal,

predictions about when maintenance is needed based Choose Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques
on current conditions. for unstructured data processing and Support Vector
The proposed system aims to develop a predictive Machine (SVM) for predictive modeling.
maintenance system for solar vehicles using NLP and 6. Map/Details of Sampling Site or Study Area:
SVM algorithm. By analyzing maintenance logs and Geographical Scope:
Provide details of the geographical area where the solar
B V Raju Institute of Technology

sensor data, the system will identify potential issues vehicles are deployed, including variations in
before they result in equipment failure. By using SVM environmental conditions.
algorithm to make predictions about when maintenance 7. Source of Sample:
is needed, the system will help reduce maintenance Data Origin:
costs and prevent breakdowns, ensuring the efficient Clearly state the source of the data, including the
operation of solar vehicles. specific solar vehicle models and their manufacturers.
8. Ethical Clearance:
Ethical Approval:
Clearly mention if ethical clearance was obtained for
conducting the study, ensuring compliance with ethical
standards in data collection and analysis.
9. NLP and SVM Algorithm Implementation:
Methodology Natural Language Processing (NLP):
Implement NLP techniques to analyze textual data, such
1. Sampling: as maintenance reports and user feedback.
Selection of Solar Vehicles: Support Vector Machine (SVM):
Identify a fleet of solar vehicles for the study, ensuring Train and implement SVM algorithms for predictive
diversity in make, model, and usage patterns. maintenance based on historical data and extracted
Data Collection: features.
Collect historical maintenance records, performance 10. Validation and Testing:
data, and other relevant information from the selected Model Validation:
solar vehicles. Validate the NLP and SVM models using the validation
2. Sample Preparation: set and fine-tune parameters as needed.
Data Cleaning: Testing:
Clean and preprocess the collected data to remove Evaluate the final models on the test set to assess their
inconsistencies, outliers, and missing values. real-world performance.
Feature Engineering: 11. Results Analysis:
Extract relevant features such as solar panel efficiency, Interpretation:
battery health, and historical maintenance intervals. Interpret the results in terms of predictive maintenance
3. Preparation of Control Sample: accuracy and its potential impact on solar vehicle
Control Group Selection: reliability and efficiency.
Define a control group of solar vehicles that will follow Block Diagram:
regular, non-predictive maintenance procedures.
4. Measurement Details:
Performance Metrics:
Identify key performance metrics, such as prediction
accuracy, false positives, and false negatives, to evaluate
the effectiveness of the predictive maintenance model.
Utilize sensors and monitoring equipment to
continuously measure and record vehicle performance
5. Experimental Setup:
Data Splitting:
Split the dataset into training, validation, and test sets
for model development and evaluation.
Algorithm Selection:

Literature Survey to various factors such as weather conditions and
regular wear and tear.
”Predictive Maintenance of Solar Power System based
• Without a reliable maintenance plan in place,
on Support Vector Machine” by Zhang et al. (2017): This
unexpected breakdowns and failures can occur,
paper proposes an SVM-based predictive maintenance
leading to increased downtime and maintenance
model for solar power systems, which uses sensor data
costs. • Traditional maintenance approaches that rely
to detect potential faults and predict the remaining
on scheduled inspections and replacements can be
useful life of the system. The model achieves high
inefficient and costly, as they may not account for
accuracy and can be applied to various types of solar
individual variations in vehicle usage and solar panel
power systems.
”Predictive Maintenance of Solar Vehicles using Machine
Learning Techniques” by Agarwal et al. (2020): This • By leveraging NLP and SVM algorithms, it is possible
paper proposes a machine learning-based approach to to analyze sensor data from solar vehicles and predict
predictive maintenance of solar vehicles, which potential failures before they occur, allowing for
combines various algorithms such as SVM, Random proactive maintenance and reduced downtime.
Forest, and Deep Learning. The authors use sensor data
to predict the remaining useful life of the solar panels • Developing an effective predictive maintenance
and detect potential failures in advance. model for solar vehicles requires addressing several
”Predictive Maintenance of Solar Panel Systems using challenges, including selecting the most relevant
Artificial Intelligence Techniques” by Manikandan et al. sensor data to collect, preprocessing and cleaning the
(2021): This paper proposes an AI-based predictive data, and developing accurate and robust algorithms
maintenance approach for solar panel systems, which that can handle the complexity of the data.
uses data from various sensors to predict the remaining
useful life of the solar panels and detect potential faults.
The authors use various algorithms such as SVM, Objevtives
Artificial Neural Network, and Fuzzy Logic to develop a 1. Enhance the reliability and performance of
robust predictive maintenance model. solarvehicles: The system aims to reduce the risk of
”Predictive Maintenance of Photovoltaic Solar Energy equipment failure by predicting when maintenance
Systems using Support Vector Machine and Artificial is needed. This will ensure the efficient operation of
Neural Network” by Salinas-Bravo et al. (2018): This solar vehicles, and minimize the downtime due to
paper presents an SVM and Artificial Neural unexpected breakdowns.
Networkbased predictive maintenance model for
photovoltaic solar energy systems. The authors use data 2. Reduce maintenance costs: By predicting
from various sensors to detect and classify faults, as maintenance requirements in advance, the system
well as predict the remaining useful life of the system. will enable solar vehicle owners to plan for
The model achieves high accuracy and can be applied to maintenance and avoid costly repairs. This will
various types of solar energy systems. reduce the overall maintenance costs of the solar
”Smart Predictive Maintenance of Solar Vehicles using
Data Analytics and Machine Learning” by Muralidharan 3. Improve safety: Regular maintenance of solar
et al. (2019): This paper proposes a smart predictive vehicles is critical to ensure the safety of drivers and
maintenance approach for solar vehicles, which uses passengers. The predictive maintenance system will
data analytics and machine learning techniques such as help identify potential issues before they become
SVM and Decision Trees to predict potential faults and serious safety concerns, preventing accidents and
detect anomalies in the vehicle’s performance. The injuries.
authors use data from various sensors and develop a
comprehensive maintenance plan to improve the 4. Optimize vehicle lifespan: By providing timely and
reliability and efficiency of the solar vehicle. accurate maintenance predictions, the system will
help owners optimize the performance and lifespan
Problem Statement of their solar vehicles. This will increase the vehicle’s
resale value and reduce the need for premature
• Solar vehicles rely heavily on the performance of
their solar panels, which can degrade over time due
5. Increase customer satisfaction: Solar vehicle owners will benefit from the system’s ability to predict

Minor Project - Micro Document(2023)
B V Raju Institute of Technology REFERENCES

maintenance needs accurately, reducing the pressure range for each road surface to ensure optimal
likelihood of unexpected breakdowns and driving conditions. 4. Stacked bar chart of Traffic Density and
ensuring the vehicle’s smooth operation. This Brake Pad Wear by Road Surface Type: This graph would
will increase customer satisfaction and show the percentage of brake pad wear for each road surface
loyalty. type, stacked on top of the percentage of traffic density for
each road surface type. It could help identify any correlations
between traffic density and brake pad wear on different road
Algorithm surfaces.
As this is a data table, it may be more appropriate to
In the context of solar car maintenance, the SVM present it as a graph or chart to better visualize the trends
algorithm can be used to analyze large amounts of and relationships between the various features. Here are a
sensor data and maintenance logs to predict when few examples of graphs that could be created from this data:
certain components may be at risk of failure. By 1. Line chart of Battery Voltage and Energy Consumption
training the algorithm on historical data and over time: This graph would show the trend of the battery
identifying patterns in the data, the SVM algorithm voltage and energy consumption over the course of the
can learn to make accurate predictions about when recorded dates. This could help identify patterns in energy
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failure. For example, suppose a solar car Efficiency and Ambient Temperature: This graph would
manufacturer collects data on the temperature and show the relationship between solar panel efficiency and
vibration levels of the car’s battery over time. The ambient temperature. It could help identify the optimal
SVM algorithm can be trained on this data to temperature range for the solar panels to operate at
identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate maximum efficiency. 3. Bar chart of Tire Pressure by Road
when the battery is at risk of failure. The algorithm Surface Type: This graph would show the average tire
can then make predictions about when pressure for each type of road surface. It could help identify
maintenance is needed, such as replacing the the best tire pressure range for each road surface to ensure
battery or adjusting the charging schedule, to optimal driving conditions. 4. Stacked bar chart of Traffic
prevent equipment failure. Overall, the SVM Density and Brake Pad Wear by Road Surface Type: This
algorithm can be a valuable tool for solar car graph would show the percentage of brake pad wear for each
maintenance, helping to improve the efficiency of road surface type, stacked on top of the percentage of traffic
maintenance operations, reduce downtime, and density for each road surface type. It could help identify any
lower costs associated with equipment failure. correlations between traffic density and brake pad wear on
different road surfaces.

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Minor Project - Micro Document(2023)

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