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Constitution of India

“Lawand order are the medicine of the body politic

and when it gets sick, medicine must be administered”
- Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
In the year 2015, Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, gave the suggestion to dedicate an exclusive day
to our Constitution. As Indian Constitution was adopted on 26th November 1949, this date was chosen to
honour the Constitution. 26th November is being celebrated as the National Constitution Day since 2015.
And this year we are celebrating constitution day with the theme ‘EKTA HAMARI PEHCHAN’.

In 1938, Jawaharlal Nehru, instead, the Indian National Congress (INC) declared that the free constitution
of India must be formed without external interference. And a meeting took place which was attended by
the representative of all sections of the Indian-Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Parsis, Anglo-Indian communities,
Indian Christians, SCs and STs including women of all denominations. The Constitution of India came into
form on 26th November 1949. A special committee was formed to draft the Constitution that gives a
detailed account of the practices that are deemed lawful and those deemed unlawful and are punishable.
The Constitution was enforced on 26th January 1950. With the enforcement of the Constitution, our country
came to be known as the Republic of India.

On 9th December 1946 first meeting was held in the constitution hall (which is now known as Central Hall
of Parliament House). J. B. Kripalani, Sachchidananda Sinha were made temporary Presidents. After two
days of appointing temporary presidents Rajendra Prasad was appointed as permanent President. After
making President there was a need of a symbol which could represent India free from Britishers. In 1931
congress had adopted a flag with three colours, saffron at the top, white in the middle and green at the
bottom, with a charkha in between. With this idea of adopting new flag for India a committee headed by
Dr. Rajendra Prasad decided to adopt the flag of the Congress as the national flag of India with a few
modifications. Now in the new flag charkha was replaced by Ashoka Chakra. The Flag was holy with the
saffron colour on top representing sacrifice, white representing truth, peace and purity and green signifying
the law of dharma (righteousness).

15th August 1947: Now India gained independence, split into the Dominion of India and Dominion of
Pakistan. The Constitution of India was passed and adopted by the assembly on 26th November 1949. And
on 24th January in the following year the last meeting of the constituent assembly was generated in which
the constituent was signed and accepted with 395 Articles, 8 Schedules and 22 Parts. After one day on 26th
January 1950 the Constitution of India came into force.

To conclude, Indian Constitution is a massive piece of writing which contains a detailed account of the DOs
and DON’Ts for the Indian system (around 100 amendments are made since its working). But, the main
reason behind the creation of the constitution is Unity. Unity in diversity instructs us that although we are
from diverse caste, creed or race, these variations cannot keep us apart and we are eternally united for the
improvement of our nation. It not only performs the nation united and strengthened but it also holds the
belief of co-existence with love, peace, and respect. The constitution represents unity making India
stronger and this indeed becomes our identity.

“It is not easy to write a constitution for a country. Let us thank those who wrote Indian Constitution.”


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