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Date :10/04//2023

To: Content Director

From: Paola Ramos Maysonet
Subject Line: Sandwich Spread Recipe Usability Tests
Action Required: Updated the Instructions to be clearer.

Hello greetings! I am writing to inform all of you of the results of our usability testing for the
Sandwich Spread Recipe, and to give you some reccomendations ask for permission to update
the recipe based on that testing. We were able to tested the Sandwich Spread recipe on
Thursday, the 3th3rd, with three users. The testing experience turned out good. This testing
gave us new information on how to improve the maker experience. Our mission is to provide a
recipe without errors. We have provided a copy that address concernsaddressing concerns and
additional data on making the instructions more information on how to make the instructions
more understandable. We are working to include pictures in the steps section with additional

The users loved how the recipe turned out. They enjoyed doing a recipe from another country.
There were a few changes we have made in the copy linked here. Users would like to see
pictures with messages, including tips onin the steps part that would facilitate the making
making themprocess. Users would selectlike a new part of instructions instructions for usingin
how to use the blender. We also found that we need to be more specific with the measures of
the ingredients. Users stated that the pictures of the end results should be at in the beginning
of the instructions, whichthat would be helpful to the users inusers in how the end result would
like . We noticed that the picture of the ingredients needneeds to be in bigger size that can
facilitate the users .Lastlyusers. Lastly, our team observed that the users were in needed of
cheering, up especially if the spread tasted different from the oneone, we made. We have
made some recommendations to modify the recipe instructions to suit all these
recommendations. Our goal is to be able to do a magnificent set of instructions.

User Observation:

Users found the recipe instructions easy to use. They strongly agreed that the steps were
understandable, the headings bolded and the designs choices such as font, were helpful. The
images at the beginning helped were helpful for showing the exact product. Users noted a few
things as they expressed their thoughts while using the instructions. As they expressed their
thoughts while using the instructions, users noted a few things.
They needed clarification on how to turn on the blender.

On the other hand, the users were having a hard time seeing the products.
Subsequent Changes:
The users ask for a section of instructions oin how to use the blender. They were confused in
how to turn on the blender. The uUsability test provider noticed that the users needed help
were struggling with the measures. The instructions need to be more specific. One user stated
that they would like to see the final product at the beginning of the instructions, not at the end.
The user said that the image can facilitate the work.

Consequential changes by usability test provider:

The tTest provided noticed that the images in the ingredients part were helpful andthat
gaveives the user knowledge about what kind of food they would be using. In the other hand
the users were having a hard time trying to see the products. The uUsability test provider noted
that the users were looking for images in the steps. The users thought that steps with images
images were are helpful. One of the users told us that if we include pictures, it would be like a
guide for them. Users were asking for tips in the spread. The instructions should be more
preciseclearer with pictures and measures.

In conclusion, we have taken the results of our usability testing and use them to update the
Sandwich Spread Recipe. This includes making a new section of instructions for the blender.
Provide more images in the steps and new measures, i. Including a picture of the result at the
beginning to facilitate the user. Provide tips in each section of the recipe and an encouraginge
message. We expect that these changes support the artistic experience of the user; that’s our

We recommend the following changes, reflected in the instructions as soon as possible:

 Add photos to all the six steps.

 Include a picture of the final product at the begging of the instructions not at the
 Add tips trough the instructions (not to long).
 Include a section in how to use the blender.
 Change the size of the images in the ingredients section.
 Rewrite the measures to be clearer.
 Add an encouraging note to the instructions to remember the persons to try their

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