Cottage Industry Registration Certificate

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དཔལ་ལྡན་འབྲུག་གཞུང། བསྟན་རྒྱས་ལྷན་ཁག།

Royal Government of Bhutan

Ministry of Economic Affairs

Cottage Industries Registration Certificate
Registration Certificate No.

Business Name
Blumint Private Limited

Dzongkhag Gewog Village Location

Sarpang Samtenling / Bhur Samtenling(Bhur) Samtenling Bhur
Roadline, Below
ARDC ffi

IT Enabled Services

Classification Subclassification ISIC Code

Services Others 72912

Initial Issuance Date Validity Date

24-11-2023 24-11-2026

CID First Name Middle Name Last Name

11205001712 Rohan Rai

Terms and Conditions:
1. The information furnished herewith are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. In the event of detection of false or misleading
information, I confer herewith the absolute authority to the Ministry of Economic Affairs or it's Authorized Representative to take any action
deemed appropriate including cancellation of Registration Certificate.
2. I have read and understood the Guideline for Registration of Cottage Scale Industries 2021 in full and confirm to abide by it during the
conduct of the business.
3. I shall locate the business as per the Local Government Plan of the respective Dzongkhags / Dungkhags / Thromdes / Gewogs and not locate
the business in the prohibited / restricted areas.
4. In the event my business falls under the restricted/prohibited area, I agree to discontinue the business operation immediately upon
notification of the Royal Government or its representatives. I shall relocate the business at my own cost and the Royal Government shall not
be obliged to compensate any losses incurred thereof.
5. I agree to disclose the scale of business accurately and upgrade to a higher scale of business as deemed necessary. Scan the QR code to check the
6. I agree to comply with all the Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Kingdom of Bhutan authenticity of the document.
7. I agree to register with the Ministry of Finance for tax purposes and file tax.
8. Any trade name registered may be subject to invalidation upon opposition by a competent authority or by the Ministry if found operating
against business order and ethics.

This e-Registration Certificate is equivalent to original certificate

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